Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5890 Franchising
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- Brickley, James A. and Dark, Frederick N. (1987), 'The Choice of Organizational Form: The Case of Franchising', 18 Journal of Financial Economics , 401-420.
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- Dnes, Anthony W. (1991), 'Franchising, Natural Monopoly and Privatization', in Veljanovski, Cento G. (ed.), Regulators and the Market , 210-233.
- Dnes, Anthony W. (1991), 'The Economics of Franchising and its Regulation', in Joerges, Christian (ed.), Franchising and the Law: Theoretical and Comparative Approaches in Europe and the United States , Baden-Baden, Nomos, 133-142.
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- Dnes, Anthony W. (1993), 'Franchising Passenger Rail', 40(4) Scottish Journal of Political Economy , 420-433.
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- Dnes, Anthony W. (1994), 'The Scope of Chadwick's Bidding Scheme,', 150 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 524-536.
- Dnes, Anthony W. (1995), Franchising and Privatization , Private Sector, World Bank. Reprinted Viewpoint: Franchising and Privatization, World Bank Note 43, April 1995.
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- Dnes, Antony W. (1993), 'Franchising Passenger Rail', 40 Scottish Journal of Political Economy , 420-433.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1993), On the Wrong Tracks : the Government's Proposal for Franchising Passenger Rail , Hume Occasional Paper, Edinburgh, No. 40.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1993), 'Bidding for Commercial Broadcasting', 40 Scottish Journal of Political Economy , 104-115.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1994), 'The Scope of Chadwick's Bidding Scheme', 150 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 524-536.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1995), Franchising and Privatization , Private Sector, World Bank, March. Reprinted as Viewpoint : Franchising and Privatization, World Bank Note 43, April 1995.
- Gallini, Nancy T. and Lutz, Nancy A. (1992), 'Dual Distribution and Royalty Fees in Franchising', 8 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 471-501.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (1979), 'Law and Economics of Vertical Restrictions: A Relational Perspective', 58 Texas Law Review , 91-129.
- Hadfield, Gilliam K. (1990), 'Problematic Relations: Franchising and the Law of Incomplete Contracts', 42 Stanford Law Review , 927-992.
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- Inaba, Frederick S. (1980), 'Franchising: Monopoly by Contract', 47 Southern Economic Journal , 65-72.
- Joerges, Christian (1991), 'The Economics of Franchising and its Regulation', in X (ed.), Franchising and the Law: Theoretical and Comparative Approaches in Europe and the United States , Baden-Baden, Nomos.
- Kaufmann, Patrick J. and Lafontaine, Francine (1994), 'Costs of Control: The Source of Economic Rents for McDonald's Franchisees', 37 Journal of Law and Economics , 417-453.
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- Klein, Benjamin and Saft, Lester F. (1985), 'The Law and Economics of Franchise Tying Contracts', 28 Journal of Law and Economics , 345-361.
- Kneppers-Heynert, E.M. (1988), Een economische en juridische analyse van franchising tegen de achtergrond van een property rights- en transactiekosten benadering (An Economic and Legal Analysis of Franchising in the Light of a Property and Transaction Costs Approach) , Groningen, Van Denderen, 268 p.
- Lafontaine, F. (1992), 'Agency Theory and Franchising: some empirical results', 23 Rand Journal of Economics , 263-283.
- Lafontaine, Francine (1993), 'Contractual Arrangements as Signaling Devices: Evidence from Franchising', 9 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 256-289.
- Martin, Robert E. (1988), 'Franchising and Risk Management', 78 American Economic Review , 954-968.
- Marvel, H. (1982), 'Exclusive Dealing', 25 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-25.
- Mathewson, G. Frank and Winter, Ralph A. (1985), 'The Economics of Franchise Contracts', 28 Journal of Law and Economics , 503-526.
- Minkler, A. (1992), 'Why Firms Franchise: A Search Cost Theory', 148 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 240-259.
- Muller Graff, Peter Christian (1988), 'Franchising: A Case of Long-term Contracts', 144 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 122-144.
- Norton, S.W. (1988), 'An Empirical look at franchising as an organizational form', 61 Journal of Business , 197-218.
- Norton, Seth W. (1989), 'Franchising, Labor Productivity, and the New Institutional Economics', 145 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 578-596.
- Rubin, Paul H. (1978), 'The Theory of the Firm and the Structure of the Franchise Contract', 21 Journal of Law and Economics , 223-233.
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- Schanze, E. (1991), 'Symbiotic Contracts: Exploring long-term Agency Structures', in Joerges, Christian (ed.), Franchising and the Law: Theoretical and Comparative Approaches in Europe and the United States , Baden-Baden, Nomos, 27-103.
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- Wegener, Morten (1996), Franchising i EU-konkurrenceretten (Franchising in Perspective of the EU-Law of Competiton) , Forthcoming report winter.
- Wiggins, Steven N. (1988), 'Franchising - A Case of Long term Contracts: Comment', 144 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 149-151.
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