Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5300 Antitrust Law & Competition Law in General
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- Adams, Walter and Brock, James W. (1986), 'The "New Learning" and the Euthanasia of Antitrust', 74 California Law Review , 1515-1566.
- Adams, Walter and Brock, James W. (1987), 'Antitrust and Efficiency: A Comment', 62 New York University Law Review , 1116-1124.
- Adams, Walter and Brock, James W. (1988), 'Reaganomics and the Transmogrification of Merger Policy', 33 Antitrust Bulletin , 309-359.
- Adams, Walter and Brock, James W. (1990), 'Mergers and Economic Performance: The Experience Abroad', 5(2) Review of Industrial Organization , 175-188.
- Adams, William James (1991), 'Comment (on Jenny, Evolution of Anti-Trust Policies in France)', 147 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 60-65.
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- Alsmller, Horst (1982), Wettbewerbspolitische Ziele und kooperationstheoretische Hvpothesen im Wandel der Zeit: Eine dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchung von Einstellungen zu Verbundsystemen und von Grunden fr diese Einstellun gen (Competition Policy Purpose and Cooperation-Theoretical Hypotheses Through the Times: A Historical Investigation of the Institutions for Alliance Systems and for the Causes of these Institutions) , Tbingen, Mohr, 337 p.
- Angoff, Jay (1988), 'Insurance against Competition: How the McCarran-Ferguson Act Raises Prices and Profits in the Property-Casualty Insurance Industry', 5 Yale Journal on Regulation , 397-415.
- Areeda, Elhauge and Hovenkamp Herbert J. (1995), Antitrust Law , Boston, Little Brown.
- Areeda, Phillip (1987), 'Monopolization, Mergers, and Markets: A Century Past and the Future', 75 California Law Review , 959-981.
- Areeda, Phillip (1990), 'A Second Century of the Rule of Reason', 59 Antitrust Law Journal , 143-150.
- Armentano, Dominick T. (1982), Antitrust and Monopoly: Anatomy of a Policy Failure , New York, Wiley, 292 p.
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- Armentano, Dominick T. (1989), 'Antitrust and Insurance: Should the McCarran Act Be Repealed?', 8 Cato Journal , 729-749.
- Armentano, Dominick T. (1990), 'Time to Repeal Antitrust Regulation?', 35 Antitrust Bulletin , 311-328.
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- Aronowitz, Daniel (1991), 'Retracing the Antitrust Roots of Section 1972 of the Bank Holding Company Act', 44 Vanderbilt Law Review , 865-898.
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- Asch, Peter (1975), 'The Determinants and Effects of Antitrust Activity', 18 Journal of Law and Economics , 575-581.
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- Audretsch, David B. (1991), 'Comment' [on Jorde and Teece, Antitrust Policy and Innovation: Taking Account of Performance Competition and Competitor Cooperation], (on Jorde and Teece, Antitrust Policy and Innovation: Taking Account of Performance Competition and Competitor Cooperation)', 147 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 145-151.
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- Ayres, Ian (1985), 'Rationalizing Antitrust Cluster Markets', 95 Yale Law Journal , 109-125.
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- Barnes, David W. (1989), 'Revolutionary Antitrust: Efficiency, Ideology, and Democracy', 58 University of Cincinnati Law Review , 59 ff.
- Barnes, David W. (1989), 'Nonefficiency Goals in the Antitrust Law of Mergers', 30 William & Mary Law Review , 787 ff.
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- Bauer, Joseph P. (1983), 'Government Enforcement Policy of Section 7 of the Clayton Act: Carte Blanche for Conglomerate Mergers', 71 California Law Review , 348-375.
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- Beckenstein, Alan R. and Gabel, H. Landis (1986), 'Predation Rules: An Economic and Behavioral Analysis', 31 Antitrust Bulletin , 29-49.
- Benjamin, Daniel K. (1983), 'The Effect of Monopolies and Cartels on Market Prices', 5 Research in Law and Economics , 1-15.
- Benson, Bruce L. (1979), 'Spatial Microeconomics: Implications for the Use of Concentration Ratios to Represent Market Power', 9 Review of Regional Studies , 1-15.
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- Benson, Bruce L. (1980), 'Spatial Competition: Implications for Market Area Delineation in Antimerger Cases', 14 Antitrust Bulletin , 893-916. Reprinted in 25 The Journal of Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics, 1984, p. 729-749. Reprinted in Greenhut, Melvin L. and Norman , George (Eds.), The Economics of Location, Vol. II London, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1995, p.352-366.
- Benson, Bruce L. (1983), 'The Economic Theory of Regulation as an Explanation of Policies Toward Bank Mergers and Holding Company Acquisitions', 28 Antitrust Bulletin , 839-862.
- Benson, Bruce L. (1990), 'Increasing Product Variety and Rising Prices', 5 Review of Industrial Organization , 31-51.
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- Bittlingmayer, George (1982), 'Decreasing Average Cost and Competition: A New Look at the Addyston Pipe Case', 25 Journal of Law and Economics , 201-229.
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