Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 4800 Rights and Obligations of Third Parties
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , Minneapolis, West Publishing.
- De Geest, Gerrit (1995), 'Contracting by Way of Non-Simultaneous Assent: An Economic Analysis of Irrevocable Offers, Clauses for the Benefit of a Third Party, Assignments and Testaments', in Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Essays in Law and Economics II: Contract Law, Regulation, and Reflections on Law & Economics , Antwerpen, Maklu, 9-27.
- Epstein, Richard A. (1987), 'Inducement of Breach of Contract as a Problem of Ostensible Ownership', 16 Journal of Legal Studies , 1-41.
- Fine, Benjamin L. (1983), 'Comment: An Analysis of the Formation of Property Rights Underlying Tortious Interference with Contracts and Other Economic Relations', 50 University of Chicago Law Review , 1116-1145.