Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0640 Antropological Approaches and Law & Economics
- Akerlof, George A. (1980), 'A Theory of Social Custom,of Which Unemployment May Be One Consequence', 94 Quarterly Journal of Economics , 719-775.
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- Bohannan, Paul (1957), Justice and Judgement Among the Tiv , London.
- Brenner, Reuven (1983), History - the Human Gamble , Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Reprinted in Spanish edition: Fondo de Cultura Economics, Mexico - Spain, 1989.
- Brenner, Reuven (1983), 'Trust, Population, and Wealth;or, Why Did Cain Kill Abel?', 2 History - The Human Gamble .
- Collier, Jane (1973), Law and Social Change in Zinacantan , Stanford, Stanford University Press.
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- Cooter, Robert D. (1994), 'Structural Adjudication and the New Law Merchant: A Model of Decentralized Law', 14 International Review of Law and Economics , 215-231. Reprinted under the title, "The Structural Approach to Decentralizing Law: A Theory of Games and Norms," in a book edited by Gerard Hertig.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Landa, Janet T. (1984), 'Personal versus Impersonal Trade: The Size of Trading Groups and Contract Law', 4 International Review of Law and Economics , 15-22.
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- Dalton, George (1967), Tribal and Peasant Economies , Austin, University of Texas Press.
- De Soto, Hernando (1989), The Other Path , New York, Harper and Row.
- Demsetz, Harold (1967), 'Toward a Theory of Property Rights', 57 American Economic Review , 347-359. Reprinted in Demsetz, Harold (1988), Ownership, Control and the Firm: The Organization of Economic Activity, Vol. I, Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 104-116
- Eggertsson, Thrainn (1992), 'Analyzing Institutional Successes and Failures: A Millenium of Comon Mountain Pastures in Iceland', 12 International Review of Law and Economics , 423-437.
- Ellickson, Robert C. (1991), Order Without Law: How Neighbors Settle Disputes , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press.
- Ellickson, Robert C. (1993), 'Property in Land', Yale Law Journal .
- Fikentscher, Wolfgang (1995), Modes of Thought: A Study in the Anthropology of Law and Religion , Tbingen, Mohr.
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- Geertz, Clifford (1983), 'The Way We Think Now: Toward an Etnography of Modern Thought', Local Knowledge .
- Gluckman, Max (1965), The Ideas in Barotse Juriprudence , New Haven, Yale University Press.
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- Gruter, Magaret (1991), Law and the Mind: Biological Origins of Human Behavior , Newbury Park, California, Sage.
- Gruter, Magaret and Masters, Roger (1992), The Sense of Justice: Biological Foundations of Law , Newbury Park, California, Sage.
- Harris, M. (1968), The Rise of Anthropological Theory , New York.
- Hayek, Friedrich A. von (1976), Planning and the Rule of Law , University of Chicago Press.
- Hirshleifer, Jack (1987), 'Evolutionary Models in Economics and Law: Cooperation versus Conflict Stategies', 9 Economic Behavior in Adversity .
- Kuppe, Rene and Potz, Richard (1994), Law and Anthropology: International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology , Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Kuran, Timur (1995), 'Islamic Economics and the Islamic Subeconomy', 9 Journal of Economic Perspectives , 155-173.
- Landa, Janet T. (1981), 'A Theory of the Ethnically Homogeneous Middleman Group: An Institutional Alternative to Contract Law', 10 Journal of Legal Studies , 349-362.
- Leoni, Bruno (1991), Freedom and the Law , Indianapolis, Liberty Fund.
- Levmore, Saul (1995), 'Rethinking Group Responsability and Stategic Threats in Biblical Text and Modern Law', 71 Chicago-Kent Law Review , 85 ff.
- Llewellyn, Karl N. and Adamson, Hoebel E. (1941), The Cheyenne Way: Conflict and Case Law in Primitive Jurisprudence , University of Oklahoma Press.
- Macaulay, Stewart (1963), 'Non-Contractual Relations in Business: A Preliminary Study', 25 American Sociological Review , 55-70. Reprinted in Goldberg, Victor P. (ed.), Readings in the Economics of Contract Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 4-15.
- Malinowski, Bonislaw (1926), Crime and Custom in Savage Society , New York.
- McAdams, Richard H. (1995), 'Cooperation and Conflict: The Economics of Group Status Production and Race Discrimination', Harvard Law Review .
- McChesney, Fred S. (1990), 'Government as Definer of Property Rights: Indian Land Ownership, Ethnic Externalities, and Bureaucratic Budgets', 19 Journal of Legal Studies , 297-335.
- McCloskey, Donald N. (1975), 'The Economics of Enclosure', in Parker, W.N. and Jones, E.L. (eds.), European Peasants and Their Markets .
- McCloskey, Donald N. (1976), 'English Open Fields as Behavior Towards Risk', in Unselding, Paul (ed.), Research in Economic History 1 , Greenwich (CT), JAI Press.
- Milgrom, Paul R., D. North and B. Weingast (1990), 'The Role of Institutions in the Revival of Trade: The Law Merchant, Private Judges, and the Champagne Fairs', 2 Economic and Politics , 1-23.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1992), 'The Culture of Capital: Comments on Conley and O'barr,', 71 North Carolina Law Review , 201 ff.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1993), 'Contracts of Genesis', 22 Journal of Legal Studies , 15-45.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1993), 'Ritual and Regulation: A Legal Economic Interpretation of Selected Biblical Texts', 22 Journal of Legal Studies , 477-501.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1994), 'The Legal-Economic Analysis of Comparative Civil Procedure, the Legal-Economic Approach To Biblical Interpretation,', 150 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 755 ff.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1995), 'Verbal Feud in the Hebrew Bible: Judges 3:12-30 and 19-21,', Journal of Near Eastern Studies .
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1996), 'Ancient Law: the New Learning (tentative title)(1996) Constitutionalist: A Legal-Economic Interpretation of Exodus 17:8-16 and Related Texts,', 70 Chicago-Kent Law Review , 1829 ff. Reprinted in to be republished in James Lindgren, Lauren Geoffrey Miller, eds,.
- Miller, Geoffrey P. (1996), 'The Song of Deborah: A Legal-Economic Analysis,', 144 University of Pennsylvania Law Review , 2293 ff.
- Moore, Sally Falk (1986), Social Facts and Fabrications: Customary Law in Kilimanjaro 1880-1980 , New York, Cambridge University Press.
- Nader, Laura, Harmony Ideology ,.
- Nugent, Jeffrey B. and Nical Sanchez (1993), 'Tribes, Chiefs, and Transhumance: A Comparative Institutional Analysis', 87 Economic Development and Cultural Change , 113 ff.
- Ortner, Sherry (1984), 'Theory in Anthropology Since the Sixities', 26 Comparative Studes in Society and History , 125-166.
- Ostrom, Elinor (1990), Governing the Commons: Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Pestieau, Joseph (1984), Guerre et paix sans Etat - Anarchie et ordre coutumier (War and Peace Outside the State - Anarchy and Customary Order) , Montral, Hexagone.
- Plattner, Stuart (ed.) (1989), Economic Anthropology , Stanford, Hoover Institute Press, Stanford University.
- Posner, Eric A. (1995), 'The Regulation of Groups: The Influence of Legal and Nonlegal Santions on Collective Action', 63 University of Chicago Law Review , 113-197.
- Posner, Eric A. (1996), 'Law, Economics and Inefficient Norms', 145 University of Pennsylvania Law Review , 1697-1744.
- Posner, Richard A. (1980), 'A Theory of Primitive Society, with Special Reference to Law', 23 Journal of Law and Economics , 1-25.
- Pospisil, The Kapauku and Their Law ,.
- Sierra, Maria Teresa (1995), 'Indian Rights and Customary Law in Mexico: A Study of the Nahuas in the Sierra de Puebla', 29 Law and Society Review , 227-254.
- Sugden, Robert (1984), '', 94 Economic Journal , 772-787.
- Taylor, Michael (1987), The Possibility of Cooperation , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Trebilcock, Michael J. (1981), 'Communal Prperty Rights: The Papua New Guinea Experience', University of Toronto Law Journal .
- Ullman-Margalit, Edna (1977), The Emergence of Norms , Oxford, Clarendon.
- Williams, Robert, A., Jr. (1994), 'Linking Arms Together: Multicultural Constitutionalism in a North American Indigenous Vision of Law and Peace', 82 California Law Review , 981-1049.
- Winn, Jane Kaufmana (1994), 'Informal Financial Practices of Small Business in Taiwan', 28(2) Law and Society Review , 193-241.