Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 6120 Health Insurance
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- Beenstock, Michael and Brasse, Valerie (1986), Insurance for Unemployment , London, Allen and Unwin, 107 p.
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- Burgess, Paul L. (1992), 'Compliance with Unemployment Insurance Job-Search Regulations', 35 Journal of Law and Economics , 371-396.
- Burgess, Paul L. and Kingston, Jerry L. (1987), An Incentives Approach to Improving the Unemployment Compensation System , Kalamazoo, Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 273 p.
- Butler, Richard J. and Worrall, John D. (1986), 'The Costs of Workers' Compensation Insurance: Private versus Public', 29 Journal of Law and Economics , 329-356.
- Clark, William A.V. (1988), 'Production Costs and Output Qualities in Public and Private Employment Agencies', 31 Journal of Law and Economics , 379-393.
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- Hart, P.E. (ed.) (1986), Unemployment and Labour Markets Policies , Aldershot, Gower, 198 p.
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- Johnson, William R. (1987), 'Income Redistribution as Human Capital Insurance', 22 Journal of Human Resources , 269-280.
- Rapp, Richard Tilden and Shibuya, Kyoko (1994), 'The Health Care System in Japan', in Hoffmeyer, U.K. and McCarthy, T.R. (eds.), Health Care, Vol. I , Dordrecht, Kluwer, 585-696.
- Rose, Jonathan and Bruce Babbitt (1986), 'Buidling a Better Mousetrap: Healthcare Reform and the Arizona Program', 3 Yale Journal on Regulation , 243-282.
- Topel, Robert H. (1984), 'Experience Rating of Unemployment Insurance and the Incidence of Unemployment', 27 Journal of Law and Economics , 61-90.