Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 6100 Social Security: General Works
- Aaron, Henry J. (ed.) (1990), Social Security and the Budget: Proceedings of the First Conference of the National Academy of Social Insurance , Lanham, (MD), University Press of America, 151 p.
- Aaron, Henry J., Bosworth, Barry P. and Burtless, Gary T. (1989), Can America Afford to Grow Old? Paying for Social Security , Washington, Brookings Institution, 144 p.
- Anderson, Martin (1978), Welfare. The Political Economy of Welfare Reform in the United States , Stanford, Hoover Institute Press, Stanford University, 251 p.
- Balassa, Bela (1984), 'The Economic Consequences of Social Policies in the Industrial Countries', 120 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv , 213-227.
- Balassa, Bela (1985), 'The Economic Consequences of Social Policies in the Industrial Countries', in Balassa, Bela (ed.), Change and Challenge in the World Economy , New York, St. Martin's Press, 44-59.
- Berkowitz, Edward D. (ed.) (1987), Social Security after Fifty: Successes and Failure , New York, Greenwood Press, 168 p.
- Bernstein, Merton C. and Bernstein, Joan Brodshaug (1988), Social Security: The System That Works , New York, Basic Books, 321 p.
- Besley, Timothy and Coate, Stephen (1995), 'The Design of Income Maintenance Programmes', 62(2) Review of Economic Studies , 187-221.
- Black, Dan A. (1987), 'The Social Security System, the Provision of Human Capital, and the Structure of Compensation', 5 Journal of Labor Economics , 242-254.
- Brennan, Geoffrey (1975), '"Pareto Optimal Redistribution" A Perspective', 33(2) Finanzarchiv , 237-271.
- Brennan, Geoffrey and Walsh, Cliff (1973), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution Reconsidered', 1(2) Public Finance Quarterly , 147-168.
- Campbell, Colin D. (1969), 'Social Insurance in the United States: A Program in Search of an Explanation', 12 Journal of Law and Economics , 249-265.
- Castles, Francis G. (1988), Australian Public Policy and Economic Vulnerability: A Comparative and Historical Perspective , Winchester, Allen and Unwin, 184 p.
- Courchene, Thomas J. (1987), Les offrandes des rois mages : tat-providence ou tat providentiel? (The Magi's Offerings: Welfare State or Providential State?) , Toronto, C.D. Howe Institute.
- Dilnot, Andrew (1989), The Economics of Social Security , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 287 p.
- Draibe, Sonia M. (1994), 'Neoliberalismo y politicas sociales: Reflexiones a partir de las experiencias latinoamericanas.', 34(134) Desarrollo Economico , 181-196.
- Garcia Villarejo, Salinas, Avelino and Snchez, Javier (1993), Manual de Hacienda Pblica general y de Espaa (Public Treasury Manual) , Madrid, Tecnos.
- Giertz, J. Fred (1982), 'A Limited Defense of Pareto Optimal Redistribution [Pareto Optimality as a Guide to Income Redistribution].', 39(2) Public Choice , 277-282.
- Goldfarb, Robert S. (1970), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution: Comment', 60(5) American Economic Review , 994-996.
- Gramlich, Edward M. (1989), 'Economist's View of the Welfare System', 79 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 191-196.
- Green, Edward J. and Oh, Soo Nam (1991), 'Contracts, Constraints and Consumption', 58(5) Review of Economic Studies , 883-899.
- Gustafsson, B.A. and Klevmarken, N. Anders (eds.) (1989), The Political Economy of Social Security , Amsterdam, North-Holland, 240 p.
- Hochman, Harold M. and Rodgers, James D. (1969), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution', 59(4) American Economic Review , 542-557.
- Hochman, Harold M. and Rodgers, James D. (1970), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution: Reply', 60(5) American Economic Review , 997-1002.
- Kendall, Joan and Pigozzi, Bruce W. (1994), 'Nonemployment Income and the Economic Base of Michigan Counties: 1959 1986', 25(1) Growth and Change , 51-74.
- Kesenne, S. L. J. (1990), 'Basic Income and Female Labour Supply: An Empirical Analysis', 0(125) Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles , 81-92.
- Kesenne, Stefan (1994), 'Can a Basic Income Cure Baumol's Disease?', 18(2) Journal of Cultural Economics , 93-100.
- Kodras, Janet E. (1986), 'The Spatial Perspective in Welfare Analysis', 6 Cato Journal , 77-83.
- Kotlikoff, Laurence J. (1989), 'On the Contribution of Economics to the Evaluation and Formation of Social Insurance Policy', 79 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 184-190.
- Le Blanc, L.J.C.M. (1990), 'Bismarck als Benchmark. Enkele rechtseconomische beschouwingen over publieke sector en sociale zekerheid in Nederland (Bismarck as Benchmark. Some Law- and-economics Considerations on the Public Sector and Social Welfare in the Netherlands)', 39(10) Ars Aequi , 654-659.
- Lee, Kye Sik (1986), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution: A Public Good Approach', 41(2) Public Finance , 200-217.
- Lemieux, Pierre (1987), La souverainet de l'individu (The Sovereignty of the Individual) , Paris, Presses Universitaires de France (PUF).
- MacKaay, Ejan (1993), 'Assurances sociales et responsabilit (Social Welfare and Responsibility)', 4 Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines , 135-157.
- McGee, Robert W. (1996), Essays on accounting,Taxation & Public Finance , Dumont Institute for Public Policy Research. http:/ww.hili.com~dumontin
- McGee, Robert W. (1996), Taxation, Ethics & Public Policy , Dumont Institute for Public Policy Research. http:/ww.hili.com~dumontin
- Meyer, Charles W. (ed.) (1987), Social Security: A Critique of Radical Reform Proposals , Lexington (MA), Lexington Books, 153 p.
- Meyer, Paul A. and Shipley, J. J. (1970), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution: Comment', 60(5) American Economic Review , 988-990.
- Migu, Jean-Luc (1979), L'conomiste et la chose publique (The Economist and Public Policy) , Sillery (QC), Presses de l'Universit du Qubec.
- Migu, Jean-Luc (1994), Une socit sclrose - Quand le mal europen gagne le Canada (An Ossified Society - When the European Illness Wins Over Canada) , Montral-Paris, L'tincelle.
- Miller, James C., III and Yandle, Bruce (eds.) (1979), Benefit-Cost Analysis of Social Regulation , Washington, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
- Musgrave, Richard A. (1970), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution: Comment', 60(5) American Economic Review , 991-993.
- Myrdal, Gunnar (1965), Beyond the Welfare State , Westport, Greenwood, 287 p.
- Nash, Gerald D., Pugach, Noel H. and Tomasson, Richard F. (eds.) (1988), Social Security: The First Half- Century , Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 344 p.
- Pasour, Ernest C., Jr. (1983), 'A Limited Defense of Pareto Optimal Redistribution: Comment', 41(3) Public Choice , 451-454.
- Peterson, Wallace C. (1991), Transfer Spending, Taxes, and the American Welfare , Dordrecht, Kluwer, 192 p.
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1971), 'Shortsightedness and Nonmarginal Pareto Optimal Redistribution', 61(5) American Economic Review , 972-979.
- Prinz, Aloys (1989), 'Wie beeinflussen Grundeinkommenssysteme das Arbeitsangebot? (Income Transfer Systems and Labor Supply. With English summary.)', 35 Konjunkturpolitik , 110-128.
- Pritchard, A.C. (1991), 'Note: Government Promises and Due Process: An Economic Analysis of the "New Property"', 77 Virginia Law Review , 1053-1090.
- Rahmsdorf, Detlev W. (1986), 'Zur Renaissance der Sozialver tragstheorien in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften und ihrer interdisziplinren Relevanz (The Renaissance of the Social Contract in Political Economies and their Interdisciplinary Significance)', Der Staat , 269-284.
- Rea, Samuel A., Jr. (1981), Disability Insurance and Public Policy. , Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
- Rea, Samuel A., Jr. (1981), 'Private Disability Insurance and Public Welfare Programs', 36(1) Public Finance , 84-98.
- Ringen, Stein (1987), The Possibility of Politics: A Study in the Political Economy of the Welfare State , Oxford, Clarendon, 303 p.
- Roskamp, Karl W. (1973), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution, Utility Interdependence and Social Optimum', 109(2) Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv , 337-344.
- Salinas, Javier (1994), Pensiones y Seguridad Social. ÀUn futuro incierto? (Pensions ans Social Security: An Uncertain Future?) , Madrid, Barklays Pensiones.
- Salinas, Javier (1995), 'Gasto pblico y bienestar social: el caso espaol (Public Expenditure and Welfare State: The Spanish Case)', 45 Revista de Derecho Financiero y Hacienda Pblica , 743-761.
- Salinas, Javier (1995), 'La financiacin del sector pblico en Espaa: el bienestar de los ciudadanos y el estado de bienestar (Financing the Public Sector in Spain: Citizens Welfare and Welfare System)', in Burgos, Aula Alonso Martnez, La Financiacin de la Economa Espaola , 54-70.
- Schulenburg, J. Matthias Graf Von Der (1986), Essays in Social Security Economics: Selected Papers of a Conference of the International Institute of Management, Berlin, Wissenschaftszentrum , Berlin, Springer, 222 p.
- Scully, Gerald W. (1991), 'Rights, Equity, and Economic Efficiency', 68 Public Choice , 195-215.
- Semkow, B.W. (1985), 'Social Insurance and Tort Liability', 5 International Review of Law and Economics , 153-171.
- Stout, Lynn A. (1993), 'Poverty and Failure in the Market for Human Capital', 81 Georgetown Law Journal , 1947 ff.
- Verkhovskii, B. S. (1973), 'Optimal Redistribution of Water Resources', 9(4) Matekon , 95-101.
- Warr, Peter G. (1982), 'Pareto Optimal Redistribution and Private Charity', 19(1) Journal of Public Economics , 131-138.
- Wickstrm, Bengt-Arne (1989), 'The Norwegian Social-Security System: Present State and Future Prospects', in Faure, Michael and Van Den Bergh, Roger (eds.), Essays in Law and Economics. Corporations, Accident Prevention and Compensation for Losses , Antwerpen, Maklu, 163-184.
- Wildasin, David E. (1991), 'Income Redistribution in a Common Labor Market', 81(4) American Economic Review , 757-774.
- Wittman, Donald A. and Friedman, Daniel (1995), 'Why Voters Vote for Incumbents but Against Incumbency: A Rational Choice Explanation', Journal of Public Economics , 67-83.
- Wittman, Donald A. and Friedman, Daniel (1996), 'Term Limits as Political Redistribution', in Grofman, Bernard (ed.), Legislative Term Limits: A Public Choice Perspective , Kluwer.
- Yunker, James A. (1983), 'Optimal Redistribution with Interdependent Utility Functions: A Simulation Study', 38(1) Public Finance , 132-155.