Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 3600 No-Fault Compensation Systems
- Arlen, Jennifer H. (1985), 'Note: An Economic Analysis of Tort Damages for Wrongful Death', 60 New York University Law Review , 1113-1136.
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- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economic Analysis of Tort Law , West Publishing.
- Brainard, Calvin H. (1973), 'Massachusetts Loss Experience Under No-Fault in 1971: Analysis and Implications', 40(1) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 95-101.
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- Carroll, Stephen J. and Kakalik, James S. (1993), 'No-Fault Approaches to Compensating Auto Accident Victims', 60(2) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 265-287.
- Chapman, Bruce and Trebilcock, Michael J. (1992), 'Making Hard Choices: Lessons from the Automobile Accident Comensation Debate', 44 Rutgers Law Review , 797-869.
- Cummins, J. David and Weiss, Mary A. (1993), 'The Stochastic Dominance of No-Fault Automobile Insurance', 60(2) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 230-264.
- Derrig, Richard A., Weisberg, Herbert I. and Chen, Xiu (1994), 'Behavioral Factors and Lotteries under No-Fault with a Monetary Threshold: A Study of Massachusetts Automobile Claims', 61(2) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 245-275.
- Devlin, Rose Anne (1990), 'Some Welfare Implications of No- Fault Automobile Insurance', 10 International Review of Law and Economics , 193-205.
- Devlin, Rose Anne (1993), 'Automobile Insurance in Ontario: Public Policy and Private Interests', 19(3) Canadian Public Policy , 298-310.
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- Flanigan, George B. and others (1989), 'Experience from Early Tort Reforms: Comparative Negligence Since 1974', 56 Journal of Risk and Insurance , 525-534.
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- Goldberg, Leonard D. and Walters, Kenneth D. (1982), 'No-Fault Criminal Liability for Executives', 24(4) California Management Review , 25-32.
- Harrington, Scott E. (1994), 'State Decisions to Limit Tort Liability: An Empirical Analysis of No-Fault Automobile Insurance Laws', 61(2) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 276-294.
- Henderson, James A. (1981), 'The New Zealand Accident Compensation Reform', 48 University of Chicago Law Review , 781-801. Reprinted in Rabin, Robert L. (ed.), Perspectives on Tort Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1983, 316-331.
- Heyne, Paul (1984), 'The Economics of Law: Economic Imperialism in Negligence Law, No Fault Insurance, Occupational Licensing and Criminology: Comment', 67 Australian Economic Review , 109-112.
- Johnson, Joseph E., Flanigan, George B. and Winkler, Daniel T. (1992), 'Cost Implications of No-Fault Automobile Insurance', 59(1) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 116-123.
- Kitch, Edmund W. (1986), 'The Vaccine Dilemma', 2 Issues in Science and Technology , 108 ff.
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- Kochanowski, Paul S. and Young, Madelyn V. (1985), 'Deterrent Aspects of No Fault Automobile Insurance: Some Empirical Findings', 52 Journal of Risk and Insurance , 269-288.
- Landes, Elisabeth M. (1982), 'Insurance, Liability, and Accidents: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Effect of No-Fault Accidents', 25 Journal of Law and Economics , 49-65.
- Levmore, Saul and O'Connell, Jeffrey (1983), 'A Reply to Landes: A Faulty Study of No-Fault's Deterrent Effect on Fault', 48 Missouri Law Review , 649-653.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1980), 'Le droit relatif aux accidents - une interprtation conomique (The Law of Accidents - An Economic Approach)', 15 Revue Juridique Themis , 383-415.
- McEwin, R. Ian (1989), 'No-Fault and Road Accidents: Some Australasian Evidence', 9 International Review of Law and Economics , 13-24.
- Mehr, Robert I. and Eldred, Gary W. (1975), 'Should the "No-Fault" Concept Be Applied to Automobile Property Damage?', 42(1) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 17-33.
- O'Connell, Jeffrey (1979), 'No-Fault Insurance: What, Why and Where?', 443(443) Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science , 72-81.
- Outreville, Jean Francois (1984), 'The Impact of the Government No-Fault Plan for Automobile Insurance in the Province of Quebec', 51(2) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 320-335.
- Powers, Michael R. (1992), 'Equity in Automobile Insurance: Optional No-Fault', 59(2) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 203-220.
- Ramseyer, J. Mark (1996), 'Products Liability Through Private Ordering: Notes on A Japanese Experiment', 144 University of Pennsylvania Law Review .
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- Sappington, David E.M. (1994), 'Designing Optional No-Fault Insurance Policies for Health Care Systems', 3(1) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy , 113-142.
- Sloan, Frank A., Reilly, Bridget A. and Schenzler, Christoph M. (1995), 'Effects of Tort Liability and Insurance on Heavy Drinking and Drinking and Driving', 38 Journal of Law and Economics , 49-77.
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- Swan, Peter L. (1984), 'The Economics of Law: Economic Imperialism in Negligence Law, No-Fault Insurance, Occupational Licensing and Criminology?', 0(67) Australian Economic Review , 92-108.
- Symposium (1985), 'Alternative Compensation Schemes and Tort Theory', 73(3) California Law Review , 548-1042.
- Todd, Jerry D. (1976), 'The Costing of No-Fault Automobile Insurance', 43(3) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 431-443.
- Witt, Robert C. and Urrutia, Jorge (1983), 'A Comparative Economic Analysis of Tort Liability and No-Fault Compensation Systems in Automobile Insurance', 50(4) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 631-669.
- Zador, Paul L. and Lund, Adrian (1986), 'Re Analyses of the Effects of No-Fault Auto Insurance on Fatal Crashes', 53(2) Journal of Risk and Insurance , 226-241.
- Zelder, Martin (1993), 'Inefficient Dissolutions as a Consequence of Public Goods: The Case of No-Fault Divorce', 22 Journal of Legal Studies , 503-520.