Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0500 General
- Barnett, Randy E. (1989), 'Foreword: Chicago Law and Economics', 65 Chicago-Kent Law Review , 3 ff.
- Becker, Gary S. (1976), The Economic Approach to Human Behavior , Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 314 p.
- Bittlingmayer, George (1987), 'Chicago Credo', 143 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 658-667.
- Brems, Hans (1975), 'Marshall on Mathematics', 18 Journal of Law and Economics , 583-585.
- Campbell, David (1994), 'Ayres versus Coase: An Attempt to Recover the Issue of Equality in Law and Economics', 21 British Journal of Law and Society , 434-463.
- Campbell, David (1996), 'On What is Valuable in Law and Economics', 8 Otago Law Review , 489-514.
- Caruso, Daniela (1991), 'Relazioni precontrattuali e teoria dei giochi (Precontractual relations and game theory)', Quadrimestre , 810-832.
- Coase, Ronald H. (1975), 'Marshall on Method', 18 Journal of Law and Economics , 25-31.
- Cohen, George M. (1985), 'Posnerian Jurisprudence and Economic Analysis of Law: The View from the Bench', 133 University of Pennsylvania Law Review , 1117-1166.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1982), 'Law and the Imperialism of Economics: An Introduction to the Economic Analysis of Law by Reviewing Some Major Books', 29 UCLA Law Review , 1260-1269.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1995), 'Law and Unified Social Theory', 22 Law and Society , 50-67. Reprinted in Galligan, D. J. (Ed.), Socio-Legal Studies in Context: The Oxford Centre Past and Future, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1995, pp. 50-67.
- Dau-Schmidt, Kenneth G. (1991), 'Relaxing Traditional Economic Assumptions and Values: Towards a New Multidisciplinary Discourse on Law', 42 Syracuse Law Review , 181 ff.
- Dau-Schmidt, Kenneth G. (1995), 'Legal Prohibitions as More Than Prices: The Economic Analysis of Preference Shaping Policies in the Law', in Malloy, Robin P. and Braun, Christopher K. (eds.), Law and Economics: New and Critical Perspectives , New York, Peter Lang, 153 ff.
- De Geest, Gerrit (1994), Economische analyse van het contracten- en quasi-contractenrecht: een onderzoek naar de wetenschappelijke waarde van de rechtseconomie (Economic Analysis of Contract Law and Quasi Contract Law: A Study on the Scientic Value of Law and Economics) , Antwerpen, Maklu, 568 p.
- Devine, Donald J. (1977), 'Adam Smith and the Problem of Justice in Capitalist Society', 6 Journal of Legal Studies , 399-409.
- Duxbury, Neil (1990), 'Is There a Dissenting Tradition in Law and Economics?', 54 Modern Law Review , 300-311.
- Eggertsson, Thrainn (1990), Economic Behaviour and Institutions , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 385 p.
- Eggertsson, Thrainn (1990), 'The Role of Transaction Costs and Property Rights in Economic Analysis', 34 European Economic Review , 450-457.
- Furubotn, Eirik G. (1990), 'Different Approaches to the Economic Analysis of Institutions: Some Concluding Remarks', 146 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 226-232.
- Gay, David E.R. (1981), 'Book Review of Regulation, Economics, and the Law, Bernhard H. Siegan', 39 Review of Social Economy , 92-94.
- Gay, David E.R. (1981), 'Book Review of Moral Revolution and Economic Science: The Demise of Laissez-Faire in Ninteenth Century British Political Economy, Ellen Frankel Paul', 48 Southern Economic Journal , 530-531.
- Gay, David E.R. (1982), 'Book Review of The Role of Government in a Free Society, Phil Gramm', 50 Southern Economic Journal , 916-917.
- Gay, David E.R. (1983), 'A Note on Professor Simons and Early Law and Economics', 11 Atlantic Economic Journal , 77 ff.
- Gay, David E.R. (1989), 'Viticultural Rent Seeking and Public Policy in Arid Lands', 5 Forum of the Association for Arid Lands Studies , 33-40.
- Gay, David E.R. and Waters, Alan R. (1982), 'On the Economic Theory of Legal Systems', 29 Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali , 433-441.
- Goldberg, Victor P. (1976), 'Regulation and Administered Contracts', 7 Bell Journal of Economics , 426-448. Reprinted in Pierce, Richard (Ed.),The Economics of Regulation: Cases and Materials, Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing, 1994.
- Grant, Robin F. (1989), 'Judge Richard Posner's Wealth Maximization Principle: Another Form of Utilitarianism?', 10 Cardozo Law Review , 815-845.
- Gruchy, A.G. (1990), 'Three Different Approaches To Institutional Economics: An Evaluation', 24 Journal of Economic Issues , 361-369.
- Hatzis, Aristides N. (1996), 'Neofileleutherismos, Dikaio & Oikonomike Analyse ton Thesmon: Eisagoge ste Melete ton Neon Oikonomikon Theorion gia to Dikaio, ten Koinonia kai ten Politike (The so-called "Neo-Liberalism", the Law and the Economic Analysis of Institutions: Introduction to the Study of the New Economic Theories About the Law, Society and Politics)', 6 Aissymnetes .
- Hutter, Michael (1982), 'Early Contributions to Law and Economics - Adolf Wagner's Grundlegung', 16 Journal of Economic Issues , 131-147.
- Liebeler, Wesley J. (1987), 'What Are the Alternatives to Chicago?', Duke Law Journal , 879-898.
- Livingston, Marie Leigh (1987), 'Evaluating the Performance of Environmental Policy: Contributions of Neoclassical, Public Choice, and Institutional Models', 21 Journal of Economic Issues , 281-294.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1986), 'La rgle juridique observe par le prisme de l conomiste - une histoire stylise du mouvement d analyse conomique du droit (Law Observed through an Economist's Eyeglass - A Stylised History of the Law and Economics Movement)', 1 Revue internationale de Droit Economique , 43-88.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1987), 'Le Juriste a-t-il le Droit d'Ignorer l'Economiste? (May Lawyers Ignore Economists?)', Revue de la Recherche Juridique , 419-427.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1987), 'Courants de Pense Juridique l'Origine de l'Analyse Economique du Droit (Intellectual Movements at the Origin of the Economic Analysis of Law)', Revue de la Recherche Juridique , 635-636. Reprinted in Problmes Economiques, 10, 1988, Paris, La Documentation franaise, 3-6.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1987), 'Tableau synoptique de l'analyse conomique du droit (Synoptic Table of the Economic Analysis of Law)', 1987 Revue de la Recherche Juridique Droit Perspectif , 637 ff.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1987), 'Courants de pense juridique l'origine de l'analyse conomique du droit (tableaux) (Legal Currents at the Origin of the Economic Analysis of Law (Tables))', 1987 Revue de la Recherche Juridique Droit Perspectif , 635-636.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1988), 'Het recht bezien door de bril van de economist - Een gestyleerd overzicht van de rechtseconomie (Law Seen Through Economist s Glasses: An Overview)', Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis , 411-452.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1988), 'L'ordre spontan comme fondement du droit - un survol des modles de l'mergence des rgles dans une socit civile (Spontaneous Order as Foundation of Law - A Survey of Models of the Emergence of Rules in Civil Society)', 22 Revue Juridique Themis , 347-383.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1989), 'L ordre spontan comme fondement du droit - un survol des modles de l'mergence des rgles dans la socit civile (Spontaneous Order as the Foundation of Law - A Survey of Models of the Emergence of Rules in Civil Society)', 3 Revue internationale de Droit Economique , 247-287.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1991), 'Verschuivingen in De Rechtseconomie (Shifts in Law-and-Economics)', 66 Nederlands Juristenblad , 1505-1521.
- McKinney, John (1976), 'Frank H. Knight and Chicago Libertarianism', in Samuels, Warren J. (ed.), The Chicago School of Political Economy , East Lansing (MI), Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Michigan State University, 191-214.
- Medema, Steven G. (1989), 'Discourse and the Institutional Approach to Law and Economics: Factors That Separate the Institutional Approach to Law and Economics From Alternative Approaches', 23 Journal of Economic Issues , 417-425.
- Mercuro, Nicholas and Medema, Steven G. (1995), 'Schools of Thought in Law and Economics: A Kuhnian Competition', in Malloy, Robin P. and Braun, Christopher K. (eds.), Law and Economics: New and Critical Perspectives , New York, Peter Lang, 65-126.
- Miller, Edythe S. (1990), 'Economic Efficiency, the Economics Discipline, and the "Affected-with-a-Public-Interest" Concept', 24 Journal of Economic Issues , 719-732.
- Olson, Mancur (1965), The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 186 p.
- Parisi, Francesco (1998), The Economics of Private Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A. Posner: Volume II) , London, Edward Elgar, 380 p.
- Parisi, Francesco (1998), The Economics of Public Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A. Posner: Volume III) , London, Edward Elgar, 409 p.
- Parisi, Francesco (1998), The Economic Structure of the Law (The Collected Papers of Richard A. Posner: Volume I) , London, Edward Elgar, 354 p.
- Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998), 'Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)', in Backhaus, Jrgen G. (ed.), Elgar Companion to Law and Economics , Elgar- Ashgate.
- Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998), 'Achille Loria (1847-1943)', in Backhaus, Jrgen G. (ed.), Elgar Companion to Law and Economics , Elgar- Ashgate.
- Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998), 'Pietro Trimarchi', in Backhaus, Jrgen G. (ed.), Elgar Companion to Law and Economics , Elgar- Ashgate.
- Parisi, Francesco and Frezza, Giampaolo (1998), 'Augusto Graziani (1865-1938)', in Backhaus, Jrgen G. (ed.), Elgar Companion to Law and Economics , Elgar- Ashgate.
- Posner, Richard A. (1976), 'Blackstone and Bentham', 19 Journal of Law and Economics , 569-606.
- Posner, Richard A. (1987), 'The Law and Economics Movement', 77 American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings , 1-13.
- Posner, Richard A. (1988), 'The Crisis in Legal Theory and the Revival of Classical Jurisprudence: Jurisprudential Responses to Legal Realism', 73 Cornell Law Review , 326 ff.
- Rahmsdorf, Detlev W. (1987), '
konomische Analyse des Rechts, Utilitarismus und die klassische deutsche Philosophie (Economic Analysis of Law, Utilitarianism and the Classical German Philosophy)', 18 Rechtstheorie , 487-501.
- Reder, Melvin W. (1982), 'Chicago Economics: Permanence and Change', 20 Journal of Economic Literature , 1-38.
- Roin, Julie, A. (1989), 'The Grand Illusion: A Neutral System for the Taxation of International Transactions', 75 Virginia Law Review , 919 ff.
- Roin, Julie, A. (1997), 'The U.S. Response to HIV: Alternate Explanations and the Lessons of Success', 82 Virginia Law Review , 1511 ff.
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1988), 'Progressive Law and Economics - and the New Administrative Law', 98 Yale Law Journal , 341-368.
- Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1989), 'Law and Economics: Paradigm, Politics, or Philosophy', in Mercuro, Nicholas (ed.), Law and Economics , Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 233-258.
- Rowley, Charles K. (1987), 'The Law of Property in Virginia School Perspective', 64(3) Washington University Law Quarterly , 759-774.
- Samuels, Warren J. (ed.) (1976), The Chicago School of Political Economy , East Lansing (MI), Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Michigan State University, 537 p. Reprinted in Reissued New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Books, 1993.
- Strowel, Alain (1990), 'A la recherche de l'intrt en conomie. De l'utilitarisme la science conomique no- classique (Searching for Interest in Economics. From Utilitar)', in Gerard, Philippe, Ost, Franois, Et Van De Ker (ed.), Droit et intrt , Bruxelles, Fac. Univ. St-Louis, 37-87.
- Symposium (1990), 'Different Approaches To the Economics of Institutions', 146 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 1-235.
- Teijl, Rob and Holzhauer, Rudi W. (1990), 'Pluriformiteit in de rechtseconomie: een verkenning van scholen (Multiformity in Law-and-economics: an Exploration)', 39(10) Ars Aequi , 617-631.
- Todt, Horst (1991), 'Freiheit und Utilitarismus (Freedom and Utilitarianism)', in Ott, Claus and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (eds.),
konomische Probleme des Zivilrechts , Berlin, Springer, 1-17.
- Torres Lopez, Juan (1985), 'Las crticas a la corriente mayoritaria en el anlisis econmico del Derecho (Critizisms Against the Mainstream in Law and Economics)', Valladolid .
- Ulen, Thomas S. (1989), 'Law and Economics: Settled Issues and Open Questions', in Mercuro, Nicholas (ed.), Law and Economics , Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 201-231.
- Voigt, Stefan (1996), 'Pure Eclectism - The Tool Kit of the Constitutional Economist', 7 Constitutional Political Economy , 177-196.
- Vracar K. Stevan (1994), Preispitivanja pravne metodologije: Nagovestaji drzavno-pravnog integralizma (Reexamination of the Legal Methodology: Indications of State-Legal Integralism) , Naucna knjiga, Belgrade.