Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 1660 Trade Secrets
- Adelstein, Richard P. (1991), 'Comment' [on Mlikotin-Tomic, Economic Analysis Required for New Liability Rules in Commercial Know-How Contracts]', in Weigel, Wolfgang (ed.), Economic Analysis of Law - A Collection of Applications , Vienna, Â…sterreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag, 250-252.
- Cheung, Steven N.S. (1982), 'Property Rights in Trade Secrets', 20 Economic Inquiry , 40-52.
- Friedman, David D., Landes, William M. and Posner, Richard A. (1991), 'Some Economics of Trade Secret Law', 5 Journal of Economic Perspectives , 61-72.
- Kitch, Edmund W. (1980), 'The Law and Economics of Rights in Valuable Information', 9 Journal of Legal Studies , 683-723.
- Kitch, Edmund W. (1990), 'Review of Kim Lane Scheppele, Legal Secrets: Equality and Efficiency in the Common Law', 28 Journal of Economic Literature , 1770 ff.
- Kitch, Edmund W. and Perlman, Harvey (1991), Legal Regulation of the Competitive Proces: Cases, Materials and Notes on Unfair Business Pratices, Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents , Mineola (N.Y.), Foundation Press.
- Lemley, Mark A. and O'Brien, David (1997), 'Encouraging Software Reuse', 49 Stanford Law Review , 255 ff.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1992), 'The Public's Right to Information', in Korthals Altes, Willem F., Dommering, Egbert J., Hugenholtz, P. Bernt and Kabel, Jan J.C. (eds.), Information Law Towards the 21st Century , Deventer, Kluwer, 167-175.
- Miller, Elizabeth (1989), 'Note: Antitrust Restrictions on Trade Secret Licensing: A Legal Review and Economic Analysis', 52(1) Law and Contemporary Problems , 183-209.
- Mlikotin-Tomic, Desa (1991), 'Economic Analysis Required for New Liability Rules in Commercial Know-How Contracts', in Weigel, Wolfgang (ed.), Economic Analysis of Law - A Collection of Applications , Vienna, Â…sterreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag, 236-249.