Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 1200 Title Systems. Personal and Real Property
- Anderson, Terry L. and Lueck, Dean (1992), 'Land Tenure and Agricultural Productivity on Indian Reservations', 35 Journal of Law and Economics , 427-454.
- Baird, Douglas G. (1983), 'Notice Filing and the Problem of Ostensible Ownership', 12 Journal of Legal Studies , 53-67.
- Baird, Douglas G. and Jackson, Thomas H. (1984), 'Information, Uncertainty, and the Transfer of Property', 13 Journal of Legal Studies , 299-320.
- Bowles, Roger A. and Phillips, Jennifer (1977), 'Solicitors' Renumeration: A Critique of Recent Developments in Conveyancing', 40 Modern Law Review , 639-650.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1991), 'Inventing Market Property: The Land Courts of Papua New Guinea', 25 Law and Society Review , 759-801.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1992), 'Organization as Property: Economic Analysis of Property Law and Privatization', in Clague, Christopher and Rausser, Gordon (eds.), The Emergence of Market Economies in Eastern Europe , Oxford, Blackwell, 77-97.
- Epstein, Richard A. (1979), 'Possession as the Root of Title', 13 Georgia Law Review , 1221 ff.
- Frech, H. Edward III (1991), 'Review of Contracting for Property Rights, by Gary D. Liebcaps', 15 Journal of Comparative Economics , 536-538.
- Goldberg, Michael A. and Horwood, Peter J. (1987), 'The Costs of Buying and Selling Houses: Some Canadian Evidence', 10 Research in Law and Economics , 143-159.
- Janczyk, Joseph T. (1977), 'An Economic Analysis of the Land Title Systems for Transferring Real Property', 6 Journal of Legal Studies , 213-233.
- Janczyk, Joseph T. (1979), 'Land Title Systems, Scale of Operations, and Operating and Conversion Costs', 8 Journal of Legal Studies , 569-583.
- Joseph, M. (1976), The Conveyancing Fraud , London, M. Joseph.
- Kennedy, Duncan (1981), 'Cost-Benefit of Entitlement Problems: A Critique', 33 Stanford Law Review , 387-445.
- Lueck, Dean and Anderson, Terry L. (1992), 'Agricultural Development and Land Tenure on Indian Country', in Anderson, Terry L. (ed.), Property Rights and Indian Economics , Rowman and Littlefield Press.
- Miceli, Thomas J. and Sirmans, C.F. (1995), 'The Economics of Land Transfer and Title Insurance', 10 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics , 81-88.
- Paz-Ares, Cndido (1985), 'Seguridad jurdica y seguridad del trfico (Certainty in the Law and Secure Trade)', RDM , 7-41.
- Schechter, Dan S. (1988), 'Judicial Lien Creditors Versus Prior Unrecorded Transferees of Real Property: Rethinking the Goals of the Recording System and Their Consequences', 62 Southern California Law Review , 105-186.
- Williams, Philip L. (1993), 'Mabo and Inalienable Rights to Property', 103 Australian Economic Review , 35-38.