Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 1640 Other Rights
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- Eisenberg, Rebecca S. (1987), 'Proprietary Rights and the Norms of Science in Biotechnology Research', 97 Yale Law Journal , 177-231.
- Grady, Mark F. (1994), 'A Positive Economic Theory of the Right of Publicity', 1 UCLA Entertainment Law Review , 97 ff.
- Kitch, Edmund W. and Perlman, Harvey (1991), Legal Regulation of the Competitive Proces: Cases, Materials and Notes on Unfair Business Pratices, Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents , Mineola (N.Y.), Foundation Press.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1986), 'Les biens informationnels ou le droit de suite dans les ides (Information Goods or the Sequel Right in Ideas)', 12 Informatica e Diritto , 45-65.
- Portellano, Pedro (1995), 'La valoracin del sistema de patentes: una enseanza para el Derecho de la competencia desleal (Valuing the Patent System: a Lesson for Competition Law)', 604-605 Revista General de Derecho , 625-637.
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- Saiz Gonzalez, J. Patricio (1996), Invencin, patentes e innovacin en Espaa (1759-1878) (Invention, Patents and Innovation in Spain 1759-1878) , Tesis doctoral en el Departamento de Historia Contemporanea, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid.
- Schmid, A. Allan (1985), 'Intellectual Property Rights in Bio- Technology and Computer-Technology', 141 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 127-141.
- Wheaton, J.J. (1986), 'Generic Competition and Pharmaceutical Innovation: The Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984', 35 Catholic University Law Review , 433-487.
- X (1990), 'Dutch Publishers Seek Neighbouring Rights', 4(1) Rights .
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- Yu, Ben T. (1989), 'The Delineation of Rights on Technology Transfer', 12 Research in Law and Economics , 267-278.