Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5520 Wage Control. Minimum Wages
- Ackley, Gardner (1972), 'Observations on Phase II Price and Wage Controls', 1 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 173-190.
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- Darby, Michael R. (1976), 'Price and Wage Controls: The First Two Years', 2 Journal of Monetary Economics , 235-263.
- Darby, Michael R. (1976), 'Price and Wage Controls: Further Evidence', 2 Journal of Monetary Economics , 269-271.
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- Gitlow, Abraham L. (1976), 'Are Peacetime Wage Price Controls Effective?', 23 Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali , 722-739.
- Gordon, Robert J. (1972), 'Wage Price Controls and the Shifting Phillips Curve', 2 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 385-421.
- Gordon, Robert J. (1973), 'The Response of Wages and Prices to the First Two Years of Controls', 3 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 765-778.
- Hashimoto, Masanori (1987), 'The Minimum Wage Law and Youth Crimes: Time-Series Evidence', 30 Journal of Law and Economics , 443-464.
- Hempel, George H. (1973), 'Wage and Price Controls for State and Local Governments: Their Effectiveness and the Potential Effects of Phase III', 21 Public Policy , 425-436.
- Keller, Robert R. and Gray, S. Lee (1975), 'A Neo Classical Argument for Wage Price Controls', 6(2) Intermountain Economic Review , 46-54.
- Leffler, Keith B. (1978), 'Minimum Wages, Welfare, and Wealth Transfers to the Poor', 21 Journal of Law and Economics , 345-358.
- Lipsey, Richard G. (1977), 'Wage Price Controls: How to do a Lot of Harm by Trying to do a Little Good', 3 Canadian Public Policy , 1-13.
- McGraw, Thomas K. (1981), 'Discussion [The Response of the Giant Corporations to Wage and Price Controls in World War II] 1[Planning for Peace: The Surplus Property Act of 1944].', 41(1) Journal of Economic History , 136-137.
- Mitchell, Daniel J.B. (1974), 'The Future of American Wage Controls', 17(1) California Management Review , 48-57.
- Miyagiwa, Kaz (1989), 'Human Capital and Economic Growth in a Minimum Wage Economy', 30 International Economic Review , 187-202.
- Oi, Walter Y. (1976), 'On Measuring the Impact of Wage Price Controls: A Critical Appraisal', 2 Journal of Monetary Economics , 7-64.
- Ostry, Sylvia (1978), 'Industrial Relations after Wage and Price Control: Panel Discussion', 4 Canadian Public Policy , 425-430.
- Pencavel, John H. (1976), 'A Comment on the Papers at the Conference on Wage Price Controls', 2 Journal of Monetary Economics , 303-304.
- Poole, William (1973), 'Wage Price Controls: Where Do We Go from Here?', 1 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 285-299.
- Possen, Uri M. (1978), 'Wage and Price Controls in a Dynamic Macro Model', 46 Econometrica , 105-125.
- Reid, Frank (1981), 'Control and Decontrol of Wages in the United States: An Empirical Analysis', 71 American Economic Review , 108-120.
- Rockoff, Hugh (1981), 'The Response of the Giant Corporations to Wage and Price Controls in World War II', 41 Journal of Economic History , 123-128.
- Rockoff, Hugh (1984), Drastic Measures: A History of Wage and Price Controls in the United States , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 289 p.
- Rottenberg, Simon (ed.) (1981), The Economics of Legal Mininum Wages , Washington, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 534 p.
- Rubin, Paul H. and Kau, James B. (1978), 'Voting on Minimum Wages: A Time Series Analysis', Journal of Political Economy , 337-342.
- Schultz, George P. and Dam, Kenneth W. (1977), 'Reflections on Wage and Price Controls', 30 Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 139-151.
- Schultz, George P. and Dam, Kenneth W. (1978), 'Further Reflections on Wage Controls: Reply', 31 Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 159-160.
- Shalit, Sol S. and Ben Zion, Uri (1974), 'The Expected Impact of the Wage Price Freeze on Relative Shares', 64 American Economic Review , 904-914.
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- Taylor, Amy K. (1979), 'Government Health Policy and Hospital Labor Costs: The Effects of Wage and Price Controls on Hospital Wage Rates and Employment', 27 Public Policy , 203-225.
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- Uri, Noel D. and Mixon, J. Wilson, Jr. (1980), 'An Economic Analysis of the Determinants of Minimum Wage Voting Behavior', 23 Journal of Law and Economics , 167-177.
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- Wagstaff, Peter (1975), 'A Benthamite Wages Policy', 42 Review of Economic Studies , 571-580.
- Weber, Arnold R. (1972), 'A Wage Price Freeze as an Instrument of Incomes Policy: Or the Blizzard of '71', 62 American Economic Review , 251-257.
- Weber, Arnold R. and Mitchell, Daniel J.B. (1978), 'Further Reflections on Wage Controls: Comment', 31 Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 149-158.
- Weidenbaum, Murray L. (1972), 'New Initiatives in National Wage and Price Policy', 54 Review of Economics and Statistics , 213-217.
- Weiler, Paul (1978), 'Industrial Relations after Wage and Price Control: Panel Discussion', 4 Canadian Public Policy , 433-442.
- Yaniv, Gideon (1994), 'Complaining about Noncompliance with the Minimum Wage Law', 14 International Review of Law and Economics , 351-362.