Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5800 General Works & Other Sectors
- Arruada, Benito (1994), 'Competencia y privatizacin en el mercado educativo (Competition and Privatization in the Education Market)', 59 Boletn del Crculo de Empresarios , 265-275.
- Blair, Roger D. and Rubin, Stephen (eds.) (1980), Regulating the Professions: A Public-Policy Symposium , Lexington (MA), Lexington Books, 328 p.
- Boyd, James, Harrington, Winston and Macauley, Molly K. (1996), 'The Effects of Environmental Liability on Industrial Real Estate Development', 12 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics .
- Brinig, Margaret F. and Buckley, Francis H. (1996), 'The Market for Deadbeats', 25 Journal of Legal Studies , 201-232.
- Button, Kenneth J. and Fleming, Michael (1992), 'The Effects of Regulatory Reform on the Architectural Profession in the United Kingdom', 12 International Review of Law and Economics , 95-116.
- Comanor, William S. (1986), 'The Political Economy of the Pharmaceutical Industry', 24 Journal of Economic Literature , 1178-1217.
- Demin, P. (1987), 'Industrie en energie: 1. Industrie (Industry and Energy: 1. Industry)', in X (ed.), 18de Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Brussel 8 en 9 mei 1987, Sociaal-economische Deregulering , Brussel, V.E.H.U.B., 387-398.
- Dingwall, R. and Fenn, Paul T. (1987), 'A Respectable Profession? Sociological and Economic Perspectives on the Regulation of Professional Services', 7 International Review of Law and Economics , 51-64.
- Dnes, Anthony W. (1996), 'An Economic Analysis of the BSE Scare', Scottish Journal of Political Economy .
- Dnes, Anthony W. and Popovic, M. (1988), 'Some Case-Study Results on Contracting Practices among Yugoslavian Self-managed Firms', 15(1-2) Journal of Industrial Affairs , 23-27.
- Foley, Patrick, Shaked, Avner and Sutton, John (1981), The Economics of the Professions. An Introductory Guide to the Literature , London, London School of Economics, 107 p.
- Frech, H. Edward III (1984), 'The Social Benefits of Price Competition in Medicine', 28(1) Perspectives in Biology and Medicine , 40-48.
- Ganuza Fernandez, Juan Jos (1995), 'Procurement Contract with Observable Quality (Monografico sobre regulacin)', Revista Espaola de Economa , 153-164.
- Goff, Brian L., Shughart, William F., II and Tollison, Robert D. (1988), 'Disqualification by Decree: Amateur Rules as Barriers to Entry', 144 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 515-523.
- Grabenwarter, Christoph (1994), Rechtliche und konomische berlegungen zur Erwerbsfreiheit (Legal and Economic Considerations on the Freedom of Enterprise) , Vienna.
- Kleit, Andrew N. and Stroup, Richard L. (1987), 'Blackout at Bonneville Power', 11(2) Regulation , 30-36.
- Krol, Robert and Shirley, Svorny (1994), 'Regulation and Economic Performance: Lessons from the States', 14 Cato Journal , 55-64.
- Lueck, Dean (1991), 'Ownership and the Regulation of Wildlife', 29 Economic Inquiry , 249-260.
- Lueck, Dean (1995), 'The Economic Organization of Wildlife Institutions', in Anderson, Terry L. and Hill, Peter J. (eds.), Wildlife in the Market Place , Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc..
- Lueck, Dean and Yoder, Jonathan (1996), 'Federalism and Wildlife Conservation in the West', in Anderson, Terry L. and Hill, Peter J. (eds.), Environmental Federalism in the West , Rowman and Littlefield Press.
- Maijoor, Steven J. (1991), The Economics of Accounting Regulation , Maastricht, Datawyse, 213 p.
- Migu, Jean-Luc and Marceau, Richard (1989), Le monopole public de l'ducation: l'conomie politique de la mdiocrit (The Public Monopoly on Education: The Political Economy of Mediocrity) , Sillery (QC), Presses de l'Universit du Qubec.
- Paz-Ares, Cndido (1996), 'Mandatory Rotation of Company Auditors - A Critical Examination', 16 International Review of Law and Economics .
- Paz-Ares, Cndido (1996), La Ley, el mercado y la indepencia del auditor (The Law, the Market and Auditor_s Independence) , Madrid, Editioral Cvitas.
- Paz-Ares, Cndido (1996), 'Mandatory Rotation of Company Auditors - A Critical Examination', 16 International Review of Law and Economics .
- Peltzman, Sam (1973), 'The Effect of Government Subsidies-in-Kind on Private Expenditures: The Case of Higher Education', Jan./Feb. Journal of Political Economy .
- Peltzman, Sam (1988), 'Comment (on R. Zeckhauser and M. Horn, "The Control and Performance of State-Owned Enterprise")', in MacAvoy, P.A., Stansbury, W.T., Yarrow, G. and Zeckhauser, R. (eds.), Privatization and State-Owned Enterprise , Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Peltzman, Sam (1993), 'Political Factors in Public School Decline', July American Enterprise .
- Peltzman, Sam (1993), 'The Political Economy of the Decline of American Public Education', 36 Journal of Law and Economics , 331-370.
- Richli, Paul (1985), 'Handels- und Gewerbefreiheit contra Energiepolitik (Freedom of Trade and Industry versus Energy Policy)', 86 Schweizerisches Zentralblatt fr Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht , 1-14.
- Schwarzer, Stephan (1987), 'Wirtschaftslenkung durch das Umweltrecht? (Commercial Regulation via Environmental Law?)',
sterreichische Zeitschrift fr Wirtschaftsrecht , 101-110.
- Schwarzer, Stephan (1987), 'Die Finanzierung des Umweltschutzes im sterreichischen Wirtschaftsrecht (On Financing Environment Protection in Austrian Commercial Regulations)', in Marko, Joseph and Scholz, Armin (eds.), Demokratie und Wirtschaft, Studien zu Politik und Verwaltung , Vienna - Cologne - Graz, 209-237.
- Sjegers, R., Faes, P. and Segebarth, K. (1987), 'Deregulering van de handels-en dienstenstromen en van de rechtstreekse investeringen: 3. Dienstverlening (Deregulation of Trade and Service Flows and of Direct Investments: Service)', XXX18de Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Brussel 8 en 9 mei 1987, Sociaal-economische Deregulering , 797-839.
- Toma, Eugenia Froedge (1983), 'Institutional Structures, Regulation, and Producer Gains in the Education Industry', 26 Journal of Law and Economics , 103-116.
- Vuchelen, J. En Praet, P. (1987), 'Diensten en vrije beroepen (Services and Free Professions)', in X (ed.), 18de Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Brussel 8 en 9 mei 1987, Sociaal-economische Deregulering , Brussel, V.E.H.U.B., 507-541.
- West, E.G. (1967), 'The Political Economy of American Public School Legislation', 10 Journal of Law and Economics , 101-128.