Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5530 Employment Discrimination
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- Dex, Shirley and Shaw, Lois B. (1986), British and American Women at Work: Do Equal Opportunities Policies Matter? , New York, St. Martin's Press, 159 p.
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- Donohue, John J. III and Siegelman, Peter (1991), 'The Changing Nature of Employment Discrimination Litigation', 43 Stanford Law Review , 983 ff.
- Donohue, John J. III and Siegelman, Peter (1993), 'Law and Macroeconomics: Employment Discrimination Over the Business Cycle', 66 University of Southern California Law Review , 709 ff.
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- Fischer, Charles C. (1987), 'Toward a More Complete Understanding of Occupational Sex Discrimination', 21 Journal of Economic Issues , 113-138.
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- Formby, John P. and Millner, E.L. (1987), '"Comparable Worth" and Rent Seeking', 7 International Review of Law and Economics , 65-78.
- Gunderson, Morley (1989), 'Male-Female Wage Differentials and Policy Responses', 27 Journal of Economic Literature , 46-72.
- Holzhauer, James D. (1986), 'The Economic Possiblities of Comparable Worth', 53 University of Chicago Law Review , 919-933.
- Johnson, George E. and Solon, Gary R. (1986), 'The Attainment of Pay Equity Between the Sexes by Legal Means: An Economic Analysis', 20 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform , 183 ff.
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- O'Neill, June, Brien, Michael and Cunningham, James (1989), 'Effects of Comparable Worth Policy: Evidence from Washington State', 79 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 305-309.
- Peterson, Janice (1990), 'The Challenge of Comparable Worth: An Institutionalist View', 24 Journal of Economic Issues , 605-612.
- Png, Ivan Paak-Liang (1987), 'Litigation, Liability, and Incentives for Care', 34 Journal of Public Economics , 61-85.
- Posner, Richard A. (1989), 'An Economic Analysis of Sex Discrimination Laws', 56 University of Chicago Law Review , 1311-1335.
- Roemer, J. (1979), 'Divide and Conquer Microfoundations of a Marxian Theory of Wage Discrimination', 10 Bell Journal of Economics , 695-705.
- Rothschild, Michael and Werden, Gregory J. (1982), 'Title VII and the Use of Employment Tests: An Illustration of the Limits of the Judicial Process', 11 Journal of Legal Studies , 261-280.
- Rutherglen, George (1995), 'From Race to Age: The Expanding Scope of Employment Discrimination Law', 24 Journal of Legal Studies , 491-521.
- Schwab, Stewart J. (1986), 'Is Statistical Discrimination Efficient?', 76 American Economic Review , 228-234.
- Siegelman, Peter and Donohue, John J. III (1995), 'The Selection of Employment Discrimination Disputes for Litigation: Using Business Cycle Effects to Test the Priest Klein Hypothesis', 24 Journal of Legal Studies , 427-462.
- Tullock, Gordon (1986), 'In Search of Exploited Workers: One Businessman's View of Comparable Worth', 9 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy , 95-97.
- Turley, Jonathan (1990), 'Transnational Discrimination and the Economics of Extraterritorial Regulation', 70 Boston University Law Review , 339-393.
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- Verkerke, J. Hoult (1991), 'Free to Search', 105 Harvard Law Review , 2080-2097.
- Verkerke, J. Hoult (1995), 'Notice Liability in Employment Discrimination Law', 81 Virginia Law Review , 273-385.