Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 5000 General Theories of Regulation
- Abrams, Burton A. and Lewis, Kenneth A. (1987), 'A Median Voter Model of Economic Regulation', 52 Public Choice , 125-142.
- Ackley, Gardner (1972), 'Observations on Phase II Price and Wage Controls', 1 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 173-190.
- Aghion, Philippe and Hermalin, Benjamin E. (1990), 'Legal Restrictions on Private Contracts Can Enhance Efficiency', 6 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 381-409.
- Akerlof, George A. (1970), 'The Markets for "Lemons": Qualitative Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism', 84 Quarterly Journal of Economics , 488-500.
- Amacher, Ryan C. and others (1987), 'The Behavior of Regulatory Activity over the Business Cycle: An Empirical Test', in Mackay, Robert J., Miller, James C., III and Ya (eds.), Public Choice and Regulation: A View from Inside the Federal Trade Commission , Stanford, Hoover Institute Press, Stanford University, 145-153.
- Ames, Edward (1976), 'The Firm and Price Control', 29(1) Journal of Economics and Business , 10-15.
- Ames, Edward (1977), 'The Consumer and Wage Price Controls', 30 Journal of Economics and Business , 15-22.
- Anton, James J. and Gertler, Paul J. (1988), 'External Markets and Regulation', 37 Journal of Public Economics , 243-260.
- Aragon, George (1980), 'Mandatory Price Controls: Managing a Response', 15(3) Business Economics , 25-31.
- Arnould, Richard J. (1972), 'Pricing Professional Services : A Case Study of the Legal Services Industry', 38 Southern Economic Journal , 495-507.
- Arrow, Kenneth J. (1970), 'The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market Versus Nonmarket Allocation', in Haveman, Robert H. and Margolis, Julius, (eds.), Public expenditure and Policy Analysis , Chicago, Rand MacNally College Publishing Company, 67-81.
- Arrow, Kenneth J. (1985), 'The Potentials and Limits of the Market in Resource Allocation', in Feiwel, G.R., (ed.), Issues in Contempory Microeconomics and Welfare , London, The MacMillan Press, 107-124.
- Asch, Peter (1988), Consumer Safety Regulation , Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Averch, H. and Johnson, L.L. (1962), 'Behaviour of the Firm under Regulatory Constraints', 52 American Economic Review , 1052-1069.
- Baeck, L., Ongena, H. and Cools, J.P. (1987), 'Begripsbepaling en situering van het dereguleringsverschijnsel in de geschiedenis van het economisch denken (Definition and Sketch of the Deregulation Phenomen)', in X (ed.), 18de Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Brussel 8 en 9 mei 1987, Sociaal-economische Deregulering , Brussel, V.E.H.U.B., 29-47.
- Bailey, Elizabeth E. (1986), 'Deregulation: Causes and Consequences', 234 Science , 1211-1216.
- Bailey, Elizabeth E. (ed.) (1987), Public Regulation: New Perspectives on Institution , Cambridge (MA), MIT Press, 404 p.
- Bailey, Elizabeth E. and Baumol, William J. (1984), 'Deregulation and the Theory of Contestable Markets', 1 Yale Journal of Regulation , 111-137.
- Baldwin, G.R. and Veljanovski, Cento G. (1982), Regulation and Cost-Benefit Analysis - The U.S. Ex , Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.
- Baldwin, Robert E. (1990), 'Why Rules Don't Work', 53 Modern Law Review , 321-337.
- Barcella, Mary L. (1984), 'In Defense of Price Controls for "Old" Natural Gas', 19(4) Business Economics , 24-33.
- Baron, David P. (1988), 'Regulation and Legislative Choice', 19 Rand Journal of Economics , 467-477.
- Bartel, Ann P. and Thomas, Lacy Glenn (1985), 'Direct and Indirect Effects of Regulation: A New Look at OSHA's Impact', 28 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-25.
- Bartel, Ann P. and Thomas, Lacy Glenn (1987), 'Predation through Regulation: The Wage and Profit Effects of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency', 30 Journal of Law and Economics , 239-264.
- Barzel, Yoram (1982), 'Measurement Cost and the Organisation of Markets', 25 Journal of Law and Economics , 27-48.
- Barzel, Yoram (1985), 'Transaction Costs: Are They Just Costs?', 141 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 4-16.
- Bator, Francis M. (1958), 'The Anatomy of Market Failure', 72 Quarterly Journal of Economics , 351-379.
- Baum, Herbert (1976), 'Das Stabilisierungspotential staatlich administrierter Preise (On the Stabilization Effects of Public Regulated Prices)', 190 Jahrbuch fr Nationalkonomie und Statistik , 349-376.
- Baum, Herbert (1978), 'Verteilungswirkungen der staatlichen Preispolitik (Effects of Public Regulated Prices on Distribution of Income)', 193 Jahrbuch fr Nationalkonomie und Statistik , 220-243.
- Baumol, William J. (1986), 'Minimum and Maximum Pricing Principles for Residual Regulation', in Baumol, William J. (ed.), Microtheory: Applications and Origins , Cambridge (MA), MIT Press, 151-164.
- Baumol, William J. and Klevorick, Alvin K. (1970), 'Input choices and rate-of-return regulation: an overview of the discussion', 1 Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science , 162-190.
- Baumol, William J. and Ordover, Janusz A., 'Use of Antitrust To Subvert Competition', 28 Journal of Law and Economics , 247-265.
- Baumol, William J., Panzar, John C. and Willig, Robert D. (1982), Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure , San Diego, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- Beales, J. Howard III, Craswell, Richard and Salop, Steven (1981), 'The Efficient Regulation of Consumer Information', 24 Journal of Law and Economics , 491-544.
- Beales, J. Howard, III (1980), 'The Economics of Regulating the Professions', in Blair, Roger D. and Rubin, Stephen (eds.), Regulating the Professions: A Public-Policy Symposium , Lexington (MA), Lexington Books.
- Beck, R., Hoskins, C. and Connolly, J. M. (1992), 'Rent Extraction through Political Extortion: An Empirical Examination', 21 Journal of Legal Studies , 217-224.
- Becker, Gary S. (1983), 'A theory of competition among pressure groups for political influence', XCVIII Quarterly Journal of Economics , 371-400.
- Becker, Gary S. (1985), 'Public Policies, Pressure Groups, and Dead Weight Costs', 28 Journal of Public Economics , 329-347.
- Becker, Gary S. (1985), 'Pressure Groups and Political Behavior', in Coe, Richard D. and Wilber, Charles K., (eds.), Capitalism and Democracy: Schumpeter Revisited , Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press, 120-146.
- Becker, Gilbert (1986), 'The Public Interest Hypothesis Revisi ted: A New Test of Peltzman's Theory of Regulation', 49 Public Choice , 223-234.
- Bell, Joe A. (1988), 'The Disinterest in Deregulation: Comment', 78 American Economic Review , 282-283.
- Benston, George J. (1989), 'Party Realignments and the Growth of Federal Economic Regulation, 1861-1986: Comments', 2 Journal of Financial Services Research , 227-229.
- Blackmon, B. Glenn, Jr. and Zeckhauser, Richard (1991), 'Mispriced Equity: Regulated Rates for Auto Insurance in Massachusetts', 81 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 65-69.
- Blaug, Mark (1993), 'Pieter Hennipman on Paretian Welfare Economics: a Comment', 1 De Economist , 127-129.
- Boardman, Anthony E. and Vining, Aidan R. (1989), 'Ownership and Performance in Competitive Environments: A Comparison of the Performance of Private, Mixed, and State-owned Enterprises', 32 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-33.
- Boehm, E.A. (1972), 'Prices and Incomes Policies in the United States', 18 Australian Economic Review , 37-46.
- Bohm, Peter (1987), Social efficiency , London , Macmillan.
- Bollard, Alan (1987), 'More Market: The Deregulation of Indus try', in Bollard, Alan and Buckle, Robert (eds.), Economic Liberalisation in New Zealand , Wellington, Allen and Unwin, 25-45.
- Bollard, Alan and Buckle, Robert (eds.) (1987), Economic Liberalisation in New Zealand , Wellington, Allen and Unwin, 364 p.
- Borcherding, Thomas, Pommerehne, Werner W. and Schneider, Friedrich (1982), 'Comparing the Efficiency of Private and Public Production: An International Survey', 89 Zeitschrift fr Nationalkonomie , 127-156.
- Boudreaux, Donald J. and Ekelund, Robert B., Jr. (1987), 'Regulation as an Exogenous Response to Market Failure: A Neo-Schumpeterian Response', 143 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 537-554.
- Bourgoignie, Thierry (1973), 'Overheid en bedrijfsleven/3 La reglementation des prix en Belgique (Price Regulation in Belgium)', 27 Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift , 387-400.
- Bowles, Roger A. and Phillips, Jennifer (1977), 'Solicitors' Renumeration: A Critique of Recent Developments in Conveyancing', 40 Modern Law Review , 639-650.
- Boyer, Kenneth D. (1987), 'The Costs of Price Regulation: Lessons from Railroad Deregulation', 18 Rand Journal of Economics , 408-416.
- Boyer, Marcel (1995), La rglementation incitative (Inciting Regulations) , Montral, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations.
- Bracke, F. (1987), 'Deregulering en algemeen belang: 1. Bronnen en doelstellingen (Deregulation and General Interest: Sources and Purposes)', in X (ed.), 18de Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Brussel 8 en 9 mei 1987, Sociaal-economische Deregulering , Brussel, V.E.H.U.B., 101-122.
- Bradley, Ian and Price, Catherine Waddams (1988), 'The Economic Regulation of Private Industries by Price Constraints', 37 Journal of Industrial Economics , 99-106.
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. (1989), 'Optimal Policies for Natural Monopolies', in Schmalensee, Richard and Willig, Robert D., (eds.), Handbook of industrial organization II , Amsterdam, North Holland.
- Braeutigam, Ronald R. and Panzar, John C. (1989), 'Diversification Incentives Under "Price-Based" and Cost- Based" Regulation', 20 Rand Journal of Economics , 373-391.
- Breyer, Stephen G. (1979), 'Analysing Regulatory Failure: Mismatches, Less Restrictive Alternatives, and Reform', 92 Harvard Law Review , 549-609. Reprinted in Ogus, Anthony I. and Veljanovski, Cento G. (eds), Readings in the Economics of Law and Regulation, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1984, 234-239..
- Breyer, Stephen G. (1982), Regulation and its Reform , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 472 p.
- Breyer, Stephen G. (1984), 'Reforming Regulation', 59 Tulane Law Review , 4-23.
- Breyer, Stephen G. (1985), 'Economists and Economic Regulation', 47 University of Pittsburgh Law Review , 205-218.
- Brock, William A. and Evans, David S. (1985), 'The Economics of Regulatory Tiering', 16 Rand Journal of Economics , 398-409.
- Brown, Donald J. and Heal, Geoffrey M. (1985), 'The Optimality of Regulated Pricing: A General Equilibrium Analysis', in Alisprantis, C.D., Burkinshaw, O. and Rothman (eds.), Advances in Equilibrium Theory: Proceedings of the Conference on General Equilibrium Theory, Indiana University, February 10-12, 1984 , New York, Springer, 43-54.
- Browning, Edgar K. and Culbertson, William Patton, Jr. (1974), 'A Theory of Black Markets under Price Control: Competition and Monopoly', 12 Economic Inquiry , 175-189.
- Brunner, Karl and Meltzer, Allan H. (1976), 'The Economics of Price and Wage Controls: An Introduction', 2 Journal of Monetary Economics , 1-6.
- Buchanan, James M. and Tullock, Gordon (1975), 'Polluters' Profits and Political Response: Direct Controls Versus Taxes', 65 American Economic Review , 139-147.
- Buchanan, James M., Tollison, Robert D. and Tullock, Gordon (1980), Toward a Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society , College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
- Button, Kenneth J. and Swann, Dennis (eds.) (1989), The Age of Regulatory Reform , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 339 p.
- Caillaud, Bernard, Guesnerie, Roger, Rey, P. and Tirole, Jean (1988), 'Government Intervention in Production and Incentives Theory: A Review of Recent Contributions', 19 Rand Journal of Economics , 1-26.
- Campos, Jose Edgardo L. (1989), 'Legislative Institutions, Lobbying, and the Endogenous Choice of Regulatory Instrument: A Political Economy Approach to Instrument Choice', 5 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 333-353.
- Candler, Wilfred and Kennedy, George (1975), 'Food Cost Stabilization Using Food Coupons', 23 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics , 33-45.
- Carlton, Dennis W. and Perloff, Jeffrey M. (1990), Modern Industrial Organisation , Illinois, Glenview.
- Carlton, Dennis W. and Perloff, Jeffrey M. (1994), Modern Industrial Organisation, 2nd Ed. , New York, Harpers Collins.
- Carney, William J. (1982), The Changing Role of the Corporate Attorney , Lexington (MA), Lexington Books.
- Castles, Francis G. (1988), Australian Public Policy and Economic Vulnerability: A Comparative and Historical Perspective , Winchester, Allen and Unwin, 184 p.
- Chapman, Bruce and Quinn, J.J. (1982), 'Efficiency, Liberty and Equality: Three Ethical Justifications for Regulatory Reform', 20 Osgoode Hall Law Journal , 512-535.
- Cherkes, Martin, Friedman, Joseph and Spivak, Avia (1986), 'The Disinterst in Deregulation: Comment', 76 American Economic Review , 559-563.
- Cherot, Jean-Yves (1987), 'Elements pour une thorie de la rglementation (Elements for a Theory of Regulation)', Nr2 Revue de la Recherche Juridique .
- Chesney, James D. (1982), 'The Politics of Regulation: An Assessment of Winners and Losers', 19 Inquiry , 235-245.
- Cheung, Steven N.S. (1974), 'A Theory of Price Control', 17 Journal of Law and Economics , 53-71.
- Coase, Ronald H. (1960), 'The Problem of Social Cost', 3 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-44. Reprinted in Ackermann, Bruce A., Economic Foundations of Property Law,Boston,Little Brown,1975,17-22. Reprinted in Medema, Steven G.,The Legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis,Vol.2,Aldershot,Edward Elgar Publishig, 1995, 5-48. Reprinted in Coase, Ronald H., The Firm, the Market and the Law, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1988.
- Coase, Ronald H. (1974), 'The Lighthouse in Economics', 23 Journal of Law and Economics , 357-376.
- Cochrane, James L. and Griepentrog, Gary L. (1978), 'Sulphur and the U.S. Government: Price Fighting in the 1960s', 16 Economic Inquiry , 360-384.
- Colander, David (1984), 'Galbraith and the Theory of Price Control', 7 Journal of Post Keynesian Economics , 30-42.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Rubin, Edward L. (1988), 'Orders and Incentives as Regulatory Methods: The Expedited Funds Availability Act of 1987', 35 UCLA Law Review , 1115-1186.
- Cosentino, Fabrizio (1995), 'Il dilemma dell'economia informale: proibizione o deregolamentazione ? (The dilemma of informal economy: prohibition or deregulation ?)', Politica del diritto , 635-653.
- Cottle, Rex L. and Wallace, Myles S. (1983), 'Economic Effects of Non Binding Price Constraints', 31 Journal of Industrial Economics , 469-474.
- Coursey, Don L. and Smith, Vernon L. (1983), 'Price Controls in a Posted Offer Market', 73 American Economic Review , 218-221.
- Cousineau, Jean Michel and Lacroix, Robert (1978), 'L'impact de la politique canadienne de controle des prix et des revenus sur les ententes salariales (The Effect of Canadian Price and Income Control Policy on the Wages)', 4 Canadian Public Policy , 88-100.
- Cowen, Tyler (ed.) (1988), The Theory of Market Failure , Fairfax, George Mason University Press.
- Cox, Charles C. (1980), 'The Enforcement of Public Price Controls', 88 Journal of Political Economy , 887-916.
- Crandall, Robert W. (1983), 'Deregulation: The U.S. Experience', 139 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 419-434.
- Crandall, Robert W. (1986), 'Economic Rents as a Barrier to Deregulation', 6 Cato Journal , 173-194.
- Crew, Michael A. and Rowley, Charles K. (1986), 'Deregulation as an Instrument in Industrial Policy', 142 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 52-70.
- Crew, Michael A. and Rowley, Charles K. (1987), 'The Myth of Disinterest in Deregulation', in Rowley, Charles K., Tollison, Robert D. and Tullock, Gordon (eds.), The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking , Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 163-178.
- Crew, Michael A. and Rowley, Charles K. (1988), 'Toward a Public Choice Theory of Monopoly Regulation', 57 Public Choice , 49-67.
- Csikos Nagy, Bela (1980), 'The New Path of Hungarian Price Policy', 118 Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift , 201-211.
- Cudahy, Richard D. (1993), 'The Coming Demise of Deregulation', 10 Yale Journal on Regulation , 1-15.
- Cukierman, Alex and Leiderman, Leonardo (1984), 'Price Controls and the Variability of Relative Prices', 16 Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking , 271-284.
- Curwen, P.J. (1979), 'The Price Commission Report on Books A Short Critique', 27 Journal of Industrial Economics , 295-299.
- Daems, H. and De Grauwe, Paul (1981), 'Determinanten van de overheidsreglementering (Determinants of Government Regulation)', in X (ed.), Overheidsinterventies, Effectiviteit en Efficintie. Vijftiende Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres , Leuven, Departement Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, 25-41.
- Dahlman, Carl J. (1979), 'The Problem of Externality', 22 Journal of Law and Economics , 141-162.
- Darby, Michael R. (1976), 'Price and Wage Controls: The First Two Years', 2 Journal of Monetary Economics , 235-263.
- Darby, Michael R. (1976), 'Price and Wage Controls: Further Evidence', 2 Journal of Monetary Economics , 269-271.
- Darby, Michael R. and Karni, Edi (1973), 'Free Competition and the Optimal Amount of Fraud', 16 Journal of Law and Economics , 67-88.
- Daughety, Andrew F. and Forsythe, Robert (1987), 'The Effects of Industry-Wide Price Regulation on Industrial Organization', 3 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 397-434.
- Daves, D. W. and Christensen, Laurits R. (1980), 'The relative efficiency of public and private firms in a competitive environment: The case of Canadian Railroads', 88 Journal of Political Economy , 958-976.
- Davies, David G. (1971), 'The Efficiency of Public versus Private Firms: The Case of Australia's Two Airlines', 14 Journal of Law and Economics , 149-165.
- Davies, David G. (1977), 'Property Rights and Economic Efficiency - the Australian Airlines Revisited', 20 Journal of Law and Economics , 223-226.
- De Bondt, Raymond (1978), 'Industrial Economic Aspects of Belgian Price Regulation', 23 Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management , 249-264.
- De Bondt, Raymond and Van Herck, G. (1981), 'Prijsbeleid en economi sche efficintie (Price Policy and Economic Efficiency)', in X (ed.), 18de Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Brussel 8 en 9 mei 1987, Sociaal-economische Deregulering , Brussel, V.E.H.U.B., 253-278.
- Deacon, Robert T. (1978), 'An Economic Analysis of Gasoline Price Controls', 18 Natural Resources Journal , 801-814.
- Deacon, Robert T. and Sonstelie, Jon (1989), 'Price Controls and Rent Seeking Behavior in Developing Countries', 17 World Development , 1945-1954.
- Deacon, Robert T. and Sonstelie, Jon (1989), 'The Welfare Costs of Rationing by Waiting', 27 Economic Inquiry , 179-196.
- Deaton, Thomas, Tollison, Robert D. and Crafton, Steven M. (1976), 'A Note on the Theory of Black Markets under Price Controls', 14 Economic Inquiry , 300-3304.
- Degraba, Patrick J. (1987), 'The Effects of Price Restrictions on Competition Between National and Local Firms', 18 Rand Journal of Economics , 333-347.
- Demsetz, Harold (1968), 'Information and Efficiency: Another Viewpoint', 12 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-22.
- Demsetz, Harold (1976), 'Economics as a Guide to Antitrust Regulation', 19 Journal of Law and Economics , 371-384.
- Demski, Joel S. and Sappington, David E.M. (1987), 'Hierarchical Regulatory Control', 18 Rand Journal of Economics , 369-383.
- Den Hertog, Johan A. (1993), 'An economic analysis of self-regulation of physicians in the Netherlands', in Faure, Michael, Finsinger, Jorg, Siegers, Jacques and Van den Bergh, Roger (eds.), Regulation of Professions , Antwerpen, Maklu, 195-225.
- Den Hertog, Johan A. (1996), 'The policy of deregulation in The Netherlands', 40 European Economic Review , 979-987.
- Derthick, Martha and Quirck, Paul J. (1985), 'Why the Regulators Chose to Deregulate', in Noll, Roger G. (ed.), Regulatory Policy and the Social Sciences , Berkeley, University of California Press, 200-231.
- Dewees, Donald N. (ed.) (1983), The Regulation of Quality: Products, Services, Workplaces and the Environment , Toronto, Butterworths, 320 p.
- Diver, Colin S. (1980), 'A Theory of Regulatory Enforcement', 28 Public Policy , 257-299.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1981), 'The Case of Monopoly and Pollution', 30 Journal of Industrial Economics , 213-216.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1996), 'An Economic Analysis of the BSE Scare', 43 Scottish Journal of Political Economy , 343-348.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1997), 'The Future of the British Post Office', 4 European Journal of Law and Economics , 93-102.
- Doherty, Neil A. and Garven, James R. (1986), 'Price Regulation in Property Liability Insurance: A Contingent Claims Approach', 41 Journal of Finance , 1031-1050.
- Downs, Anthony (1957), An economic theory of democracy , New York, Harper and Row.
- Duggan, A.J. (1991), 'Some Reflections on Consumer Protection and the Law Reform Process', 17 Monash University Law Review , 145-162.
- Duharcourt, Pierre (1988), '"Thories" et "concept" de la rgulation (Regulation as a Theory and as a Concept)', 22(5) Economies et Socits , 135-161.
- Dunleavy, Patrick S. (1991), Bureaucracy and Public Choice: Economic Explanations in Political Science , Harvester Press.
- Dworkin, Ronald M. (1981), 'What Is Equality?', 10 Philosophy And Public Affairs , 185-345.
- Eads, George C. (1971), 'A.E. Kahn: The Economics of Regulation', 2 Bell Journal of Economics , 678-682.
- Edwards, Clark (1974), 'Exchangeable Coupon Gas Rationing', 26(3) Agricultural Economics Research , 55-68.
- Ehemann, Christian (1974), 'General Disequilibrium, Fiscal Policy, and a Wage Price Freeze', 12 Economic Inquiry , 35-52.
- Ekelund, Robert B., Jr. and Tollison, Robert D. (1981), Mercantilism as a Rent Seeking Society: Economic Regulation in Historical Perspective , College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 169 p.
- Erickson, Edward W. and others (1978), 'The Political Economy of Crude Oil Price Controls', 18 Natural Resources Journal , 787-780.
- Escarmelle, Jean Francois and Hujoel, Luc (1986), 'Privatization and Deregulation. Its Implementation in Belgium', 57 Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy , 253-273.
- Evely, Richard W. (1976), 'The Effects of the Price Code', 77 National Institute Economic Review , 50-59.
- Fenili, Robert N. and Lane, William C. (1985), 'Thou Shalt Not Cut Prices! Sales-Below-Cost Laws for Gas Stations', 9(5) Regulation , 31-35.
- Fiedler, Edgar R. (1972), 'The Price Wage Stabilization Program', 1 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 199-1206.
- Flowers, Marilyn R. and Stroup, Richard L. (1979), 'Coupon Rationing and Rent Seeking Bureaucrats', 34 Public Choice , 473-479.
- Frey, Bruno S. (1978), Modern Political Economy , Oxford, Martin Robertson.
- Frey, Bruno S. (1983), Democratic Economic Policy: A Theoretical Introduction , Oxford, Basil Blackwell.
- Frey, Bruno S. and Ramser, Hans Jrgen (1986), 'Where Are the Limits of Regulation?', 142 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 571-580.
- Gey, Steven G. (1980), 'The Political Economy of the Dormant Commerce Clause', 17 New York University Review of Law & Social Change , 9-901.
- Ghali, Moheb A. (1977), 'The Effect of Controls on Wages, Prices, and Strike Activity', 30 Journal of Economics and Business , 23-30.
- Gifford, Adam, Jr. (1987), 'Rent Seeking and Nonprice Competition', 27(2) Quarterly Review of Economics and Business , 63-70.
- Gilligan, Thomas W., Marshall, William J. and Weingast, Barry R. (1989), 'Regulation and the Theory of Legislative Choice: The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887', 32 Journal of Law and Economics , 35-61.
- Gitlow, Abraham L. (1976), 'Are Peacetime Wage Price Controls Effective?', 23 Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali , 722-739.
- Golbert, J.P. and Lowenstein, Paul (1982), 'The Court and the Marketplace: Who Should Regulate Whom?', 34 Baylor Law Review , 39-65.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (1976), 'Regulation and Administered Contracts', 7 Bell Journal of Economics , 426-448. Reprinted in Pierce, Richard (Ed.),The Economics of Regulation: Cases and Materials, Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing, 1994.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (1988), 'Clarifying the Record: A Comment', 144 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 885-888.
- Goodman, John C. and Porter, Philip K. (1988), 'Theory of Competitive Regulatory Equilibrium', 59 Public Choice , 51-166.
- Gordon, Daniel V. (1988), 'The Effect of Price Deregulation on the Competitive Behavior of Retail Drug Firms', 20 Applied Economics , 641-652.
- Gordon, Robert J. (1972), 'Wage Price Controls and the Shifting Phillips Curve', 2 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 385-421.
- Gordon, Robert J. (1973), 'The Response of Wages and Prices to the First Two Years of Controls', 3 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , 765-778.
- Granziol, Markus J. (1985), 'Direct Price Controls as a Source of Instability in the Interest Rate/Inflation Rate Relationship', 9 Journal of Banking and Finance , 275-288.
- Greco, Anthony J. (1987), 'State Fluid Milk Regulation: Antitrust and Price Controls', 32 Antitrust Bulletin , 165-188.
- Gribbin, J.Denys (1978), 'The United Kingdom 1977 Price Commission Act and Competition Policy', 23 Antitrust Bulletin , 405-439.
- Gruenspecht, Howard K. and Lave, L.B. (1989), 'The economics of health, safety and environmental regulation', in Schmalensee, Richard and Willig, Robert D., (eds.), Handbook of industrial organization II , Amsterdam, North Holland, 1508-1550.
- Guesnerie, Roger (1988), 'Regulation as an Adverse Selection Problem: An Introduction to the Literature', 32 European Economic Review , 473-481.
- Haddock, David D. and Macey, Jonathan R. (1987), 'Regulation on Demand: A Private Interest Model, with an Application to Insider Trading Regulation', 30 Journal of Law and Economics , 311-352.
- Hahn, Robert W. (1990), 'Regulation: past, present and future', 13 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy , 167-228.
- Hahn, Robert W. (ed.) (1996), Risks, Costs and Lives Saved , Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Hahn, Robert W. and Hird, John A. (1991), 'The Costs and Benefits of Regulation: Review and Synthesis', 8 Yale Journal on Regulation , 233-278.
- Haley, John O. (1986), 'Administrative Guidance versus Formal Regulation: Resolving the Paradox of Industrial Policy', in Saxonhouse, Gary R. and Yamamura, Kozo (eds.), Law and Trade Issues of the Japanese Economy: Amer , Seattle, University of Washington Press, 107-128.
- Hamilton, Mary T. (1974), 'Price Controls in 1973: Strategies and Problems', 64 American Economic Review , 100-104.
- Hannequart, Achille and Greffe, Xavier (1985), Economie des interventions sociales (Economics of Social Interventions) , Paris, Economica, 264 p.
- Harmathy, Attila (1979), 'A gazdasgi szablyozk s a Szerzdsek kapcsolata (The Connection between Economic Regulation and Contracts)', 12 Jogtudomnyi Kzlny , 906-913.
- Harris, Richard A. and Milkis, Sidney M. (1989), The Politics of Regulatory Change: A Tale of Two Agencies , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 331 p.
- Hartle, Douglas and Trebilcock, Michael J. (1982), 'Regulatory Reform and the Political Process', 20 Osgoode Hall Law Journal , 643-677.
- Hazlett, Thomas W. (1990), 'Duopolistic Competition in Cable Television: Implications for Public Policy', 7 Yale Journal on Regulation , 65-119.
- Hazlett, Thomas W. (1991), 'The Demand to Regulate Franchise Monopoly: Evidence from CATV Rate Deregulation in California', 29 Economic Inquiry , 275-296.
- Hekathorn, Douglas D. and Maser, Steven M. (1987), 'Bargaining and the Sources of Transaction Costs: The Case of Government Regulation', 3 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 69-98.
- Helpman, Elhanan (1988), 'Macroeconomic Effects of Price Controls: The Role of Market Structure', 98 Economic Journal , 340-354.
- Hempel, George H. (1973), 'Wage and Price Controls for State and Local Governments: Their Effectiveness and the Potential Effects of Phase III', 21 Public Policy , 425-436.
- Hennipman, P. (1992), 'The Reasoning of a Great Methodologist: Mark Blaug on the Nature of Paretian Welfare Economics', 4 De Economist , 413-445.
- High, Jack (1990), 'Can Rents Run Uphill? A Note on the Theory of Regulation', 65 Public Choice , 229-237.
- Hill, Raymond D. (1979), 'Profit Regulation in Property- Liability Insurance', 10 Bell Journal of Economics , 172-191.
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