Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 4600 Remedies: General
- Aghion, Philippe and Bolton, Patrick (1987), 'Contracts as Barriers to Enty', 77 American Economic Review , 388-401.
- Aghion, Philippe and Hermalin, Benjamin E. (1990), 'Legal Restrictions on Private Contracts Can Enhance Efficiency', 6 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 381-409.
- Alpa, Guido and Giampieri, Alberto (1996), 'Analisi economica del diritto e analisi del metodo: la questione del danno contrattuale (Economic analysis of law and methodological analysis: the problem of contractual damages)', Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile , 717-723.
- Anonymous (1973), 'Comment: Microeconomics and the Lost-Volume Seller', 24 Case Western Reserve Law Review , 712 ff. Reprinted in Kronman, Anthony T. and Posner Richard A. (eds.), The Economics of Contract Law, Boston, Little Brown.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , Minneapolis, West Publishing.
- Barnett, Randy E. and Becker, Mary E. (1987), 'Beyond Reliance: Promissory Estoppel, Contract Formalities, and Misrepresenta tion', 15 Hofstra Law Review , 443 ff.
- Barton, John H. (1973), 'The Economic Basis of Damages for Breach of Contract', 1 Journal of Legal Studies , 277-304.
- Beneish, Messod D. and Press, Eric (1993), 'Costs of Technical Violation of Accounting-Based Debt Convenants', 68 Accounting Review , 233-257.
- Beneish, Messod D. and Press, Eric (1995), 'The Resolution of Technical Default', 70 Accounting Review , 337-353.
- Beneish, Messod D. and Press, Eric (1995), 'Interrelation Among Events of Default', 12 Contemporary Accounting Research , 57-84.
- Bevier, Lillian R. (1990), 'Reconsidering Inducement', 76 Virginia Law Review , 877-936.
- Birmingham, Robert (1985), 'Notes on the Reliance Interest', 60 Washington Law Review , 217-266. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 92-98.
- Birmingham, Robert L. (1969), 'Damage Measures and Economic Rationality: The Geometry of Contract Law', 49 Duke Law Journal , 49-71.
- Birmingham, Robert L. (1970), 'Breach of Contract, Damage Measures, and Economic Efficiency', 24 Rutgers Law Review , 273-292.
- Bishop, William (1983), 'The Contract-Tort Boundary and the Economics of Insurance', 12 Journal of Legal Studies , 241-266. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, mbridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 86-91.
- Bishop, William (1985), 'The Choice of Remedy for Breach of Contract', 14 Journal of Legal Studies , 299-320. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 122-125.
- Brinig, Margaret F. (1990), 'Rings and Promises', 6 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 203-215.
- Brinig, Margaret F. and Carbone, June R. (1988), 'The Reliance Interest in Marriage and Divorce', 62 Tulane Law Review , 855-905.
- Brinig, Margaret F. and Crafton, Steven M. (1994), 'Marriage and Opportunism', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 869-894.
- Burton, Steven J. (1980), 'Breach of Contract and the Common Law Duty to Perform in Good Faith', 94 Harvard Law Review , 369-403.
- Campbell, David (1990), 'Review of D. Harris, Remedies in Contract and Tort', 17 Journal of Law and Society , 254-261.
- Carbone, June R. and Brinig, Margaret F. (1991), 'Rethinking Marriage: Feminist Ideology, Economic Change, and Divorce Reform', 65 Tulane Law Review , 954-1010.
- Carroll, David W. (1981), 'Four Games and the Expectancy Theory', 54 Southern California Law Review , 503-526.
- Cassy, Robert M. (1985), 'An Economic View of the U.C.C. Seller's Damage Measures and the Identification of the Lost- Volume Seller', 19 Albany Law Review , 889-925.
- Centner, Terence J. (1989), 'Imposition of Liability and Allocation of Damages for Defective Seed', 5 Agribusiness: An International Journal , 597-606.
- Chapman, Bruce (1990), 'Punitive Damages as Aggravated Damages: The Case of Contract', 16 Canadian Business Law Journal , 269-280.
- Chapman, Kenneth and Meurer, Michael J. (1989), 'Efficient Remedies for Breach of Warranty', 52(1) Law and Contemporary Problems , 107-131.
- Clerico (1992), 'Inadempienza contrattuale e determinazione del risarcimento monetario (Breach of contract and quantification of monetary damages)', Economia Pubblica , 267-276.
- Clerico, Giuseppe (1992), 'nadempienza contrattuale e determinazione del risarcimento monetario (Breach of contract and quantification of monetary damages)', Economia Pubblica , 267-276.
- Coase, Ronald H. (1960), 'The Problem of Social Cost', 3 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-44. Reprinted in Ackermann, Bruce A., Economic Foundations of Property Law,Boston,Little Brown,1975,17-22. Reprinted in Medema, Steven G.,The Legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis,Vol.2,Aldershot,Edward Elgar Publishig, 1995, 5-48. Reprinted in Coase, Ronald H., The Firm, the Market and the Law, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1988.
- Cohen, George M. (1994), 'The Fault Lines in Contract Damages', 80 Virginia Law Review , 1225-1349.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Eisenberg, Melvin Aron (1985), 'Damages for Breach of Contract', 73 California Law Review , 1432-1481.
- Cosentino, Fabrizio (1990), 'L'inadempimento efficiente nuovamente al vaglio della cassazione (Nota a Cass., 21 marzo 1989, n. 1403, Allione c. Greco) (The efficient breach again under scrutiny before the court of cassation)', I Il Foro Italiano , 223-227.
- Cosentino, Fabrizio (1992), 'Trasporto di merci su strada e limitazione della responsabilit : osservazioni in chiave di analisi economica del diritto, (Nota a Corte costit., 22 novembre 1991, n. 420, Soc. Dafne et Cloe c. Autotrasp. bestiame Melano) (Carriage of goods by road and limitation of liability: remarks from the point of view of the economic analysis of law)', 1 Il Foro Italiano , 647-655.
- Craswell, Richard (1988), 'Precontractual Investigation as an Optimal Precaution Problem', 17 Journal of Legal Studies , 401-436.
- Craswell, Richard (1988), 'Contract Remedies, Renegotiation, and the Theory of Efficient Breach', 61 Southern California Law Review , 629-670.
- Craswell, Richard (1989), 'Performance, Reliance, and One-sided Information', 18 Journal of Legal Studies , 365-401.
- Craswell, Richard (1990), 'Insecurity, Repudiation, and Cure', 19 Journal of Legal Studies , 399-434.
- Craswell, Richard (1995), 'Remedies When Contracts Lack Consent: Autonomy and Institutional Competence', 33 Osgoode Hall Law Journal , 209-235.
- Craswell, Richard (1996), 'Damage Multipliers in Market Relationships', 25 Journal of Legal Studies , 463-492.
- Curtis, Linda (1986), 'Note: Damage Measurements for Bad Faith Breach of Contract: An Economic Analysis', 39 Stanford Law Review , 161-185.
- De Alessi, Louis and Staaf, Robert J. (1989), 'Subjective Value in Contract Law', 145 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 561-577.
- Diamond, Peter A. and Maskin, Eric (1979), 'An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, I: Steady States', 10 Bell Journal of Economics , 282-316.
- Diamond, Peter A. and Maskin, Eric (1981), 'An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract II: A Nonsteady State Example', 25 Journal of Economic Theory , 165-195.
- Dixit, Avinash K. and Pindyck, Robert J. (1994), Investment Under Uncertainty , Princeton, Princeton University Press.
- Endres, Alfred (1989), 'Allokationswirkungen des Haftungsrechts (Allocative Effects of Liability Law)', 40(1) Jahrbuch fr Sozialwissenschaft , 115-129.
- Farber, Daniel A. (1980), 'Reassessing the Economic Efficiency of Compensatory Damages for Breach of Contract', 66 Virginia Law Review , 1443-1484.
- Fenn, Paul T. and Whelan, Christopher J. (1982), 'Remedies for Dismissed Employees in the U.K.: An Economic Analysis', 2 International Review of Law and Economics , 205-225.
- Finsinger, Jrg and Simon, Jrgen (1987), 'Vertragsbruch und Schadensersatz (Breach of Contract and Damages)', 2 Kritische Vierteljahresschrift fr Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft , 262-274.
- Friedman, David D. (1989), 'An Economic Analysis of Alternative Damage Rules for Breach of Contract', 32 Journal of Law and Economics , 281-310.
- Friedmann, Daniel (1989), 'The Efficient Breach Fallacy', 18 Journal of Legal Studies , 1-24.
- Fuller, Lon L. and Perdue, William (1936), 'The Reliance Interest in Contract Damages', 46 Yale Law Journal , 52-98. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,1989, 77-79.
- Fuller, Lon L. and Perdue, William (1936), 'The Reliance Interest in Contract Damages', 46 Yale Law Journal , 59-98. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 77-79.
- Goetz, Charles J. (1985), 'Comment: Contractual Remedies and the Normative Acceptability of State Imposed Coercion', 4 Cato Journal , 975-980. Reprinted in Dorn, James A. and Manne, Henry G. (eds.), Economic Liberties and the Judiciary, Fairfax, George Mason University Press, 1987, 351-356.
- Goetz, Charles J. and Scott, Robert E. (1977), 'Liquidated Damages, Penalties and the Just Compensation Principle: Some Notes on an Enforcement Model and a Theory of Efficient Breach', 77 Columbia Law Review , 554-594. Reprinted in Kronman, Anthony T. and Posner, Richard A. (eds.), The Economics of Contract Law, Boston, Little Brown,1979, 194-207.
- Goetz, Charles J. and Scott, Robert E. (1979), 'Measuring Sellers' Damages: The Lost-Profits Puzzle', 31 Stanford Law Review , 323-373.
- Goetz, Charles J. and Scott, Robert E. (1980), 'Enforcing Promises: An Examination of the Basis of Contract', 89 Yale Law Journal , 1261-1322.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (1984), 'An Economic Analysis of the Lost-Volume Retail Seller', 57 Southern California Law Review , 283-298. Reprinted in in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 106-113.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (1985), 'Relational Exchange, Contract Law, and the Boomer Problem', 141 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 570-575.
- Gordon, Wendy J. and Frankel, Tamar (1994), 'Enforcing Coasian Bribes for Non-Price Benefits: A New Role for Restitution', 67 Southern California Law Review , 1519-1571.
- Grossfeld, Bernhard (1963), 'Money Sanctions for Breach of Contract in a Communist Economy', 72 Yale Law Journal , 1326 ff. Reprinted in Kronman, Anthony T. and Posner, Richard A. (eds.), The Economics of Contract Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1979, 220-223.
- Harman, Steven G. (1983), 'Alleviating Hardship Arising from Inflation and Court Congestion: Toward the Use of the Conditional Specific Performance Decree', 56 Southern California Law Review , 795-823.
- Harris, Donald and Veljanovski, Cento G. (1983), 'Remedies for Breach Under Contract Law: Designing Rules to Facilitate Out- of-Court Settlements', 5 Law and Policy Quarterly , 97-127.
- Harris, Donald, Ogus, Anthony I. and Phillips Jennifer (1979), 'Contract Remedies and the Consumer Surplus', 95 Law Quarterly Review , 581-610.
- Hartzler, H. Richard (1968), 'The Business and Economic Functions of the Law of Contract Damages', 6 American Business Law Journal , 387-407.
- Jackson, Thomas H. (1978), 'Anticipatory Repudiation and the Temporal Element in Contract Law: An Economic Inquiry into Contract Damages in Cases of Prospective Nonperformance', 31 Stanford Law Review , 69-119.
- Johnston, Jason Scott (1995), 'Bargaining Under Rules Versus Standards', 11 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 256-281.
- Kaplow, Louis and Shavell, Steven (1995), 'Do Liability Rules Facilitate Bargaining? A Reply to Ayres and Talley', 105(1) Yale Law Journal , 221-233.
- Katz, Avery (1988), 'Reflections on Fuller and Perdue's "The Reliance Interest in Contract Damages": A Positive Economic Framework', 21 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform , 541-560.
- Knoeber, Charles R. (1983), 'An Alternative Mechanism to Assure Contractual Reliability', 12 Journal of Legal Studies , 333-343.
- Konakayama, Akira, Mitsui, Toshihide and Watanabe, Shinichi (1986), 'Efficient Contracting with Reliance and a Damage Measure', 17 Rand Journal of Economics , 450-457.
- Kndgen, Johannes and Von Randow, Philipp (1989), 'Sanktionen bei Vertragsverletzung (Sanctions for Breach of Contract)', in Ott, Claus and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (eds.), Allekationseffizienz in der Rechtsordnung , Berlin, Springer, 122-140.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1983), 'Reliance, Reputation, and Breach of Contract', 27 Journal of Law and Economics , 691-706.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1986), 'An Introduction to the Economic Analysis of Contract Remedies', 57 University of Colorado Law Review , 683-725.
- Kroll, Heidi (1987), 'Breach of Contract in the Soviet Economy', 16 Journal of Legal Studies , 119-148.
- Kroll, Heidi (1989), 'Reform and Damages for Breach of Contract in the Soviet Economy', 5 Soviet Economy , 276-297.
- Kronman, Anthony T. (1978), 'Specific Performance', 45 University of Chicago Law Review , 351-382. Reprinted in Kronman, Anthony T. and Posner, Richard A. (eds.), The Economics of Contract Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1979, 181-194.
- Kull, Andrew (1994), 'Restitution as a Remedy for Breach of Contract', 67 Southern California Law Review , 1465-1518.
- Landa, Janet T. and Grofman, Bernard (1981), 'Games of Breach and the Role of Contract Law in Protecting the Expectation Interest', 3 Research in Law and Economics , 67-90.
- Lehmann, Michael (1981), 'Die brgerlich-rechtliche Haftung fr Werbeangaben. Culpa in contrahendo als Haftungsgrundlage fr vertragsanbahnende Erklrungen', 36 Der Betriebs-Berater , 1233-1242.
- Lehmann, Michael (1983), 'Die missglckte Probefahrt. Vertragsrecht, Quasivertragsrecht, Deliktrecht.
konomische Analyse des Rechts (The Failed Excursion. Contract Law, Quasi-Contract Law Economic Analysis of Law)', in Walz, W. Rainer and Rascher-Friesenhausen, Hein (eds.), Sozialwissenschaften im Zivilrecht: Flle und Lsungen in Ausbild und Prfung , Neuwied und Darmstadt, Luchterhand, 35-51.
- Leitzel, Jim (1989), 'Damage Measures and Incomplete Contracts', 20 Rand Journal of Economics , 92-101.
- Leitzel, Jim (1989), 'Reliance and Contract Breach', 52(1) Law and Contemporary Problems , 87-105.
- Lemennicier, Bertrand (1987), 'Indemnits de licenciement: assurances tous risques, rparation d'un prjudice ou impt sur la libert de contracter (Damages of Licensing: All Risk Insurance, Retrieving a Loss or Taxation on the Freedom of Contract)', Revue de la Recherche Juridique Droit Perspectif .
- Levmore, Saul (1982), 'Securities and Secrets: Insider Trading and the Law of Contracts', 68 Virginia Law Review , 117-160.
- Levmore, Saul and Stuntz, William J. (1990), 'Remedies and Incentives in Private and Public Law: A Comparative Essay', Wisconsin Law Review , 483-499.
- Lewis, Tracy R., Perry, Martin K. and Sappington, David E.M. (1989), 'Renegotiation and Specific Performance', 52(1) Law and Contemporary Problems , 33-48.
- Linzer, Peter (1981), 'On the Amorality of Contract Remedies - Efficiency, Equity and the Second Restatement', 81 Columbia Law Review , 111-139.
- MacNeil, Ian R. (1982), 'Efficient Breach of Contract: Circles in the Sky', 68 Virginia Law Review , 947-969.
- MacNeil, Ian R. (1988), 'Contract Remedies: A Need for Better Efficiency Analysis', 144 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 6-30.
- Mahoney, Paul G. (1995), 'Contract Remedies and Options Pricing', 24 Journal of Legal Studies , 139-163.
- Mather, Henry (1982), 'Restitution as a Remedy for Breach of Contract: The Case of the Partially Performing Seller', 92 Yale Law Journal , 14-48.
- Mattei, Ugo (1987), 'Diritto e rimedio nell'esperienza italiana ed in quella statunitense: un primo approccio (Law and Remedies Related to Italian and American Experiences: A First Approach)', Quadrimestre , 341-359.
- Miceli, Thomas J. (1995), 'Contract Modification When Litigating for Damages Is Costly', 15 International Review of Law and Economics , 87-99.
- Monateri, Pier Giuseppe (1989), Cumulo di responsabilit contrattuale ed extra (Overlap of Contractual and Extracontractual Liability) , Padova, CEDAM, 315 p.
- Muris, Timothy J. (1982), 'Comment: The Costs of Freely Granting Specific Performance', Duke Law Journal , 1053-1069.
- Muris, Timothy J. (1983), 'Cost of Completion or Diminution in Market Value: The Relevance of Subjective Value', 12 Journal of Legal Studies , 379-400. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 128-132.
- Narasimhan, Subha (1987), 'Modification: The Self-Help Specific Performance Remedy', 97 Yale Law Journal , 61-95.
- Nugent, Peter E. (1972), 'Measuring Contract Damages Policy and the Advantage of Breach', 87 Notre Dame Lawyer , 1335-1348.
- Owen, Marc (1984), 'Some Aspects of the Recovery of Reliance Damages in the Law of Contracts', 4 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies , 393-420.
- Pardolesi, Roberto (1988), 'Tutela specifica e tutela per equivalente nella prospettiva dell'analisi economica del diritto (Specific Performance and Damages: An EAL Perspective)', Quadrimestre , 76-97.
- Perloff, Jeffrey M. (1981), 'The Effects of Breaches of Forward Contracts Due to Unanticipated Price Changes', 10 Journal of Legal Studies , 221-235.
- Pettit, Mark, Jr. (1987), 'Private Advantage and Public Power: Reexamining the Expectation and Reliance Interests in Contract Damages', 38 Hastings Law Journal , 417-469.
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1983), 'Risk Sharing through Breach of Contract Remedies', 12 Journal of Legal Studies , 427-444.
- Ponzanelli, Giulio, ' Limitazione di responsabilit, analisi economica e giudizio di costituzionalit (Nota a Corte cost. 22 novembre 1991, n. 420, Soc. Dafne et Cloe c. Autotrasp. bestiame Melano) (Limitation of liability, economic analysis and constitutional judgement)', I Il Foro Italiano , 643-647.
- Ponzanelli, Giulio (1991), 'Limitazione di responsabilit.., analisi economica e giudizio di costituzionalit.. (Limitation of liability, economic analysis and constitutional judgement)', I Il Foro Italiano , 643-647.
- Priest, George L. (1978), 'Breach and Remedy for the Tender of Nonconforming Goods Under the Uniform Commercial Code: An Economic Approach', 91 Harvard Law Review , 960-1001. Reprinted in Kronman, Anthony T. and Posner, Richard A. (eds.), The Economics of Contract Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1979, 167-175.
- Quillen, Gwyn D. (1988), 'Contract Damages and Cross-Subsidization', 61 Southern California Law Review , 1125-1141.
- Rea, Samuel A., Jr. (1982), 'Nonpecuniary Loss and Breach of Contract', 11 Journal of Legal Studies , 35-53.
- Rea, Samuel A., Jr. (1982), 'Inflation and the Law of Contracts and Torts', 14 Ottawa Law Review , 465-480.
- Rea, Samuel A., Jr. (1986), 'Damages for Buyer Breach', 6 International Review of Law and Economics , 77-86.
- Rea, Samuel A., Jr. (1989), 'An Economic Analysis of Buyer's Breach: A Comment', 22 Canadian Journal of Economics , 904-909.
- Robinson, Glen O. (1991), 'Explaining Contingent Rights: The Puzzle of "Obsolete" Covenants', 91 Columbia Law Review , 546-580.
- Rogerson, William P. (1984), 'Efficient Reliance and Damage Measures for Breach of Contract', 15 Rand Journal of Economics , 39-53.
- Rottenberg, Simon (1985), 'Mistaken Judicial Activism: Proposed Constraints on Creditor Remedies', 4 Cato Journal , 335-350. Reprinted in Dorn, James A. and Manne, Henry G. (eds.), Economic Liberties and the Judiciary, Fairfax, George Mason University Press, 1987, 335-349.
- Rubin, Paul H. (1981), 'Unenforceable Contracts: Penalty Clauses and Specific Performance', 10 Journal of Legal Studies , 237-247.
- Sadanand, Asha (1987), 'Lost Profits, Market Damages, and Specific Performance: An Economic Analysis of Buyer's Breach', 20 Canadian Journal of Economics , 750-773.
- Sadanand, Asha (1989), 'Protection of Seller's Interests under Buyer's Breach', 22 Canadian Journal of Economics , 910-916.
- Schwartz, Alan (1979), 'The Case for Specific Performance', 89 Yale Law Journal , 271-306.
- Schwartz, Alan (1990), 'The Myth That Promisees Prefer Supracompensatory Remedies: An Analysis of Contracting for Damage Measures', 100 Yale Law Journal , 369-407.
- Scott, Kenneth E. (1988), 'Contract Remedies: A Need for Better Efficiency Analysis: Comment', 144 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 31-34.
- Scott, Robert E. (1989), 'Rethinking the Regulation of Coercive Creditor Remedies', 89 Columbia Law Review , 730-788.
- Scott, Robert E. (1990), 'The Case for Market Damages: Revisiting the Lost Profits Puzzle', 57 University of Chicago Law Review , 1155-1202.
- Shavell, Steven (1980), 'Damage Measures for Breach of Contract', 11 Bell Journal of Economics , 466-490.
- Shavell, Steven (1984), 'The Design of Contracts and Remedies for Breach', 99 Quarterly Journal of Economics , 121-148.
- Simon, David and Novack, Gerald A. (1979), 'Limiting the Buyer's Market Damages to Lost Profits: A Challenge to the Enforceability of Market Contracts', 92 Harvard Law Review , 1395-1438.
- Simon, Marilyn J., Wolf, Robert G. and Perloff, Jeffrey M. (1985), 'Product Safety, Liability Rules and Retailer Bankruptcy', 51(4) Southern Economic Journal , 1130-1141.
- Speidel, Richard E. and Clay, Kenneth O. (1972), 'Sellers Recovery of Overhead Under UCC Section 2-708(2): Economic Cost Theory and Contract Remedial Policy', 57 Cornell Law Review , 681-718. Reprinted in Kronman, Anthony T. and Posner, Richard A. (eds.), The Economics of Contract Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1979, 208-213.
- Spier, Kathryn E. and Michael Whinston (1995), 'On the Efficiency of Privately Stipulated Damages for Breach of Contract: Entry Barriers, Reliance, an Renegotiation', 26 (2) Rand Journal of Economics , 180-202.
- Spier, Kathryn E. and Whinston, Michael D. (1995), 'On the Efficiency of Privately Stipulated Damages for Breach of Contract: Entry Barriers, Reliance and Renegotiation', 26 Rand Journal of Economics , 180-202.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , West Publishing.
- Triantis, George G. (1993), 'The Effects of Insolvency and Bankruptcy on Contract Performance and Adjustment', 43 University of Toronto Law Journal , 679-710.
- Trimarchi, Pietro (1970), 'Sul Significato Economico Dei Criteri Di Responsabilit Contrattuale (Economic Meaning of Contract-Liability Criteria)', Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile , 512-531.
- Trimarchi, Pietro (1972), 'Die Regelung der Vertragshaftung aus konomischer Sicht (The Regulation of Contractual Liability from an Economic Point of View)', 136 Zeitschrift fr das gesamte Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht , 118-138.
- Ulen, Thomas S. (1984), 'The Efficiency of Specific Performance: Toward a Unified Theory of Contract Remedies', 83 Michigan Law Review , 341-403.
- Vasgerau, Hans Jrgen (1988), 'Contract Remedies: A Need for Better Efficiency Analysis: Comment', 144 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 35-38.
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