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Encyclopedia of Law & Economics – Contents


Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume I. The History and Methodology of Law and Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 1094 p. ISBN 1 85898 984 1
0. General Works, History and Methodology

Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume II. Civil Law and Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 807 p. ISBN 1 85898 985 X
I. Private Property
II. Common Property and Regulation of the Environment
III. Tort Law & Unjust Enrichment

Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume III. The Regulation of Contracts, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 1205 p. ISBN 1 85898 986 8
IV. General Contract Law
V. Regulation of Contracts

Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume IV. The Economics of Public and Tax Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 365 p. ISBN 1 85898 987 6
VI. Tax Law, Social Security and Administrative Law

Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume V. The Economics of Crime and Litigation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 722 p. ISBN 1 85898 988 4
VII. Civil and Criminal Procedure
VIII. Criminal Law, Economics of Crime and Law Enforcement
IX. Production of Legal Rules

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0000 General Works
0000 Introductory Books (bibliography only)
0010 Introductory Articles (bibliography only)
0020 Monographs (bibliography only)
0030 Book Reviews (bibliography only)
0040 Symposia (bibliography only)
0050 Collections of (New) Articles (bibliography only)
0060 Readers (bibliography only)
0070 Bibliographies (bibliography only)
0080 Doctoral or Master's theses (bibliography only)
0100 Organization of Research and Teaching by Claus Ott and Tina Neuling
0200 History of Law & Economics by Ejan Mackaay
0300 Survey of Non-English Publications
0305 Law & Economics in Austria by Wolfgang Weigel
0310 Law & Economics in Belgium by Gerrit De Geest
0315 Law & Economics in Denmark by Henrik Lando
0320 Law & Economics in Finland by Risto Nuolimaa and Pekka Timonen
0325 Law & Economics in France by Lionel Montagné
0330 Law & Economics in Germany by Roland Kirstein
0335 Law & Economics in Greece by Aristides N. Hatzis
0340 Law & Economics in Hungary by András Sajó and Kinga Pétervári
0345 Law & Economics in Italy by Roberto Pardolesi and Giuseppe Bellantuono
0350 Law & Economics in Mexico by Andrès Roemer and José Diego Valadés
0355 Law & Economics in The Netherlands by Rudi W. Holzhauer and Rob Teijl
0360 Law & Economics in Norway by Erling Eide
0365 Law & Economics in Portugal by Miguel Moura e Silva
0370 Law & Economics in Quebec by Frédérick Charette
0375 Law & Economics in Taiwan by Steven S. Kan
0380 Law & Economics in Serbia by Zelkjo Sevic
0385 Law & Economics in Spain by Santos Pastor and Jesœs Pintos
0390 Law & Economics in Sweden by Göran Skogh
0395 Law & Economics in Switzerland (bibliography only)
0400 Methodology: General by Heico Kerkmeester
0500 Schools and Approaches
0500 Schools: General by Ejan MacKaay
0510 Austrian School (bibliography only)
0520 Institutional Law & Economics by Steven G. Medema, Nicholas Mercuro and Warren J. Samuels
0530 New Institutional Economics by Peter G. Klein
0540 Property Rights Approach (bibliography only)
0550 Game Theory Applied to Law (bibliography only)
0560 Comparative Law & Economics by Ugo A. Mattei, Luisa Antoniolli and Andrea Rossato
0570 Experimental Law & Economics by Richard H. McAdams
0580 Law & Economics of Development by Edgardo Buscaglia
0600 Law & Economics versus Related Disciplines
0610 Public Choice, Constitutional Political Economy, and Law & Economics by Ludwig Van den Hauwe
0620 Law and Macroeconomics by Richard L. Gordon
0630 Other Sociological Approaches by Ian R. Macneil
0640 The Law and Economics of Antropology by Robert Cooter
0650 New Economic History and Law & Economics by Alexander J. Field
0660 Critical Legal Studies by Wayne Eastman
0700 Fundamental Concepts
0710 Rational Choice Theory in Law & Economics by Thomas S. Ulen
0720 The Endowment Effect by Christopher Curran
0730 The Coase Theorem by Steven G. Medema and Richard O. Zerbe Jr.
0740 Transaction Costs by Douglas W. Allen
0750 Public Goods & Club Goods by Patrick McNutt
0760 Network Externalities by William H. Page and John E. Lopatka
0770 Path Dependence by Stan J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis
0780 Non-Legal Sanctions by Stephan Panther
0790 Legal Error by Warren F. Schwartz
0800 Norms and Values In Law & Economics by Denis J. Brion
0900 General Structure of the Law by Donald Wittman

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1100 Original Assignment of Private Property by Boudewijn Bouckaert
1200 Adverse Posession -Title Systems by Boudewijn Bouckaert and Ben W.F. Depoorter
1300 Decomposition of Property Rights by Jeffrey Evans Stake
1400 Co-Ownership and Condominium by Marshall E. Tracht
1500 Security Interests, Creditors' Priorities and Bankruptcy by James W. Bowers
1600 Intellectual Property
1600 Intellectual Property: General Theories by Peter S. Menell
1610 Copyright by Wendy J. Gordon and Robert G. Bone
1620 Patent Law (bibliography only)
1700 Human Rights & Property: Free Speech, Privacy, Prohibition of Slavery (bibliography only)
1800 Parent and Child by Margaret F. Brinig
1900 New Forms of Private Property
1910 New Forms of Private Property: Property Rights in Environmental Goods by Daniel H. Cole
1920 Property Rights in Price and Quote Information by Ruben Lee

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2000 Private and Common Property Rights by Elinor Ostrom
2100 Nuisance by Timothy Swanson and Andreas Kontoleon
2200 Zoning and Land Use Regulation by William A. Fischel
2300 Environmental Regulation by Michael G. Faure
2400 Mandatory Insurance: Transaction Costs Analysis of Insurance by Göran Skogh
2500 Pollution Tax by Britt Groosman

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3000 Tort Law: General by Hans-Bernd Schäfer
3100 Strict Liability v. Negligence by Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Andreas Schönenberger
3200 Joint Tortfeasors by Lewis A. Kornhauser and Richard L. Revesz
3300 Causation and Foreseeability by Omri Ben-Shahar
3400 Vicarious & Corporate Civil Liability by Reinier H. Kraakman
3500 Tort Damages by Jennifer Arlen
3600 No-Fault Compensation Systems by R. Ian McEwin
3700 Punitive Damages by A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell
3800 Property Rules vs. Liability Rules by Michael I. Krauss
3900 Unjust Enrichment & Quasi-Contracts by Christopher T. Wonnell

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4000 Contract Law: General Theories by Richard Craswell
4100 Contractual Choice by Scott E. Masten
4200 Long-Term Contracts & Relational Contracts by Morten Hviid
4300 Contract Formation (bibliography only)
4400 Implied Terms and Interpretation in Contract Law by George M. Cohen
4500 Unforeseen Contingencies. Risk Allocation in Contracts by George G. Triantis
4600 Remedies
4600 Contract Remedies: General by Paul G. Mahoney
4610 Penalty Clauses and Liquidated Damages by Gerrit De Geest and Filip Wuyts
4620 Contact Remedies: Foreseeability, Precaution, Causation and Mitigation by Eric A. Posner
4700 Warranties by Klaus Wehrt
4800 Rights and Obligations of Third Parties by Aristides N. Hatzis

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5000 General Theories of Regulation by Johan den Hertog
5100 Consumer Protection Regulation
5110 Information Regulation (incl. Regulation of Advertising) by Paul H. Rubin
5120 Licensing, Market Entry Regulation by Shirley Svorny
5130 Product Safety Regulation by Alessandra Arcuri
5140 Products Liability by Mark Geistfeld
5200 Price Regulation: A (Non Technical)Overview by Janet S. Netz
5300 Antitrust Law by Patrick Van Cayseele and Roger Van den Bergh
5400 Regulation of Natural Monopoly by Ben W.F. Depoorter
5500 Labor Law & Employment Regulation
5500 Labor Law & Employment Regulation: General (bibliography only)
5510 Labor Contracts by Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
5520 Minimum Wage Legislation by Simon Deakin and Frank Wilkinson
5530 Employment Discrimination by Stewart J. Schwab
5540 Occupational Safety and Health Regulation by Sidney A. Shapiro
5550 Collective Bargaining and Worker Participation (bibliography only)
5600 Corporate Law
5610 The Theory of the Firm by Nicolai J. Foss, Henrik Lando and Steen Thomsen
5620 Limited Liability by William J. Carney
5630 The Separation of Ownership and Control by Stephen G. Marks
5640 The Market for Corporate Control (incl. Takeovers) by George Bittlingmayer
5650 Insider Trading by Stephen M. Bainbridge
5660 Regulation of the Securities Market by Edmund W. Kitch
5700 Insurance Regulation by Seth J. Chandler
5800 Other Contracts & Sectors
5810 Marriage Contracts by Anthony W. Dnes
5820 Sexual Regulation (bibliography only)
5830 Gifts, Wills and Inheritance Law by Pierre Pestieau
5840 Renting by Werner Z. Hirsch
5850 Regulation of Banking and Financial Markets by Dirk Heremans
5860 Regulation of the Legal Profession by Frank H. Stephen and James H. Love
5870 The Regulation of Medical Professions by Reed Neil Olsen
5880 The Pharmaceutical Industry by Patricia M. Danzon
5890 Franchise contracts by Antony W. Dnes
5900 Transportation (bibliography only)
5910 International Trade by Alan O. Sykes
5920 Land and Livestock Contracting in Agriculture: A Principal-Agent Perspective by Charles R. Knoeber
5930 Telecommunications (bibliography only)
5940 Public Utilities by Rick Geddes

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6000 Tax Law
6000 Optimal Taxation: General (bibliography only)
6010 Taxation: Macro Aspects by Jef Vuchelen
6020 Tax Evasion and Tax Compliance by Luigi Alberto Franzoni
6030 Property Taxes by David L. Cameron
6040 Consumption Tax, Value Added Tax, Excise Tax & Sales Tax
6050 Personal Income Taxation by Yoshihiro Masui and Minoru Nakazato
6060 Corporate Taxation by Charlotte Crane
6070 Inheritance & Gift Taxation by Paul B. Stephan
6080 International Taxation by Timothy J. Goodspeed and Ann Dryden Witte
6100 Social Security
6110 Optimal Techniques of Redistribution by Christopher Curran
6120 Pensions by Koen Algoed and Frans Spinnewyn
6200 Takings by Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
6300 Administrative Law (bibliography only)
6300 Administrative Law

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7000 Civil Procedure: General by Bruce H. Kobayashi and Jeffrey S. Parker
7100 Judicial Organization & Administration by Lewis A. Kornhauser
7200 Appeal & Supreme Courts by Lewis A. Kornhauser
7300 Indemnity of Legal Fees by Avery Wiener Katz
7400 Settlement by Andrew F. Daughety
7500 Arbitration by Bruce L. Benson
7600 Class Actions - Representative Proceedings by Charles Silver
7700 Criminal Procedure by Peter Lewisch
7800 Bankruptcy Proceedings by Francisco Cabrillo and Ben W.F. Depoorter
7900 Evidence by Jeffrey S. Parker and Bruce H. Kobayashi

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8000 Public Enforcement of Law by A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell
8100 Economics of Criminal Behavior (incl. Compliance) by Erling Eide
8200 Alternative Sanctions. Cruel Sanctions (bibliography only)
8300 The Economics of Prisons by Kenneth L. Avio
8400 Organized Crime and Illegal Markets by Gianluca Fiorentini
8500 Corruption by Roger Bowles
8600 Corporate Criminal Liability by John R. Lott, Jr.

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9000 General Characteristics of Rules by Louis Kaplow
9100 Constitutional Law by Stefan Voigt
9200 Judge-Made Law by Paul H. Rubin
9300 Production of Legal Rules by Agencies and Bureaucracies by Georg von Wangenheim
9400 Self-Regulation by Anthony Ogus
9500 Spontaneous Emergence of Law: Customary Law by Francesco Parisi
9600 Conflict of Laws and Choice of Law by Erin Ann O'Hara and Larry E. Ribstein
9700 Federalism by Robert P. Inman and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
9800 International Organization by Alexander Thompson and Duncan Snidal

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