Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 4000 Contract Law: General Theories (incl. nature of default rules, non-economic theories)
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- Alexander, Larry and Wang, William K.S. (1984), 'Natural Advantages and Contractual Justice', 3 Law and Philosophy , 281-297. Reprinted in Contract Law, vol. 2, International Library in Law & Legal Theory, 1991, 453-469.
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- Ayres, Ian and Gertner, Robert H. (1989), 'Filling Gaps in Incomplete Contracts: An Economic Analysis of Default Rules', 99 Yale Law Journal , 87-130.
- Ayres, Ian and Gertner, Robert H. (1992), 'Strategic Contractual Inefficiency and the Optimal Choice of Legal Rules', 101 Yale Law Journal , 729-773.
- Baird, Douglas G. and Weisberg, Robert (1982), 'Rules, Standards and the Battle of the Forms: A Reassessment of ¤2-207', 68 Virginia Law Review , 1217-1262.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , Minneapolis, West Publishing.
- Barnett, Randy E. (1986), 'A Consent Theory of Contract', 86 Columbia Law Review , 269-321.
- Barnett, Randy E. (1992), 'The Sound of Silence: Default Rules and Contractual Consent', 78 Virginia Law Review , 821-911.
- Bebchuk, Lucian Arye and Shavell, Steven (1991), 'Information and the Scope of Liability for Breach of Contract: The Rule of Hadley vs. Baxendale', 7 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 284-312.
- Belley, Jean-Guy (1996), 'Le contrat comme phnomne d'internormativit (The Contract as a Phenomenon of Inter-Normativity)', in Belley, Jean-Guy (ed.), Le droit soluble - Contributions qubcoises l'tude de la normativit , Paris, Librairie Gnrale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 195-232.
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- Bernstein, Lisa (1993), 'Social norms and Default Rule Analysis', 3 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal , 59-90.
- Birmingham, Robert L. (1968), 'Legal and Moral Duty in Game Theory: Common Law Contract and Chinese Analogies', 18 Buffalo Law Review , 99-117. Reprinted in Kronman, Anthony T. and Posner, Richard A. (eds.), The Economics of Contract Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1979, 16-21.
- Brousseau, Eric (1993), 'Les Theories des Contrats: Une Revue', 103(1) Revue d'Economie Politique , 1-82.
- Brousseau, Eric (1993), L'economie des contrats; technologies de l'information et coordination interentreprises , Paris, Presses Universitaires de France (PUF).
- Brousseau, Eric (1995), 'Contracts as Modular Mechanisms: Some Propositions for the Study of 'Hybrid Forms'', 2(3) International Journal of the Economics of Business , 409-439.
- Brown, Patricia A. and Feinman, Jay M. (1991), 'Economic Loss, Commercial Practices, and Legal Process: Spring Motors Distributors,Inc. v. Ford Motor Company', 22 Rutgers Law Review , 301-360.
- Brudney, Daniel (1991), 'Hypothetical Consent and Moral Force', 10 Law and Philosophy , 253-270.
- Buckley, Francis H. (1988), 'Paradox Lost', 72 Minnesota Law Review , 775-827.
- Burton, Steven J. (1993), 'Default Principles, Legitimacy, and the Authority of a Contract', 3 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal , 115-166.
- Campbell, David (1990), 'The Social Theory of Relational Contract: Macneil as the Modern Proudhon', 18 International Journal of the Sociology of Law , 75-95.
- Campbell, David (1990), 'Review of D. Harris, Remedies in Contract and Tort', 17 Journal of Law and Society , 254-261.
- Campbell, David (1992), 'The Undeath of Contract: A Study in the Degeneration of a Research Programme', 22 The Hong Kong Law Journal , 20-47.
- Campbell, David (1992), 'Review of S. Wheeler. Reservation of Title Clauses', 19 Journal of Law and Society , 6-12.
- Campbell, David (1996), 'The Relational Constitution of the Discrete Contract', in Campbell, David and Vincent-Jones, Peter (eds.), Contract and Economic Organisation: Socio-legal Initiatives , Aldershot, Dartmouth, 40-66.
- Campbell, David (1997), 'Socio-legal Analysis of the Law of Contract', in Thomas, Philip A. (ed.), Socio-legal Studies , Aldershot, Dartmouth, 239-278.
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- Campbell, David and Clay, Susan, Long-Term Contracting: A Research Bibliography and Review of the Literature , Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.
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- Feinman, Jay M. (1983), 'Critical Approaches to Contract Law', 30 UCLA Law Review , 829-860.
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- Gillette, Clayton P. (1990), 'Commercial Relationships and the Selection of Default Rules for Remote Risks', 19 Journal of Legal Studies , 535-581.
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