Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5650 Insider Trading
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- Anderson, Alison Grey (1982), 'Fraud, Fiduciaries, and Insider Trading', 10 Hofstra Law Review , 341-377.
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- Bebchuck, Lucian Arye and Fershtman, Chaim (1993), 'The Effects of Insider Trading on Insiders' Effort in Good and Bad Times', 9 European Journal of Political Economy , 469-481.
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- Beck-Dudley, Caryn L. and Stephens, Alan A. (1989), 'The Efficient Market Theory and Insider Trading: Are We Headed in the Right Direction?', 27 American Business Law Journal , 441-465.
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- Bernardo, Antonia Eugenio (1991), An Integrated Analysis of Insider Trading, Executive Compensation, and Corporate Investment , Stanford University, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation.
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- Chowdhry, Bhagwan and Nanda, Vikram (1991), 'Multimarket Trading and Market Liquidity', 4 Review of Financial Studies , 483-511.
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- Colvin, Oliver Perry (1991), 'A Dynamic Definition of and Prohibition Against Insider Trading', 31 Santa Clara Law Review , 603-640.
- Conard, Alfred F. (1992), 'Enterprise Liability and Insider Trading', 49 Washington and Lee Law Review , 913-955.
- Cook, William J. (1992), 'From Insider Trading to Unfair Trading: Chestman II and Rule 14e-3', 22 Stetson Law Review , 171-208.
- Corgill, Dennis S. (1996), 'Insider Trading, Price Signals, and Noisy Information', 71 Indiana Law Review , 355-417.
- Cornell, Bradford and Sirri, Erik R. (1992), 'The Reaction of Investors and Stock Prices to Insider Trading', 47 Journal of Finance , 1031-1059.
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- Dedek, Oldrich (1994), 'Insider Trading, Investor Protection and an Orderly Capital Market: Lessons for the Czech Republic', 3 Prague Economic Papers , 201-215.
- Demsetz, Harold (1986), 'Corporate Control, Insider Trading, and Rates of Return', 76 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 313-316.
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- Dinehart, Stephen J. (1986), 'Insider Trading in Futures Markets: A Discussion', 6 Journal of Futures Markets , 325-333.
- Dooley, Michael P. (1980), 'Enforcement of Insider Trading Restrictions', 66 Virginia Law Review , 1-89.
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- Douglas, Norman S. (1988), 'Insider Trading: The Case Against the "Victimless Crime', 23 Financial Review , 127-142.
- Dunleavy, Patrick S. (1986), 'Leveraged Buyout, Management Buyout, and Going Private Corporate Control Transactions: Insider Trading or Efficient Market Economics', 14 Fordham Urban Law Journal , 685-722.
- Dutta, Prajit K. and Madhavan, Ananth (1995), 'Price Continuity Rules and Insider Trading', 30 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis , 199-221.
- Dyer, Boyd Kimball (1992), 'Economic Analysis, Insider Trading , and Game Markets', 1992 Utah Law Review , 1-66.
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- Engelen, Peter-Jan (1996), 'De regelgeving omtrent handel met voorkennis: een juridisch-economische benadering (The legal rules on insider trading: a legal and economic approach)', 51(24) Weekberichten, Kredietbank , 1-7. Translated and reprinted as 'La reglementation en matire de delit d'initie: une approche economico-juridique', 51(24) Bulleting hebdomadaire, Kredietbank, 1-7.
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- Ferreira, Eurico J. (1995), 'Insider Trading Activity, Different Market Regimens, and Abnormal Returns', 30 Financial Review , 193-210.
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- Fishman, Michael J. and Hagerty, Kathleen M. (1992), 'Insider Trading and the Efficiency of Stock Prices', 23 Rand Journal of Economics , 106-122.
- Fitzsimons, Peter G. (1995), 'Enforcement of Insider Trading Laws by Shareholders in New Zealand: An Analysis and Proposals for Reform', 3 Waikato Law Review , 101-125.
- Fortin, Rich and Michelson, Stuart (1995), 'Option Introduction and Insider Trading in the NASDAQ/NMS Equity Market', 19 Journal of Economics and Finance , 31-50.
- Fox, Merritt B. (1992), 'Insider Trading in a Globalizing Market: Who Should Regulate What?', 55 Law and Contemporary Problems , 263-302.
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