Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 4700 Warranties
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- Chapman, Kenneth and Meurer, Michael J. (1989), 'Efficient Remedies for Breach of Warranty', 52(1) Law and Contemporary Problems , 107-131.
- Cooper, Russell and Ross, Thomas W. (1985), 'Product Warranties and Double Moral Hazard', 16 Rand Journal of Economics , 103-113.
- Cooper, Russell and Ross, Thomas W. (1988), 'An Intertemporal Model of Warranties', 21 Canadian Journal of Economics , 72-286.
- Courville, Lon and Hausman, Warren H. (1979), 'Warranty Scope and Reliability under Imperfect Information and Alternative Market Structures', 52 Journal of Business , 361-378.
- Crocker, Keith J. (1986), 'A Reexamination of the "Lemons" Market When Warranties Are Not Prepurchase Quality Signals', 2 Information Economics and Policy , 147-162.
- Eisenach, Jeffrey A., Higgins, Richard S. and Shughart, William F., II (1984), 'Warranties, Tie-ins, and Efficient Insurance Contracts: A Theory and Three Case Studies', 6 Research in Law and Economics , 167-185.
- Emons, Winand (1987), On the Economic Theory of Warranties , Bonn, 84 p.
- Emons, Winand (1988), 'Warranties, Moral Hazard, and the Lemons Problem', 46 Journal of Economic Theory , 16-33.
- Emons, Winand (1989), 'The Theory of Warranty Contracts', 3 Journal of Economic Surveys , 43-57.
- Gill, Harley Leroy and Roberts, David C. (1989), 'New Car Warranty Repair: Theory and Evidence', 55 Southern Economic Journal , 662-678.
- Grossman, Sanford J. (1981), 'The Informational Role of Warranties and Private Disclosure about Product Quality', 24 Journal of Law and Economics , 461-483.
- Heal, Geoffrey M. (1977), 'Guarantees and Risk Sharing', 44 Review of Economic Studies , 549-560.
- Holdych, Tom (1996), 'The Basis of the Bargain Requirement: A Market and Economic Based Analysis of Express Warranties', 45 DePaul Law Review , 781-857.
- Holdych, Tom and Ferrell (1990), 'Individual Negotiation of Warranty Disclaimers: An Economic Analysis of a Presumably Market Enhancing Rule', 13 U.P.S. Law Review , 601-643.
- Holdych, Tom and Mann (1996), 'When Lemmons Are Better Than Lemonade: The Case Against Mandatory Use Car Warranties', Yale Law and Policy Review .
- Kubo, Yuji (1986), 'Quality Uncertainty and Guarantee', 30 European Economic Review , 1063-1079.
- Leland, Hayne E. (1981), 'Comments on Grossman', 24 Journal of Law and Economics , 485-489.
- Lowenthal, Franklin (1983), 'Product Warranty Period: A Markovian Approach to Estimation and Analysis of Repair and Replacement Costs: A Comment', 58 Accounting Review , 837-838.
- Lutz, Nancy A. (1989), 'Warranties as Signals Under Consumer Moral Hazard', 20 Rand Journal of Economics , 239-254.
- Mann, Duncan P. (1990), 'Money-Back Warranties vs. Replacement Warranties: A Simple Comparison', 80 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 432-436.
- Mann, Duncan P. and Wissink, Jennifer P. (1988), 'Money-Back Contracts with Double Moral Hazard', 19 Rand Journal of Economics , 285-292.
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- Palfrey, Thomas R. (1986), 'An Experimental Study of Warranty Coverage and Dispute Resolution in Competitive Markets', in Ippolito, Pauline M. and Scheffman, David T. (eds.), Empirical Approaches to Consumer Protection Econom , Washington, Federal Trade Commission, 307-372.
- Palfrey, Thomas R. and Romer, Thomas (1983), 'Warranties, Performance, and the Resolution of Buyer-Seller Disputes', 14 Bell Journal of Economics , 97-117.
- Priest, George L. (1981), 'A Theory of the Consumer Product Warranty', 90 Yale Law Journal , 1297-1352. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 174-184.
- Schwartz, Alan and Wilde, Louis L. (1983), 'Warranty Markets and Public Policy', 1(1) Information Economics and Policy , 55-67.
- Schwartz, Alan and Wilde, Louis L. (1983), 'Imperfect Information in Markets for Contract Terms: The Examples of Warranties and Security Interests', 69 Virginia Law Review , 1387-1485.
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- Wehrt, Klaus (1991), 'Die Qualittshaftung des Verkufers aus konomischer Sicht (The Quality Liability of Sellers from an Economic Point of View)', in Ott, Claus and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (eds.),
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- Whitford, William C. (1982), 'Comment (on a Theory of the Consumer Product Warranty)', 91 Yale Law Journal , 1371-1385.