Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 9700 Economics of Federalism
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- Easterbrook, Frank H. (1994), 'Federalism and European Business Law', 14 International Review of Law and Economics , 125-132.
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- Grofman, Bernard and Wittman, Donald A. (eds.) (1989), The Federalist Papers: The New Institutionalism and the Old , Agathon Press.
- Hertig, Gerard (1994), 'Imperfect Mutual Recognition for EC Financial Services', 14 International Review of Law and Economics , 177-186.
- Inman, Robert P. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1994), 'The EMU and Fiscal Policy in the New European Community: An Issue for Economic Federalism', 14 International Review of Law and Economics , 147-161.
- Kirchner, Christian (1997), 'Competence Catalogues and the Principle of Subsidiarity in a European Constitution', 8 (1) Constitutional Political Economy , 71-87.
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- Ribstein, Larry E. (1992), 'Efficiency, Regulation and Competition: A Comment on Easterbrook & Fischel', 87 Northwestern University Law Review , 254 ff.
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- Ribstein, Larry E. and Kobayashi, Bruce H. (1995), 'Uniform Laws, Model Laws and Limited Liability Companies', 66 University of Colorado Law Review , 947-999.
- Ribstein, Larry E. and Kobayashi, Bruce H. (1996), 'An Economic Analysis of Uniform State Laws', 25 Journal of Legal Studies , 131-199.
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1980), 'Risk-Taking and Reelection: Does Federalism Promote Innovation?', 89 Journal of Legal Studies .
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1980), 'Risktaking and Reelection: Does Federalism Promote Innovation?', 89 Journal of Legal Studies , 593-616.
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1981), 'Does Federalism Matter?: Political Choice in A Federal Republic', 89 Journal of Political Economy , 152-165.
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1981), 'Does Federalism Matter: Political Choice in a Federal Republic', 89 Journal of Political Economy , 347 ff.
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1994), 'Environmental Policy and Federal Structure: A Comparison of the United States and Germany (A shorter version in Spanish has been published)', 47 Vanderbilt Law Review , 1587-1622.
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan and Jerry Mashaw (1984), 'Federalism and Regulation', in Eads, G. and Fix, M. (eds.), The Reagan Regulatory Strategy: An Assessment , Urban Institute Press, 111-152.
- Shaviro, Daniel N. (1992), 'An Economic and Political Look at Federalism in Taxation,', 90 Michigan Law Review , 895-991.
- Shaviro, Daniel N. (1993), Federalism in Taxation: The Case for Greater Uniformity , Washington, AEI Press.
- Turnbull, Shann (1979), 'Beyond federalism: self-financed local government', 17(1) Royal Australian Planning Institute Journal (RAPIJ) , 85-87.
- Ulen, Thomas S. (1996), The Comparative Law and Economics of Federalism , Paper Presented at the Comparative Law and Economics Meeting in Siena, Italy May 13-14.
- Vaillancourt, Franois (1991), Rponses aux questions poses par la Commission sur l'avenir politique et constitutionnel du Qubec (Answers to the Questions Asked by the Commission on the Political and Constitutional Future of Quebec) , Commission sur l'avenir politique et constitutionnel du Qubec (Commission Blanger-Campeau), Les avis des spcialistes invits rpondre aux huit questions par la Commission (Commission Blanger-Campeau).
- Weingast, Barry R. (1995), 'The Economic Role of Political Institutions: Market Preserving Federalism and Economic Development', 11 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 1-31.
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- Wils, Wouter P.J. (1993), 'The Search for the Rule in Article 30 EEC: Much Ado About Nothing?', 18 European Law Review , 475-492.
- Wils, Wouter P.J. (1994), 'Subsidiarity and EC Environmental Policy: Taking People's Concerns Seriously', 6 Journal of Environmental Law , 81-91.
- Wittman, Donald A. (1991), 'Nations and States: Mergers and Acquisitions; Dissolutions and Divorce', 81 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 126-129.
- Wittman, Donald A. (1995), The Myth of Democratic Failure: Why political Institutions are Efficient , Chicago, University of Chicago Press.