Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 7000 Civil Procedure: General
- Adams, Michael (1981), Oekonomische Analyse des Zivilprozesses (Economic Analysis of Civil Procedure) , Koenigstein, Athenaeum-Verlag.
- Adams, Michael (1981),
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- Adams, Michael (1983), 'Eine wohlfahrtstheoretische Analyse des Zivilprozesses und der Rechtsschutzversicherungen (An Economic Analysis of Civil Procedure and Legal Aid Insurance)', 139 Zeitschrift fr Schweizerisches Recht , 187-208.
- Adams, Michael (1986), 'Der Zivilprozess als Folge strategischen Verhaltens (On Civil Procedure as a Consequence of Strategic Behavior)', 7 Zeitschrift fr Rechtssoziologie , 212-225.
- Alexander, Janet Cooper (1994), 'Judges' Self Interest and Procedural Rules: Comment', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 647-665.
- Anderson, David A. (1994), 'Improving Settlement Devices: Rule 68 & Beyond', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 225-246.
- Anderson, David A. (1996), 'Dispute Resolution: Bridging the Settlement Gap', in Mercuro, Nicholas (ed.), The Economics of Legal Relationships , Greenwich (CT), JAI Press.
- Bone, Robert G. (1994), 'The Empirical Turn in Procedural Rule Making: Comment', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 595-613.
- Bowles, Roger A. (1981), 'Economic Aspects of Legal Procedure', in Burrows, Paul and Veljanovski, Cento G. (eds.), The Economic Approach to Law , London, Butterworths, 191-209.
- Broder, Josef M. (1978), 'Citizen Participation in Michigan District Courts', in Randall, Allan (ed.), Citizen Participation in Natural Resource Decision , North Central Research Strategy Committee for Natural Resources, Departement of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. Reprinted in Samuels, Warren J. and Schmid, A. Allen (eds.), Law and Economics: An Institutional Perspective, Boston, Nijhoff, 1981, 166-178.
- Brown, John Prather (1985), 'Alternatives to the Present System of Litigation for Personal Injury', in Baily, Mary Ann and Cikins, Warren I. (eds.), The Effects of Litigation on Health Care Costs , Washington, Brookings Institution, 69-79.
- Bundy, Stephen M. and Elhauge, Einer Richard (1991), 'Do Lawyers Improve the Adversary System? A General Theory of Litigation Advice and Its Regulation', 79 California Law Review , 313-420.
- Buscaglia, Edgardo and Domingo, Pilar (1996), 'Political and Economic Impediments to Judicial Reform in Latin America', in Buscaglia, Edgardo, Ratliff, William and Cooter, Robert (eds.), Law and Economics of Development , Greenwood, JAI Press.
- Carrington, Paul D. (1979), 'Adjudication as a Private Good: A Comment', 8 Journal of Legal Studies , 303-317.
- Carroll, Sidney L. and Gaston, Robert J. (1981), 'A Note on the Quality of Legal Services: Peer Review and Disciplinary Service', 3 Research in Law and Economics , 251-260.
- Che, Yeon-Koo and Yi, Jong Goo (1993), 'The Role of Precedents in Repeated Litigation', 9 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 399-424.
- Chiorazzi, Michael and others (1988), 'Empirical Studies in Civil Procedure: A Selected Annotated Bibliography', 51(3) Law and Contemporary Problems , 87-207.
- Cooper, Edward H. (1994), 'Discovery Cost Allocation: Comment', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 465-480.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1983), 'The Objectives of Private and Public Judges', 41 Public Choice , 107-132.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1987), 'Why Litigants Disagree: A Comment on George Priest's `Measuring Legal Change', 3 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 85 ff.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1989), 'Economic Analysis of Legal Disputes and Their Resolution', 27 Journal of Economic Literature , 1067-1097. Reprinted in Posner, Richard A. and Parisi, Francesco (Eds.), Law and Economics, Edward Elgar, 1996 forthcoming.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1990), 'Trial Courts: An Economic Perspective', 24 Law and Society Review , 533 ff.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1994), 'An Economic Model of Legal Discovery in the U.S.', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 435-463.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Ulen, Thomas S. (1988), Law and Economics , Scott Foresman. Reprinted in Japanese translation by Prof. Shozo Ota, introduction by Prof. Koji Shimdo, published by Shoji-Homu in 1989.
- Davis, Otto A. (1979), 'Public and Private Characteristics of a Legal Process: A Comment', 8 Journal of Legal Studies , 285-293.
- Denzau, Arthur (1979), 'Litigation Expenditures as Private Determinants of Judicial Decisions: A Comment', 8 Journal of Legal Studies , 295-302.
- Easterbrook, Frank H., Landes, William M. and Posner, Richard A. (1980), 'Contribution among Antitrust Defendants: A Legal and Economic Analysis', 23 Journal of Law and Economics , 331-370.
- Eisenberg, Theodore (1990), 'Testing the Selection Effect: A New Theoretical Framework with Empirical Tests', 19 Journal of Legal Studies , 337-358.
- Epstein, Richard A. (1986), 'The Temporal Dimension in Tort Law', 53 University of Chicago Law Review , 1175-1218.
- Estrada, Javier, Pastor, Santos and (1997), The Distribution of Sentences in Tax-Related Cases: Explaining Success Rates , Carlos III University Working Paper.
- Froeb, Luke M. (1993), 'The Adverse Selection of Cases for Trial', 13 International Review of Law and Economics , 317-324.
- Froeb, Luke M. and Kobayashi, Bruce H. (1996), 'Naive, Biased, Yet Bayesian: Can Juries Interpret Selectively Produced Evidence?', 12 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization .
- Gay, Gerald D., Grace, Martin F., Kale, Jayant R. and Noe, Thomas H. (1989), 'Noisy Juries and the Choice of Trial Mode in a Sequential Signalling Game: Theory and Evidence', 20 Rand Journal of Economics , 196-213.
- Getman, Julius G. (1974), 'A Critique of the Report of the Shreveport Experiment', 3 Journal of Legal Studies , 487-497.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.) (1979), 'Discussion by Seminar Participants', 8 Journal of Legal Studies , 323-398.
- Grady, Mark F., Allen, Ronald J. and Polsby, Daniel (1990), 'A Positive Theory of the Attorney-Client Privilige and the Work-Product Doctrine', 19 Journal of Legal Studies , 359 ff.
- Gross, Samuel R. (1987), 'The American Advantage: The Value of Inefficient Litigation', 85 Michigan Law Review , 734 ff.
- Hay, Bruce L. (1994), 'Civil Discovery: Its Effects and Optimal Scope', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 481-515.
- Hazard, Geoffrey C., Jr. (1989), 'Authority in the Dock', 69 Boston University Law Review , 469-476.
- Huang, Peter H. and Wu, Ho-Mou (1992), 'Emotional Responses in Litigation', 12 International Review of Law and Economics , 31-44.
- Hylton, Keith N. (1990), 'The Influence of Litigation Costs on Deterrence under Strict Liability and under Negligence', 10 International Review of Law and Economics , 161-171.
- Kaplow, Louis (1994), 'The Value of Accuracy in Adjudication: An Economic Analysis', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 307-401.
- Kaplow, Louis and Shavell, Steven (1989), 'Legal Advice about Information to Present in Litigation: Its Effects and Social Desirability', 102 Harvard Law Review , 565-615.
- Kaplow, Louis and Shavell, Steven (1990), 'Legal Advice about Acts Already Committed', 10 International Review of Law and Economics , 149-159.
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- Klein, Christopher C. (1990), 'Predation in the Courts: Legal Versus Economic Analysis in Sham Litigation Cases', 10 International Review of Law and Economics , 29-40.
- Kobayashi, Bruce H. (1996), 'Case Selection, External Effects, and the Trial/Settlement Decision', in Anderson, David A. (ed.), Dispute Resolution: Bridging the Settlement Gap , Greenwich (CT), JAI Press.
- Kobayashi, Bruce H. and Jeffrey S. Parker (1993), 'No Armistice at 11: A Comment on the Amendments to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure', 3 Supreme Court Economic Review , 93-152.
- Landes, William M. (1993), 'Sequential versus Unitary Trials: An Economic Analysis', 22 Journal of Legal Studies , 99-134.
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- Macey, Jonathan R. (1994), 'Judicial Preferences, Public Choice, and the Rules of Procedure', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 627-646.
- McLauchlan, William P. (1973), 'An Empirical Study of Civil Procedure: Directed Verdicts and Judgments Notwithstanding Verdict', 2 Journal of Legal Studies , 459-468.
- McLauchlan, William P. (1977), 'An Empirical Study of the Federal Summary Judgment Rule', 6 Journal of Legal Studies , 427-459.
- Miller, Arthur R. (1984), 'The Adversary System: Dinosaur or Phoenix', 69 Minnesota Law Review , 1-37.
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- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1986), 'An Economic Analysis of Rule 68', 15 Journal of Legal Studies , 93-125.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1989), 'Comment: Some Thoughts on the Equilibrium Hypothesis', 69 Boston University Law Review , 561-568.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1994), 'Introduction: Economic Analysis of Civil Procedure', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 303-306.
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- Pastor, Santos (1989), 'Economa de la Justicia (I) (Economics of Litigation I)', 5 Revista de Economa Pblica , 131-169.
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- Pastor, Santos (1990), 'Economa de la Justicia en Espaa (Problems in the Spanish Courts)', 4 Revista de Economa , 65-69.
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- Polinsky, A. Mitchell and Che, Yeon-Koo (1991), 'Decoupling Liability: Optimal Incentives for Care and Litigation', 22(4) Rand Journal of Economics , 562-570.
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- Polinsky, A. Mitchell and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1988), 'The Welfare Effects of Costly Litigation for the Level of Liability', 17 Journal of Legal Studies , 151-164.
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- Polinsky, Mitchell A. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1993), 'Sanctioning Frivolous Suits: An Economic Analysis', 82(2) Georgetown Law Journal , 397-435.
- Polinsky, Mitchell A. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1996), 'Optimal Awards and Penalties when the Probability of Prevailing Varies Among Plaintiffs', 27(2) Rand Journal of Economics , 269-280.
- Posner, Richard A. (1988), 'Comment: Responding to Gordon Tullock', 2 Research in Law and Policy Studies , 29-33.
- Priest, George L. (1985), 'Reexamining the Selection Hypothesis: Learning from Wittman's Mistakes', 14 Journal of Legal Studies , 215-243.
- Priest, George L. (1987), 'Measuring Legal Change', 3 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 193-225.
- Priest, George L. and Klein, Benjamin (1984), 'The Selection of Disputes for Litigation', 13 Journal of Legal Studies , 1-55.
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- Ribeiro Mendes, Armindo (1992), 'O Processo Executivo e a Economia', 2 Sub Judice , 51-62.
- Rowe, Thomas D., Jr. (1994), 'Repealing the Law of Unintended Consequences? Comment', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 615-626.
- Ryssdal, Stray A.C. (1995), An Economic Analysis of Civil Suits and Appels , Oslo, Juridisk Forlag.
- Sanchirico, Chris William (1997), 'The Burden of Proof in Civil Litigation : A Simple Model of Mechanism Design', International Review of Law and Economics .
- Sanchirico, Chris William (1997), Enforcement by Hearing: An Integrated Model of Evidence Production , mimeo, Columbia University Economics Department.
- Sanchirico, Chris William (1997), 'Evidence Production, Adversarial Process and the Private Instigation of Suits', mimeo, Columbia University Economics Department .
- Sarokin, H. Lee (1989), 'A Comment on Geoffrey Hazard's', 69 Authority in the Dock , 477-479.
- Schwarzer, William W. (1988), 'Rule 11 Revisited', 101 Harvard Law Review , 1013-1025.
- Shavell, Steven (1997), 'The Fundamental Divergence between the Private and the Social Motive to Use the Legal System', 16 Journal of Legal Studies , 575-612.
- Spurr, Stephen J. (1991), 'An Economic Analysis of Collateral Estoppel', 11 International Review of Law and Economics , 47-61.
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- Symposium (1989), 'Issues in Civil Procedure: Advancing the Dialogue', 69 Boston University Law Review , 467-779.
- Thomas, Robert E. (1995), 'The Trial Selection Hypothesis without the 50 Percent Rule: Some Experimental Evidence', 24 Journal of Legal Studies , 209-228.
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- Walker, Laurens (1994), 'Avoiding Surprise from Federal Civil Rule Making: The Role of Economic Analysis', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 569-593.
- White, Lawrence J. (1988), 'Litigation and Economic Incentives', 11 Research in Law and Economics , 73-90.
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