Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5620 Limited Liability
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- Demsetz, Harold (1986), 'A Commentary on Liability Rules and the Derivative Suit in Corporate Law', 71 Cornell Law Review , 352-356.
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- Dodd, E. Merrick (1948), 'The Evolution of Limited Liability in American Industry: Massachusetts', 61 Harvard International Law Journal , 1351-1379.
- Easterbrook, Frank H. and Fischel, Daniel R. (1985), 'Limited Liability and the Corporation', 52 University of Chicago Law Review , 89-117.
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- Fischel, Daniel R. (1989), 'The Economics of Lender Liability', 99 Yale Law Journal , 131-154.
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- Grundfest, Joseph A. (1992), 'The Limited Future of Unlimited Liability: A Capital Markets Perspective', 102 Yale Journal on Regulation , 387-425.
- Halpern, Paul J., Trebilcock, Michael J. and Turnbull, Stuart M. (1980), 'An Economic Analysis of Limited Liability in Corporation Law', 30 University of Toronto Law Journal , 117-150.
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- Leebron, David W. (1991), 'Limited Liability, Tort Victims, and Creditors', 91 Columbia Law Review , 1650 ff.
- Lehmann, Michael (1986), 'Das Privileg der beschrnkten Haftung und der Durchgriff im Gesellschafts- und Konzernrecht. Eine juristische und konomische Analyse (The Privilege of Limited Liability and the Peircing of the Corporate Veil in Association and Trust Law)', 3 Zeitschrift fr Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht , 345-370.
- Livermore, Shaw (1935), 'Unlimited Liability in Early American Corporations', 43 Journal of Political Economy , 674-687.
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- Lopucki, Lynn M. (1996), 'The Death of Liability? A Systems/Strategic Analysis', 106 Yale Law Journal , 1-92.
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- Maria Teresa Guerra Medici (1982), 'Limited Liability in Mediterranean Trade from the 12th to the 15th Century', in Orhnial, Tony (ed.), Limited Liability and the Corporation , London, Croom Helm, 122-136.
- McChesney, Fred S. (1993), 'Doctrinal Analysis and Statistical Modeling in Law: The Case of Defective Incorporation', 71 Washington United Law Quaterly , 193-534.
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- Minchinton, Walter E. (1982), 'Chartered Companies and Limited Liability', in Orhnial, Tony (ed.), Limited Liability and the Corporation , London, Croom Helm, 137-160.
- Mitchell, Lawrence E. (1989), 'Close Corporations Reconsidered', 63 Tulane Law Review , 1143-1190.
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- Ribstein, Larry E. (1987), 'A Statutory Approach to Partner Dissociation', 65 Washington University Law Quarterly , 357 ff.
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- Roth, Gnter H. (1986), 'Zur "economic analysis" der beschrnk ten Haftung (On the 'Economic Analysis' of Limited Liability)', 3 Zeitschrift fr Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht , 371-382.
- Roth, Gnter H. (1991), 'Kommentar (Comment On Adams, Eigentum, Kontrolle und beschrn)', in Ott, Claus and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (eds.),
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- Saville, John. (1956), 'Sleeping Partnerships and Limited Liability, 1850-1856', 8 Economic History Review, Second Series , 418-433.
- Schiessl, Maximilian (1986), 'The Liability of Corporations and Shareholders for the Capitalization and Obligations of Subsidiaries under German Law', 7 Journal of International Law and Economics , 480-506.
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