Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 2100 Nuisance
- Adelstein, Richard P. and Edelson, Noel (1976), 'Subdivision Exactions and Congestion Externalities', 5 Journal of Legal Studies , 147-163.
- Atiyah, Patrick S. (1980), 'Liability for Railway Nuisance in the English Common Law: A Historical Footnote', 23 Journal of Law and Economics , 191-196.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Property Rights and Nuisance Law , West Publishing.
- Bergstrom, John C. and Centner, Terence J. (1989), 'Agricultural Nuisances and Right to Farm Laws', 19 Review of Regional Studies , 23-30.
- Brenner, Joel Franklin (1974), 'Nuisance Law and the Industrial Revolution', 3 Journal of Legal Studies , 403-433.
- Burrows, Paul (1981), 'Nuisance, Legal Rules and Decentralized Decisions: A Different Ciew of the Cathedral Crypt', in Burrows, Paul and Veljanovski, Cento G. (eds.), The Economic Approach to Law , London, Butterworths, 151-166.
- Burrows, Paul (1985), 'Efficiency Levels, Efficiency Gains and Alternative Nuisance Remedies', 5 International Review of Law and Economics , 59-71.
- Centner, Terence J. (1986), 'Agricultural Nuisances and the Georgia Right to Farm Law', 22 Georgia State Bar Journal , 19-26.
- Centner, Terence J. (1988), 'Agricultural Nuisances Under the Amended Georgia 'Right-to-Farm' Law', 25 Georgia State Bar Journal , 36-41.
- Cosentino, Fabrizio (1996), 'Neil Komesar, il danno da immissioni e la responsabilit civile: una storia di alternative imperfette ? (Neil Komesar, damage from nuisance and tort law: a story of imperfect alternatives ?)', Politica del diritto , 321-329.
- Ellickson, Robert C. (1973), 'Alternatives to Zoning: Convenants, Nuisance Rules, and Fines as Land Use Controls', 40 University of Chicago Law Review , 683-781. Reprinted in Ackerman, Bruce A., Economic Foundations of Property Law, Boston, Little Brown, 1975, 265-301.
- Epstein, Richard A. (1979), 'Nuisance Law: Corrective Justice and Its Utilitarian Constraints', 8 Journal of Legal Studies , 49-102.
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- Gallo, Paolo (1995), 'Immissioni, usi incompatibili e problemi di allocazione di risorse scarse (Nuisance, incompatible uses and problems of allocation of scarce resources)', 1 Rivista di diritto civile , 657-693.
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- Kaplow, Louis and Shavell, Steven (1996), 'Property Rules versus Liability Rules: An Economic Analysis', 109 Harvard Law Review , 713-790.
- Lewin, Jeff L. (1986), 'Compensated Injunctions and the Evolution of Nuisance Law', 71 Iowa Law Review , 777-832.
- Merrill, Thomas W. (1985), 'Trespass, Nuisance, and the Costs of Determining Property Rights', 14 Journal of Legal Studies , 13-48.
- Miceli, Thomas J. (1993), 'Optimal Deterrence of Nuisance Suits by Repeat Defendants', 13 International Review of Law and Economics , 135-144.
- Ogus, Anthony I. and Richardson, G. (1977), 'Economics and the Environment: A Study of Private Nuisance', 36 Cambridge Law Journal , 284-325.
- Panella, Giorgio (1994), 'Responsabilit civile ed "effetti esterni": un'applicazione ai problemi dell'inquinamento (Tortious liability and "external effects": an application to the problems of pollution)', Economia e diritto del terziario , 631-653.
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- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1980), 'Resolving Nuisance Disputes: The Simple Economics of Injunctive and Damage Remedies', 33 Stanford Law Review , 1075-1112.
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- Rabin, Edward H. (1977), 'Nuisance Law: Rethinking Fundamental Assumptions', 63 Virginia Law Review , 1299-1348.
- Ramseyer, J. Mark (1996), Odd Markets In Japanese History: Law and Economic Growth , New York, Cambridge University Press.
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- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economics of Property Rights and Nuisance Law , West Publishing.
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- Tromans, Stephen (1982), 'Nuisance-Prevention or Payment?', 41 Cambridge Law Journal , 87-109.
- White, Lawrence H. (1985), 'Economics and Nuisance Law: Comment on Manson', 8 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy , 213-223.
- Wittman, Donald A. (1980), 'First Come, First Served: An Economic Analysis of "Coming to the Nuisance"', 9 Journal of Legal Studies , 557-568.
- Wittman, Donald A. (1998), 'Coming to the Nuisance', in Newman, Peter (ed.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law , London, MacMillan.
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