Current Reviews
- (0200) History of Law and Economics by Ejan Mackaay
- (0305) Law and Economics in Austria by Wolfgang Weigel
- (0315) Law and Economics in Denmark by Henrik Lando
- (0325) Law and Economics in France by Lionel Montagné
- (0330) Law and Economics in Germany by Roland Kirstein
- (0345) Law and Economics in Italy by Roberto Pardolesi and Giuseppe Bellantuono
- (0360) Law and Economics in Norway by Erling Eide
- (0365) Law and Economics in Portugal by Miguel Moura e Silva
- (0370) Law and Economics in Quebec by Frédérick Charette
- (0375) Law and Economics in Taiwan by Steven S. Kan
- (0380) Law and Economics in Serbia by Zelkjo Sevic
- (0385) Law and Economics in Spain by Santos Pastor and Jesús Pintos
- (0390) Law and Economics in Sweden by Göran Skogh
- (0500) Schools : General by Ejan MacKaay
- (0520) Institutional Law and Economics by Steven G. Medema, Nicholas Mercuro and Warren J. Samuels
- (0530) New Institutional Economics by Peter G. Klein
- (0560) Comparative Law and Economics by Ugo A. Mattei, Luisa Antoniolli and Andrea Rossato
- (0570) Experimental Law and Economics by Richard H. McAdams
- (0580) Law and Economics of Development by Edgardo Buscaglia
- (0610) Public Choice, Constitutional Political Economy, and Law and Economics by Ludwig Van den Hauwe
- (0620) Law and Macroeconomics by Richard L. Gordon
- (0630) Other Sociological Approaches and Law and Economics by Ian R. Macneil
- (0640) Antropology and Law and Economics by Robert Cooter
- (0650) New Economic History and Law and Economics by Alexander J. Field
- (0660) Critical Legal Studies by Wayne Eastman
- (0720) The Endowment Effect by Christopher Curran
- (0730) The Coase Theorem by Steven G. Medema and Richard O. Zerbe Jr.
- (0740) Transaction Costs by Douglas W. Allen
- (0750) Public Goods and Club Goods by Patrick McNutt
- (0760) Network Externalities by William H. Page and John E. Lopatka
- (0770) Path Dependence by Stan J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis
- (0780) Non-legal Sanctions by Stephan Panther
- (0790) Legal Error by Warren F. Schwartz
- (1500) Security Interests, Creditor Priorities, and Bankruptcy by JamesW. Bowers
- (1800) Parent and Child by Margaret F. Brinig
- (2000) Private and Common Property Rights by Elinor Ostrom
- (2200) Zoning and Land Use Regulation by William A. Fischel
- (3300) Caution and Foreseeability by Omri Ben-Shahar
- (3400) Vicarious and Corporate Civil Liability by Reinier H. Kraakman
- (3500) Tort Damages by Jennifer Arlen
- (4000) Contract Law: General Theories by Richard Craswell
- (4400) Implied Terms and Interpretation in Contract Law by George M. Cohen
- (4600) Contract Remedies: General by Paul G. Mahoney
- (4620) Contract Remedies: Forseeability, Precaution, Causation, and Mitigation by Eric A. Posner
- (5110) Information Regulation (incl. Regulation of Advertising) by Paul H.Rubin
- (5120) Licensing. Market Entry Regulation by Shirley Svorny
- (5140) Products Liability by Mark Geistfeld
- (5540) Occupational Safety and Health Regulation by Sidney A. Shapiro
- (5620) Limited Liability by William J. Carney
- (5650) Insider Trading by Stephen M. Bainbridge
- (5700) Insurance Regulation by Seth J. Chandler
- (5840) Renting by Werner Z. Hirsch
- (5910) International Trade by Alan O. Sykes
- (5920) Agricultural Contracts by Charles R. Knoeber
- (5940) Public Utilities by Rick Geddes
- (6020) Tax Evasion And Tax Compliance by Luigi Alberto Franzoni
- (6110) Optimal Techniques of Redistribution by Christopher Curran
- (6200) Takings by Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
- (7000) Civil Procedure: General by Bruce H. Kobayashi and Jeffrey S. Parker
- (7100) Judicial Organisation and Administration by Lewis A. Kornhauser
- (7300) Indemnity of Legal Fees by Avery Wiener Katz
- (7400) Settlement by Andrew F. Daughety
- (7500) Arbitration by Bruce L. Benson
- (8100) Economics of Criminal Behavior by Erling Eide
- (9000) General Characteristics of Rules by Louis Kaplow
- (9200) Judge Made Law by Paul H. Rubin
- (9400) Self-Regulation by Anthony Ogus