Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0790 Legal Error
- Ben-Shahar, Omri (1995), 'Informed Courts, Uninformed Individual and the Economics of Judicial Hindsight', 151 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 613-630.
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (1995), 'Mistake of Law and the Economics of Legal Information', in Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), Essays in Law and Economics II: Contract Law, Regulation, and Reflections on Law & Economics , Antwerpen, Maklu, 217-245.
- Bundy, Stephen M. (1994), 'Valuing Accuracy: Filling out the Framework: Comment', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 411-433.
- Calfee, John E. and Craswell, Richard (1984), 'Some Effects of Uncertainty on Compliance with Legal Standards', 70 Virginia Law Review , 965-1003.
- Craswell, Richard and Calfee, John E. (1986), 'Deterrence and Uncertain Legal Standards', 2 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 279-303.
- Good, I.J. and Tullock, Gordon (1984), 'Judicial Errors and a Proposal for Reform', 13 Journal of Legal Studies , 289-298.
- Graham, John D. and Wiener, Jonathan Baert (eds.) (1995), Risk vs. Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press.
- Gravelle, Hugh S.E. (1983), 'Judicial Review and Public Firms', 3 International Review of Law and Economics , 187-205.
- Hylton, Keith N. (1990), 'Costly Litigation and Legal Error under Negligence', 6 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 433-452.
- Kaplow, Louis (1994), 'The Value of Accuracy in Adjudication: An Economic Analysis', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 307-401.
- Kaplow, Louis (1994), 'Optimal Insurance Contracts When Establishing the Amount of Loss is Costly', 19 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance , 139-152.
- Kaplow, Louis and Shavell, Steven (1994), 'Accuracy in the Determination of Liability', 37 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-15.
- Kaplow, Louis and Shavell, Steven (1996), 'Accuracy in the Assessment of Damages', 39 Journal of Law and Economics , 191-209.
- Katz, Avery and Beckner, Clinton F., III (1995), 'The Incentive Effects of Litigation Fee Shifting when Legal Standards are Uncertain', 15 International Review of Law and Economics , 205-224.
- Kobayashi, Bruce H. and Lott, John R., Jr. (1992), 'Low Probability-High Penalty Enforcement Strategies and the Efficient Operation of the Plea Bargaining System', 12 International Review of Law and Economics , 69-77.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1979), 'Les notions floues ou l'conomie de l'imprcision (Fuzzy Concepts or the Economics of Imprecision)', 12 Langages , 33-50.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1980), 'Le Nozione "Fluide" Ovvero l'Economia Dell'Imprecisione (Fuzzy Concepts or the Economics of Imprecision)', Informatica e Diritto , 253-274.
- Ortiz, Daniel R. (1994), 'Neoactuarialism: Comment', 23 Journal of Legal Studies , 403-409.
- Png, Ivan Paak-Liang (1986), 'Optimal Subsidies and Damages in the Presence of Judicial Error', 6 International Review of Law and Economics , 101-105.
- Polinsky, Mitchell A. and Shavell, Steven (1989), 'Legal Error, Litigation, and the Incentive to Obey the Law', 5 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization , 99-108.
- Rasmusen, Eric (1995), 'Predictable and Unpredictable Error in Tort Awards: The Effect of Plaintiff Self Selection and Signaling', 15 International Review of Law and Economics , 323-345.
- Stith, Kate (1990), 'The Risk of Legal Error in Criminal Cases: Some Consequences of the Asymmetry in the Right to Appeal', 57 University of Chicago Law Review , 1-61.