Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 7600 Class Actions. Representative Proceedings
- Bernstein, Roger (1978), 'Judicial Economy and Class Actions', 7 Journal of Legal Studies , 349-370.
- Brunt, Maureen and Fels, Alan (1982), 'Economics of Class Actions: A Research Design', in Cranston, Ross and Schick, Anne (eds.), Law and Economics , Canberra, Australian National University, 1-9.
- Buckley, Colin Hugh (1985), 'Note: A Suggested Remedy for Toxic Injury: Class Actions, Epidemiology, and Economic Efficiency', 26 William & Mary Law Review , 497 ff.
- Coffee, John C., Jr. (1986), 'Understanding the Plaintiff's Attorney: the Implications of Economic Theory for Private Enforcement of Law through Class and Derivative Actions', 86 Columbia Law Review , 669-727.
- Coffee, John C., Jr. (1987), 'The Regulation of Entrepreneurial Litigation: Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in the Large Class Action', 54 University of Chicago Law Review , 877-937.
- Dam, Kenneth W. (1975), 'Class Actions: Efficiency, Compensation, Deterrence, and Conflict of Interest', 4 Journal of Legal Studies , 47-73.
- Dewees, Donald N., Prichard, J. Robert S. and Trebilcock, Michael J. (1981), 'An Economic Analysis of Cost and Fee Rules for Class Actions,', 10 Journal of Legal Studies , 155-185.
- George, Edward I. and Wecker, William E. (1985), 'Estimating Damages in a Class Action Litigation', 3 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics , 132-139.
- Goldberg, Michael J. (1988), 'The Propensity to Sue and the Duty of Fair Representation: A Second Point of View [Tactical Use of the Union's Duty of Fair Representation: An Empirical Analysis]', 41 Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 456-461.
- Hartman, Raymond S. and Doane, Michael J. (1987), 'The Use of Hedonic Analysis for Certification and Damage Calculations in Class Action Complaints', 3 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 351-372.
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- Jensen, Michael C., Meckling, William H. and Holderness, Clifford G. (1986), 'Analysis of Alternative Standing Doctrines', 6 International Review of Law and Economics , 205-216.
- Knight, Thomas R. (1988), 'The Propensity to Sue and the Duty of Fair Representation: Reply', 41 Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 461-464.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1983), 'Control of Conflicts-of- Interests in Class Action Suits', 41 Public Choice , 145 ff.
- Kraakman, Reinier H., Park Hyun and Shavell Steven (1994), 'When Are Shareholder Suits in Shareholders' Interests?', 82 Georgetown Law Journal , 1733-1775.
- Lynk, William J. (1990), 'The Courts and the Market: An Economic Analysis of Contingent Fees in Class-Action Litigation', 19 Journal of Legal Studies , 247-260.
- Lynk, William J. (1994), 'The Courts and the Plaintiffs' Bar: Awarding the Attorney's Fee in Class Action Litigation', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 185-209.
- Macey, Jonathan R. and Miller, Geoffrey P. (1991), 'The Plaintiffs' Attorney's Role in Class Action and Derivative Litigation: Economic Analysis and Recommendations', 58 University of Chicago Law Review , 1-118.
- Marshall, Robert C., Meurer, Michael J. and Richard, Jean Francois (1994), 'Multiple Litigants with a Public Good Remedy', 16 Research in Law and Economics , 151-173.
- McGovern, Francis E. (1989), 'Resolving Mature Mass Tort Litigation', 69 Boston University Law Review , 659-694.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1995), 'Overlapping Class Actions', New York University Law Review .
- Miller, Geoffrey P. and Macey, Jonathan R. (1991), 'The Plaintiffs' Attorney's Role in Class Action and Derivative Litigation: Economic Analysis and Recommendations for Reform,', 58 University of Chicago Law Review , 1 ff.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. and Macey, Jonathan R. (1992), 'Auctioning Class Action and Derivative Suits: A Rejoinder,', 87 Northwestern Law Review , 701 ff.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. and Macey, Jonathan R. (1995), 'A Market Approach To Tort Reform Via Rule 23,', 80 Cornell Law Review , 909 ff.
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell and Shavell, Steven (1981), 'Contribution and Claim Reduction Among Antitrust Defendants: An Economic Analysis', 33 Stanford Law Review , 447-471.
- Priest, George L. (1997), 'Procedural versus Substantive Controls of Mass Tort Class Actions', 16 Journal of Legal Studies , 521-573.
- Rosenberg, David (1989), 'Comment: of End Games and Openings in Mass Tort Cases: Lessons from a Special Master', 69 Boston University Law Review , 695-730.
- Rosenfield, Andrew (1976), 'An Empirical Test of Class-Action Settlement', 5 Journal of Legal Studies , 113-120.
- Schwartz, Gary T. (1994), 'Punitive Damages and Mass Torts: A Comment', 39 Villanova Law Review , 415-431.