Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 6350 Administrative Service
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- Gimeno Ullastres, Juan A., La situacin de las Facultades de Derecho y Econmicas: anlisis y propuestas (Analysis and Proposals for Law and Economics Schools) , Secretara de Estado de Universidades e Investigacin, Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia, 67 p.
- Gimeno Ullastres, Juan A. and Ruiz Huerta, Jess, 'Los costes de los servicios universitarios (The Cost of Universities)', in X (ed.), La financiacin de la enseanza superior , Madrid, Consejo de Universidades, 181-209.
- Koch, Manfred (1992), Die wirtschaftliche Bettigung der Gemeinden. Ein Beitrag zur finanzwirtschaftlichen Ordnungspolitik Schriften zur konomischen Analyse des Rechts (Economic Activities of Local Authorities. A Contribution to the Constitutional Politics of Public Economics) , Berlin, Duncker and Humblot.
- Neelen, G.H.J.M. (1990), 'Efficiency Differences Between Organizations Within the Public Sector: The Dutch Social Housing Sector', 2 Tinbergen Institute Research Bulletin , 33-41.
- Pastor, Santos (1988), Elementos para un anlisis econmico de la Justicia: el gasto pblico en justicia en Espaa (Public Expenditure in the Courts: Reflections on Method and Scope) , Hacienda Pblica Espaola.
- Pastor, Santos (1990), 'A propsito de la eficacia del gasto pblico. Notas sobre una asignatura pendiente del sector pblico espaol (The Efficiency of Public Expenditure)', 680 Informacin Comercial Espaola , 151-157.
- Petrovic Milenko (1995), 'Funkcije drzave u savremenoj trzisnoj privredi (State Functions in a Contemporary Market Economy)', 3-4 Ekonomska misao , 207-224.
- Salvador Coderch, Pablo, Lloveras Y., Ferrer, M.R.Y., Seuba Y. and Torreblanca, J.C (1995), 'Del servicio pblico al servicio a la comunidad (From Public Service to Service for the Community)', 136 Revista de Administracin Pblica , 69 ff.
- Schatz, Klaus-Werner (1996), 'Reform von Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren (Reform of Planning and Permission Procedures)', in Schenk, Karl-Ernst, Schmidtchen, Dieter, Streit, Manfred E. (eds.), Vom Hoheitsstaat zum Konsensualstaat, Neue Formen der Kooperation zwischen Staat und Privaten Jahrbuch fr Neue Politische
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- Sevic, Zeljko and Zorica, Vukasinovic (1997), 'Reforma drzavne uprave: Pravno-ekonomska i finansijska analiza (Civil Service Reform: Law and Economics and Financial Management Analyses)', 46(9) Pravni zivot , 815-831.