Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 3700 Punitive Damages
- Abraham, Kenneth S. and Jeffries, John C., Jr. (1989), 'Punitive Damages and the Rule of Law: The Role of Defendant's Wealth', 18 Journal of Legal Studies , 415-425.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economic Analysis of Tort Law , West Publishing.
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- Boyd, James and Ingberman, Daniel E. (1994), 'Noncompensatory Damages and Potential Insolvency', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 895-910.
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- Calabresi, Guido and Melamed, A. Douglas (1972), 'Property Rules, Liability Rules and Inalienability: One View of the Cathedral', 85 Harvard Law Review , 1089-1128. Reprinted in Ackerman, Bruce A., Economic Foundations of Property Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1975, 31-48.
- Chapman, Bruce and Trebilcock, Michael J. (1989), 'Punitive Damages: Divergence in Search of a Rationale', 40 Alabama Law Review , 741-829.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1982), 'Economic Analysis of Punitive Damages', 56 University of Southern California Law Review , 79-101. Reprinted in Posner, Richard A. and Parisi, Francesco (Eds.), Law and Economics, Edward Elgar, 1996, forthcoming.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1989), 'Punitive Damages for Deterrence: When and How Much?', 40 Alabama Law Review , 1143-1196.
- Craswell, Richard (1996), 'Damage Multipliers in Market Relationships', 25 Journal of Legal Studies , 463-492.
- Daniels, Stephen and Martin, Joanne (1990), 'Myth and reality in Punitive Damages', 75 Minnesota Law Review , 1-64.
- Daughety, Andrew F. and Reinganum, Jennifer F. (1997), 'Everybody Out of the Pool: Products Liability, Punitive Damages, and Competition', 12 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 410-432.
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- Diamond, Peter (1997), Efficiency Effects of Punitive Damages , Department of Econ., M.I.T., Working Paper, No. 97-17.
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- Dobbs, Dan B. (1989), 'Ending Punishment in "Punitive" Damages: Deterrence-Measured Remedies', 40 Alabama Law Review , 831-917.
- Eisenberg, Theodore, Goerdt, John, Ostrom, Brian, Rottman, David and Wells, Martin T. (1997), 'The Predictability of Punitive Damages', 16 Journal of Legal Studies , 623-661.
- Ellis, Dorsey D., Jr. (1982), 'Fairness and Efficiency in the Law of Punitive Damages', 56 Southern California Law Review , 1-78.
- Farber, Daniel A. (1980), 'Reassessing the Economic Efficiency of Compensatory Damages for Breach of Contract', 66 Virginia Law Review , 1443-1484.
- Friedman, David D. (1989), 'An Economic Explanation of Punitive Damages', 40 Alabama Law Review , 1125-1142.
- Galanter, Marc (1996), 'Real World Torts: An Antidote to Anecdote', 55 Maryland Law Review , 1093-1160.
- Galligan, Thomas C., Jr. (1990), 'Augmented Awards: The Efficient Evolution of Punitive Damages', 51 Louisiana Law Review , 3-85.
- Grady, Mark F. (1989), 'Punitive Damages and Subjective States of Mind: A Positive Economic Theory', 40 Alabama Law Review , 1197 ff.
- Haddock, David D., McChesney, Fred S. and Spiegel, Menahem (1990), 'An Ordinary Economic Rationale for Extraordinary Legal Sanctions', 78 California Law Review , 1-51.
- Hylton, Keith N. (1997), Punitive Damages and the Economic Theory of Penalties , Unpublished manuscript, Boston University School of Law.
- Johansson, Per Olov (1990), 'Valuing Environmental Damage', 6 Oxford Review of Economic Policy , 34-50.
- Johnston, Jason Scott (1987), 'Punitive Liability: A New Paradigm of Efficiency in Tort Law', 87 Columbia Law Review , 1385-1446.
- Kahan, Marcel and Tuckman, Bruce (1995), 'Special Levies on Punitive Damages: Decoupling, Agency Problems, and Litigation Expenditures', 15 International Review of Law and Economics , 175-185.
- Kaplow, Louis and Shavell, Steven (1996), 'Property Rules versus Liability Rules: An Economic Analysis', 109 Harvard Law Review , 713-790.
- Landes, William M. and Posner, Richard A. (1981), 'An Economic Theory of Intentional Torts', 1 International Review of Law and Economics , 127-154.
- Landes, William M. and Posner, Richard A. (1986), 'New Light on Punitive Damages', 10(1) Regulation , 33-36.
- Landes, William M. and Posner, Richard A. (1987), The Economic Structure of Tort Law , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 330 p.
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- Moller, Eric, Pace, Nicholas M. and Carroll, Stephen J. (1997), Punitive Damages in Financial Injury Verdicts , Institute for Civil Justice, Rand Corp.,, No. MR-888-ICJ.
- Perczek, Jacqueline (1993), 'Note: On Efficiency, Punishment, Deterrence, and Fairness: A Survey of Punitive Damages Law and a Proposed Injury Instruction', 27 Suffolk University Law Review , 825-904.
- Perlstein, Barry (1992), 'Crossing the Contract-Tort Boundary: An Economic Argument for the Imposition of Extracompensatory Damages for Opportunistic Breach of Contract', 58 Brooklyn Law Review , 877-911.
- Peterson, Mark, Sarma, Syam and Shanley, Michael G. (1987), Punitive Damages: Empirical Findings , Institute for Civil Justice, Rand Corp., No. R-3311-ICJ.
- Png, Ivan Paak-Liang (1986), 'Optimal Subsidies and Damages in the Presence of Judicial Error', 6 International Review of Law and Economics , 101-105.
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- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1996), 'Punitive Damages from the Economist's Perspective', in Weil, Roman L., Wagner, Michael J. and Frank, Peter B. (eds.), Litigation Services Handbook: The Role of the Accountant as Expert , New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Second Edition, 1-9.
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1997), 'Are Punitive Damages Really Insignificant, Predictable, and Rational? A Comment on Eisenberg et al.', 16 Journal of Legal Studies , 663-677.
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- Polinsky, A. Mitchell and Shavell, Steven (1997), Punitive Damages: An Economic Analysis , John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics Working Paper Series, No. 143.
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell and Shavell, Steven (1998), 'Punitive Damages: An Economic Analysis', 111 Harvard Law Review , 869-962.
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- Polinsky, Mitchell A. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1988), 'The Welfare Implications of Costly Litigation for the Level of Liability', 17 Journal of Legal Studies , 151-164.
- Posner, Richard A. (1972), Economic Analysis of Law , Boston, Little Brown.
- Priest, George L. (1982), 'Punitive Damages and Enterprise Liability', 56 Southern California Law Review , 123-132.
- Priest, George L. (1989), 'Insurability an Punitive Damages', 40 Alabama Law Review , 1009-1035.
- Rubin, Paul H., Calfee, John E. and Grady, Mark F. (1997), 'BMW v. Gore: Mitigating The Punitive Economics of Punitive Damages', 5 Supreme Court Economic Review , 179-216.
- Rustad, Michael (1992), 'In Defence of Punitive Damages in Products Liability: Testing Tort Anecdotes with Empirical Data', 78 Iowa Law Review , 1-88.
- Scheiner, Alan Howard (1991), 'Judicial Assessment of Punitive Damages, the Seventh Amandment, and the Politics of Jury Power', 91 Columbia Law Review , 142-226.
- Schmit, Joan T., Pritchett, S.T. and Fields, P. (1988), 'Punitive Damages: Punishment or Further Compensation?', 55 Journal of Risk and Insurance , 453-466.
- Schwartz, Alan (1990), 'The Myth That Promisees Prefer Supracompensatory Remedies: An Analysis of Contracting for Damage Measures', 100 Yale Law Journal , 369-407.
- Schwartz, Gary T. (1982), 'Deterrence and Punishment in the Common Law of Punitive Damages: A Comment', 56 Southern California Law Review , 133-153.
- Schwartz, Gary T. (1989), 'Browning-Ferris: the Supreme Court's Emerging Majorities', 40 Alabama Law Review , 1239-1261.
- Schwartz, Gary T. (1994), 'Punitive Damages and Mass Torts: A Comment', 39 Villanova Law Review , 415-431.
- Shavell, Steven (1987), Economic Analysis of Accident Law , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 312 p.
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- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economic Analysis of Tort Law , West Publishing.
- Sunstein, Cass R., Kahneman, Daniel and Schkade, David A. (1998), 'Assessing Punitive Damages (With Notes on Cognition and Valuation in Law)', May Yale Law Journal .
- Sykes, Alan O. (1997), Constitutionalizing Punitive Damages , Unpublished Manuscript.
- Walden, Alyssa (1985), 'Note: The Publicly Held Corporation and the Insurability of Punitive Damages', 53 Fordham Law Review , 1383-1408.
- Wheeler, Malcolm E. (1989), 'A Proposal for Further Common Law Development of the Use of Punitive Damages in Modern Product Liability Litigation', 40 Alabama Law Review , 919-973.