- Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume I. The History and Methodology of Law and Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 1094 p. ISBN 1 85898 984 1
- 0. General Works, History and Methodology
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume II. Civil Law and Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 807 p. ISBN 1 85898 985 X
- I. Private Property
- II. Common Property and Regulation of the Environment
- III. Tort Law & Unjust Enrichment
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume III. The Regulation of Contracts, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 1205 p. ISBN 1 85898 986 8
- IV. General Contract Law
- V. Regulation of Contracts
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume IV. The Economics of Public and Tax Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 365 p. ISBN 1 85898 987 6
- VI. Tax Law, Social Security and Administrative Law
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Volume V. The Economics of Crime and Litigation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 722 p. ISBN 1 85898 988 4
- VII. Civil and Criminal Procedure
- VIII. Criminal Law, Economics of Crime and Law Enforcement
- IX. Production of Legal Rules
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- 0000 General Works
- 0000 Introductory Books (bibliography only)
- 0010 Introductory Articles (bibliography only)
- 0020 Monographs (bibliography only)
- 0030 Book Reviews (bibliography only)
- 0040 Symposia (bibliography only)
- 0050 Collections of (New) Articles (bibliography only)
- 0060 Readers (bibliography only)
- 0070 Bibliographies (bibliography only)
- 0080 Doctoral or Master's theses (bibliography only)
- 0100 Organization of Research and Teaching by Claus Ott and Tina Neuling
- 0200 History of Law & Economics by Ejan Mackaay
- 0300 Survey of Non-English Publications
- 0305 Law & Economics in Austria by Wolfgang Weigel
- 0310 Law & Economics in Belgium by Gerrit De Geest
- 0315 Law & Economics in Denmark by Henrik Lando
- 0320 Law & Economics in Finland by Risto Nuolimaa and Pekka Timonen
- 0325 Law & Economics in France by Lionel Montagné
- 0330 Law & Economics in Germany by Roland Kirstein
- 0335 Law & Economics in Greece by Aristides N. Hatzis
- 0340 Law & Economics in Hungary by András Sajó and Kinga Pétervári
- 0345 Law & Economics in Italy by Roberto Pardolesi and Giuseppe Bellantuono
- 0350 Law & Economics in Mexico by Andrès Roemer and José Diego Valadés
- 0355 Law & Economics in The Netherlands by Rudi W. Holzhauer and Rob Teijl
- 0360 Law & Economics in Norway by Erling Eide
- 0365 Law & Economics in Portugal by Miguel Moura e Silva
- 0370 Law & Economics in Quebec by Frédérick Charette
- 0375 Law & Economics in Taiwan by Steven S. Kan
- 0380 Law & Economics in Serbia by Zelkjo Sevic
- 0385 Law & Economics in Spain by Santos Pastor and Jesœs Pintos
- 0390 Law & Economics in Sweden by Göran Skogh
- 0395 Law & Economics in Switzerland (bibliography only)
- 0400 Methodology: General by Heico Kerkmeester
- 0500 Schools and Approaches
- 0500 Schools: General by Ejan MacKaay
- 0510 Austrian School (bibliography only)
- 0520 Institutional Law & Economics by Steven G. Medema, Nicholas Mercuro and Warren J. Samuels
- 0530 New Institutional Economics by Peter G. Klein
- 0540 Property Rights Approach (bibliography only)
- 0550 Game Theory Applied to Law (bibliography only)
- 0560 Comparative Law & Economics by Ugo A. Mattei, Luisa Antoniolli and Andrea Rossato
- 0570 Experimental Law & Economics by Richard H. McAdams
- 0580 Law & Economics of Development by Edgardo Buscaglia
- 0600 Law & Economics versus Related Disciplines
- 0610 Public Choice, Constitutional Political Economy, and Law & Economics by Ludwig Van den Hauwe
- 0620 Law and Macroeconomics by Richard L. Gordon
- 0630 Other Sociological Approaches by Ian R. Macneil
- 0640 The Law and Economics of Antropology by Robert Cooter
- 0650 New Economic History and Law & Economics by Alexander J. Field
- 0660 Critical Legal Studies by Wayne Eastman
- 0700 Fundamental Concepts
- 0710 Rational Choice Theory in Law & Economics by Thomas S. Ulen
- 0720 The Endowment Effect by Christopher Curran
- 0730 The Coase Theorem by Steven G. Medema and Richard O. Zerbe Jr.
- 0740 Transaction Costs by Douglas W. Allen
- 0750 Public Goods & Club Goods by Patrick McNutt
- 0760 Network Externalities by William H. Page and John E. Lopatka
- 0770 Path Dependence by Stan J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis
- 0780 Non-Legal Sanctions by Stephan Panther
- 0790 Legal Error by Warren F. Schwartz
- 0800 Norms and Values In Law & Economics by Denis J. Brion
- 0900 General Structure of the Law by Donald Wittman
- 1100 Original Assignment of Private Property by Boudewijn Bouckaert
- 1200 Adverse Posession -Title Systems by Boudewijn Bouckaert and Ben W.F. Depoorter
- 1300 Decomposition of Property Rights by Jeffrey Evans Stake
- 1400 Co-Ownership and Condominium by Marshall E. Tracht
- 1500 Security Interests, Creditors' Priorities and Bankruptcy by James W. Bowers
- 1600 Intellectual Property
- 1600 Intellectual Property: General Theories by Peter S. Menell
- 1610 Copyright by Wendy J. Gordon and Robert G. Bone
- 1620 Patent Law (bibliography only)
- 1700 Human Rights & Property: Free Speech, Privacy, Prohibition of Slavery (bibliography only)
- 1800 Parent and Child by Margaret F. Brinig
- 1900 New Forms of Private Property
- 1910 New Forms of Private Property: Property Rights in Environmental Goods by Daniel H. Cole
- 1920 Property Rights in Price and Quote Information by Ruben Lee
- 2000 Private and Common Property Rights by Elinor Ostrom
- 2100 Nuisance by Timothy Swanson and Andreas Kontoleon
- 2200 Zoning and Land Use Regulation by William A. Fischel
- 2300 Environmental Regulation by Michael G. Faure
- 2400 Mandatory Insurance: Transaction Costs Analysis of Insurance by Göran Skogh
- 2500 Pollution Tax by Britt Groosman
- 3000 Tort Law: General by Hans-Bernd Schäfer
- 3100 Strict Liability v. Negligence by Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Andreas Schönenberger
- 3200 Joint Tortfeasors by Lewis A. Kornhauser and Richard L. Revesz
- 3300 Causation and Foreseeability by Omri Ben-Shahar
- 3400 Vicarious & Corporate Civil Liability by Reinier H. Kraakman
- 3500 Tort Damages by Jennifer Arlen
- 3600 No-Fault Compensation Systems by R. Ian McEwin
- 3700 Punitive Damages by A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell
- 3800 Property Rules vs. Liability Rules by Michael I. Krauss
- 3900 Unjust Enrichment & Quasi-Contracts by Christopher T. Wonnell
- 4000 Contract Law: General Theories by Richard Craswell
- 4100 Contractual Choice by Scott E. Masten
- 4200 Long-Term Contracts & Relational Contracts by Morten Hviid
- 4300 Contract Formation (bibliography only)
- 4400 Implied Terms and Interpretation in Contract Law by George M. Cohen
- 4500 Unforeseen Contingencies. Risk Allocation in Contracts by George G. Triantis
- 4600 Remedies
- 4600 Contract Remedies: General by Paul G. Mahoney
- 4610 Penalty Clauses and Liquidated Damages by Gerrit De Geest and Filip Wuyts
- 4620 Contact Remedies: Foreseeability, Precaution, Causation and Mitigation by Eric A. Posner
- 4700 Warranties by Klaus Wehrt
- 4800 Rights and Obligations of Third Parties by Aristides N. Hatzis
- 5000 General Theories of Regulation by Johan den Hertog
- 5100 Consumer Protection Regulation
- 5110 Information Regulation (incl. Regulation of Advertising) by Paul H. Rubin
- 5120 Licensing, Market Entry Regulation by Shirley Svorny
- 5130 Product Safety Regulation by Alessandra Arcuri
- 5140 Products Liability by Mark Geistfeld
- 5200 Price Regulation: A (Non Technical)Overview by Janet S. Netz
- 5300 Antitrust Law by Patrick Van Cayseele and Roger Van den Bergh
- 5400 Regulation of Natural Monopoly by Ben W.F. Depoorter
- 5500 Labor Law & Employment Regulation
- 5500 Labor Law & Employment Regulation: General (bibliography only)
- 5510 Labor Contracts by Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
- 5520 Minimum Wage Legislation by Simon Deakin and Frank Wilkinson
- 5530 Employment Discrimination by Stewart J. Schwab
- 5540 Occupational Safety and Health Regulation by Sidney A. Shapiro
- 5550 Collective Bargaining and Worker Participation (bibliography only)
- 5600 Corporate Law
- 5610 The Theory of the Firm by Nicolai J. Foss, Henrik Lando and Steen Thomsen
- 5620 Limited Liability by William J. Carney
- 5630 The Separation of Ownership and Control by Stephen G. Marks
- 5640 The Market for Corporate Control (incl. Takeovers) by George Bittlingmayer
- 5650 Insider Trading by Stephen M. Bainbridge
- 5660 Regulation of the Securities Market by Edmund W. Kitch
- 5700 Insurance Regulation by Seth J. Chandler
- 5800 Other Contracts & Sectors
- 5810 Marriage Contracts by Anthony W. Dnes
- 5820 Sexual Regulation (bibliography only)
- 5830 Gifts, Wills and Inheritance Law by Pierre Pestieau
- 5840 Renting by Werner Z. Hirsch
- 5850 Regulation of Banking and Financial Markets by Dirk Heremans
- 5860 Regulation of the Legal Profession by Frank H. Stephen and James H. Love
- 5870 The Regulation of Medical Professions by Reed Neil Olsen
- 5880 The Pharmaceutical Industry by Patricia M. Danzon
- 5890 Franchise contracts by Antony W. Dnes
- 5900 Transportation (bibliography only)
- 5910 International Trade by Alan O. Sykes
- 5920 Land and Livestock Contracting in Agriculture: A Principal-Agent Perspective by Charles R. Knoeber
- 5930 Telecommunications (bibliography only)
- 5940 Public Utilities by Rick Geddes
- 6000 Tax Law
- 6000 Optimal Taxation: General (bibliography only)
- 6010 Taxation: Macro Aspects by Jef Vuchelen
- 6020 Tax Evasion and Tax Compliance by Luigi Alberto Franzoni
- 6030 Property Taxes by David L. Cameron
- 6040 Consumption Tax, Value Added Tax, Excise Tax & Sales Tax
- 6050 Personal Income Taxation by Yoshihiro Masui and Minoru Nakazato
- 6060 Corporate Taxation by Charlotte Crane
- 6070 Inheritance & Gift Taxation by Paul B. Stephan
- 6080 International Taxation by Timothy J. Goodspeed and Ann Dryden Witte
- 6100 Social Security
- 6110 Optimal Techniques of Redistribution by Christopher Curran
- 6120 Pensions by Koen Algoed and Frans Spinnewyn
- 6200 Takings by Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
- 6300 Administrative Law (bibliography only)
- 6300 Administrative Law
- 7000 Civil Procedure: General by Bruce H. Kobayashi and Jeffrey S. Parker
- 7100 Judicial Organization & Administration by Lewis A. Kornhauser
- 7200 Appeal & Supreme Courts by Lewis A. Kornhauser
- 7300 Indemnity of Legal Fees by Avery Wiener Katz
- 7400 Settlement by Andrew F. Daughety
- 7500 Arbitration by Bruce L. Benson
- 7600 Class Actions - Representative Proceedings by Charles Silver
- 7700 Criminal Procedure by Peter Lewisch
- 7800 Bankruptcy Proceedings by Francisco Cabrillo and Ben W.F. Depoorter
- 7900 Evidence by Jeffrey S. Parker and Bruce H. Kobayashi
- 8000 Public Enforcement of Law by A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell
- 8100 Economics of Criminal Behavior (incl. Compliance) by Erling Eide
- 8200 Alternative Sanctions. Cruel Sanctions (bibliography only)
- 8300 The Economics of Prisons by Kenneth L. Avio
- 8400 Organized Crime and Illegal Markets by Gianluca Fiorentini
- 8500 Corruption by Roger Bowles
- 8600 Corporate Criminal Liability by John R. Lott, Jr.
- 9000 General Characteristics of Rules by Louis Kaplow
- 9100 Constitutional Law by Stefan Voigt
- 9200 Judge-Made Law by Paul H. Rubin
- 9300 Production of Legal Rules by Agencies and Bureaucracies by Georg von Wangenheim
- 9400 Self-Regulation by Anthony Ogus
- 9500 Spontaneous Emergence of Law: Customary Law by Francesco Parisi
- 9600 Conflict of Laws and Choice of Law by Erin Ann O'Hara and Larry E. Ribstein
- 9700 Federalism by Robert P. Inman and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
- 9800 International Organization by Alexander Thompson and Duncan Snidal