Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 4400 Implied Terms - Interpretation
- Bainbridge, Stephen M. (1984), 'Trade Usages in International Sales of Goods: An Analysis of the 1964 and 1980 Sales Conventions', 24 Virginia Journal of International Law , 619 ff.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , Minneapolis, West Publishing.
- Burton, Steven J. (1980), 'Breach of Contract and the Common Law Duty to Perform in Good Faith', 94 Harvard Law Review , 369-403.
- Burton, Steven J. (1981), 'Good Faith Performance of a Contract within Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code', 67 Iowa Law Review , 1-30.
- Campbell, David (1996), 'The Relational Constitution of the Discrete Contract', in Campbell, David and Vincent-Jones, Peter (eds.), Contract and Economic Organisation: Socio-legal Initiatives , Aldershot, Dartmouth, 40-66.
- Campbell, David and Harris, Donald R. (1993), 'Flexibility in Long-term Contractual Relationships: The Role of Co-operation', 20 Journal of Law and Society , 166-191.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Freedman, Bradley J. (1991), 'The Fiduciary Relationship: Its Economic Character and Legal Consequences', 66 New York University Law Review , 1045 ff. Reprinted in Pardolesi, Roberto and Van den Bergh, Roger (Eds.), Law and Economics, Some Further Insights: 7th European Law and Economics Association Conference, Rome, Sept. 3-5, 1990, Milano; Sutte, 1991, pp. 17-50.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Freedman, Bradley J. (1991), 'An Economic Model of the Fiduciary's Duty of Loyalty', 10 Tel Aviv Studies in Law , 297 ff.
- Easterbrook, Frank H. and Fischel, Daniel R. (1993), 'Contract and Fiduciary Duty', 36 Journal of Law and Economics , 425-451.
- Goetz, Charles J. and Scott, Robert E. (1983), 'The Mitigation Principle: Toward a General Theory of Contractual Obligation', 69 Virginia Law Review , 967-1024. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,1989, 61-68 and 199-200.
- Goetz, Charles J. and Scott, Robert E. (1985), 'The Limits of Expanded Choice: An Analysis of the Interactions between Express and Implied Contract Terms', 73 California Law Review , 261-322.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (1985), 'Relational Exchange, Contract Law, and the Boomer Problem', 141 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 570-575.
- Graham, Daniel A. and Peirce, Ellen R. (1989), 'Contract Modification: An Economic Analysis of the Hold-Up Game', 52(1) Law and Contemporary Problems , 9-32.
- Hadfield, Gillian K. (1992), 'Incomplete Contracts and Statutes: Commentary', 12 International Review of Law and Economics , 257-259.
- Hadfield, Gillian K. (1994), 'Judicial Competence and the Interpretation of Incomplete Contracts', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 159-184.
- Hansmann, Henry B. and Kraakman, Reinier H. (1992), 'Hands-Tying Contracts: Book Publishing, Venture Capital Financing, and Secured Debt', Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 628-655.
- Hart, Oliver D. and Moore, John (1988), 'Incomplete Contracts and Renegotiation', 56 Econometrica , 755-785.
- Hermalin, Benjamin E. and Katz, Michael L. (1993), 'Judicial Modification of Contracts between Sophisticated Parties: A More Complete View of Incomplete Contracts and Their Breach', 9 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 230-255.
- Kahan, Marcel (1995), 'The Qualified Case Against Mandatory Terms in Bonds', 89 Northwestern University Law Review , 565-622.
- Kahn, Charles and Huberman, Guy (1989), 'Default, Foreclosure, and Strategic Renegotiation', 52(1) Law and Contemporary Problems , 49-61.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1979), 'Les notions floues ou l'conomie de l'imprcision (Fuzzy Concepts or the Economics of Imprecision)', 12 Langages , 33-50.
- Meyerson, Michael I. (1990), 'The Efficient Consumer Form Contract: Law and Economics Meets the Real World', 24 Georgia Law Review , 583-627.
- Muris, Timothy J. (1981), 'Opportunistic Behaviour and the Law of Contracts', 65 Minnesota Law Review , 521-590.
- Narasimhan, Subha (1986), 'Of Expectations, Incomplete Contrac ting, and the Bargain Principle', 74 California Law Review , 1123-1202.
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1987), 'Fixed Price versus Spot Price Contracts: A Study in Risk Allocation', 3(1) Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 27-46.
- Polinsky, Mitchell A. (1987), 'Fixed Price versus Spot Price Contracts: A Study in Risk Allocation', 3 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 27-46.
- Posner, Eric A. (1995), 'Contract Law in the Welfare State: A Defense of the Unconscionablility Doctrine, Usury Laws, and Related Limitations on the Freedom to Contract', 24 Journal of Legal Studies , 283-319.
- Posner, Eric A. (1997), 'The Parol Evidence Rule, the Plain Meaning Rule, and Related Rules of Contractual Interpretation', 146 University of Pennsylvania Law Review .
- Ryssdal, Stray A.C. (1995), Legal Realism & Economics as Behavior - A Scandinavian Look at the Economic Analysis of Law , Oslo, Juridisk Forlag.
- Snyderman, Mark (1988), 'What's So Good About Good Faith? the Good Faith Performance Obligation in Commercial Lending', 55 University of Chicago Law Review , 1335-1370.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , West Publishing.
- Verkerke, J. Hoult (1995), 'An Empirical Perspective on Indefinite Term Employment Contracts: Resolving the Just Cause Debate', Wisconsin Law Review , 837-918.
- Warren, Elizabeth (1981), 'Trade Usage and Parties in the Trade: An Economic Rationale for an Inflexible Rule', 42 University of Pittsburgh Law Review , 515 ff.
- Warren, Elizabeth (1983), 'Formal and Operative Rules Under Common Law and Code', 32 UCLA Law Review , 898 ff.
- Williamson, Oliver E. (1985), 'Assessing Contract', 1 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 177-208.