Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0400 Methodology: General (incl. debate on scientific value)
- Adams, Michael (1984), 'Ist die
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konomischen Analyse des Rechts (Is Economics an Imperialist Science? On the Usefulness and Forms of Economic Analysis of Law)', 7 JURA , 337-349.
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- Adelstein, Richard P. and Peretz, Steven I. (1985), 'The Competition of Technologies in Markets for Ideas: Copyright and Fair Use in Evolutionary Perspective', 5 International Review of Law and Economics , 209-238.
- Alpa, Guido (1996), 'Lo snobismo degli economisti e il rifiuto del dialogo con i giuristi ( a proposito dell'introduzione alla versione italiana di "Impresa, mercato e diritto" di R.H. Coase) (The economists' snobbery and the refusal of dialogue with lawyers)', Economia e diritto del terziario , 745-749.
- Backhaus, Jrgen G. (1996), Good Economics, Bad Economics, and European Economics , Meteor Research Memorandum, Maastricht, No. RM/96/007.
- Brenner, Reuven (1980), 'Economics: An Imperialistic Science?', 9 Journal of Legal Studies , 184 ff.
- Brietzke, Paul H. and Whitton, Linda S. (1996), 'An Old(er) Master Stands on the Shoulders of Ageism to Stake Another Claim for Law and Economics (Book Review of Richard A. Posner, Aging and Old Age)', 31 Valparaiso University Law Review , 89-109.
- Bruce, Christopher J. (1989), 'A Positive Analysis of Methodology in the Law and Economics Literature', Hamline Law Review , 197-228.
- Campbell, David (1994), 'Ayres versus Coase: An Attempt to Recover the Issue of Equality in Law and Economics', 21 British Journal of Law and Society , 434-463.
- Campbell, David (1996), 'On What is Valuable in Law and Economics', 8 Otago Law Review , 489-514.
- Campbell, David (1997), 'The Relational Constitution of Contract and the Limits of Economics: Kenneth Arrow on the Social Background of Markets', in Deakin, Simon and Michie, Jonathan (eds.), Contracts, Co-operation and Competition: Studies in Economics, Management and Law , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 529-596.
- Chiassoni Pierluigi (1991), 'L'analisi economica del diritto negli Stati Uniti: formalismo o realismo? (Economic analysis of law in the United States: formalism or realism ?)', Quadrimestre , 473-525.
- Chiassoni, Pierluigi (1991), 'L'analisi economica del diritto negli Stati Uniti: formalismo o realismo? (Economic analysis of law in the United States: formalism or realism ?)', Quadrimestre , 473-525.
- Chiassoni, Pierluigi (1992), Economic Analysis of Law. L'analisi economica del diritto negli Stati Uniti (The economic analysis of law in the United States) , Torino, Giappichelli.
- Chiassoni, Pierluigi (1992), Economic Analysis of Law. L'analisi economica del diritto negli Stati Uniti (The economic analysis of law in the United States) , Torino, Giappichelli.
- Cosentino, Fabrizio (1988), 'Autonomia privata e paternalismo del legislatore nella prospettiva dell'analisi economica del diritto (Individual Autonomy and the Paternalism of the Legislator: An EAL Perspective)', Rivista critica del diritto privato , 473-511.
- Cotter, Thomas F. (1996), 'Legal Pragmatism and the Law and Economics Movement', 84 Georgetown Law Journal , 2071-2141.
- De Geest, Gerrit (1994), Economische analyse van het contracten- en quasi-contractenrecht: een onderzoek naar de wetenschappelijke waarde van de rechtseconomie (Economic Analysis of Contract Law and Quasi Contract Law: A Study on the Scientic Value of Law and Economics) , Antwerpen, Maklu, 568 p.
- De Geest, Gerrit (1996), 'The Debate on the Scientific Status on Law & Economics', 40 European Economic Review , 999-1006.
- Feichtinger, G., Forst, Ch.V. and Piccardi, C. (1993), 'A Nonlinear Dynamic Model for the Dynastic Cycle,', 165 Forschungsbericht/Research Memorandum .
- Feichtinger, Gustav, 'Crime and Punishment: A Dynamic Approach', Forschungsbericht/Research Memorandum .
- Ferrarese, Maria Rosaria (1992), Diritto e mercato: il caso degli Stati Uniti (Law and market: the case of the United States) , Torino, Giappichelli.
- Ferrarese, Maria Rosaria (1992), Diritto e mercato: il caso degli Stati Uniti (Law and market: the case of the United States) , Torino, Giappichelli.
- Frech, H. Edward III (1995), 'European versus American Economics, Artificial Intellegence and Scientific Content', 48 Kyklos , 219-226.
- Gay, David E.R. (1981), 'Book Review of Moral Revolution and Economic Science: The Demise of Laissez-Faire in Ninteenth Century British Political Economy, Ellen Frankel Paul', 48 Southern Economic Journal , 530-531.
- Gay, David E.R. (1982), 'Book Review of The Role of Government in a Free Society, Phil Gramm', 50 Southern Economic Journal , 916-917.
- Gemtos, Petros A. (1988), 'Methodologika Programmata sten Oikonomike kai te Nomike Episteme kai to Provlema tes Diepistemonikes tous Synergasias (Methodological Programs in Economics and Jurisprudence and the Problem of its Interdisciplinary Collaboration)', 36 Nomiko Vema , 1192-1202. Reprinted in Cyprus Law Review, 39, 4627-4643 (1990).
- Gemtos, Petros A. (1990), 'Law and Economics: Methodological Problems in Their Interdisciplinary Cooperation', in Nicolacopoulos, Pantelis D. (ed.), Greek Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 121) , Dordrecht, Kluwer, 239-250.
- Gemtos, Petros A. (1995), Oikonomika kai Dikaio: Oikonomika gia Nomikous, tomos A_: Methodologika kai Oikonomika (Themelia Law and Economics: Economics for Lawyers, vol. I: Methodological and Economic Foundations) , Athens-Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publications.
- Gragnani, A., Feichtinger, G. and Rinaldi, S. (1994), 'Dynamics of Drug Consumption: A Theoretical Model', 94-77 Working Paper .
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- Grillo, Michele (1996), 'Lo snobismo degli economisti e il rifiuto del dialogo con i giuristi. Una risposta a Guido Alpa (The economists' snobbery and the refusal of dialogue with lawyers. A reply to Guido Alpa)', Economia e diritto del terziario , 751-754.
- Hol, A.M. (1991), 'Rechten En Doeleinden. Enkele Morele Aspecten Van Juridische Aansprakelijkheid (Rights and Goals. Some Moral Aspects of Legal Liability)', in X (ed.), Dilemma's van Aansprakelijkheid , Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink, 127-142.
- Huerta De Soto, Jess (1982), 'Mtodo y crisis en la ciencia econmica (Method and Crisis in Economics)', 74 Hacienda Pblica Espaola , 33-48.
- Johnsen, D. Bruce (1986), 'Wealth Is Value', 15 Journal of Legal Studies , 263-288.
- Katz, Avery (1996), 'Taking Private Ordering Seriously', University of Pennsylvania Law Review .
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- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1984), 'The Great Image of Authority', 36 Stanford Law Review , 349 ff.
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- Lande, Robert H. (1989), 'Commentary: Implications of Professor Scherer's Research for the Future of Antitrust', 29 Washburn Law Journal , 256 ff.
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- Llebot Majo, Jos Oriol (1996), 'Doctrina y teora de la empresa en el Derecho mercantil (Una aproximacin al significado de la teora contractual de la empresa) (Doctrine and Theory of the Firm in Contract Law Approaching the Meaning of Corporate Contractual Theory)', 210 Revista de Derecho Mercantil , 319-388.
- Mengoni, Luigi (1994), 'L'argomentazione orientata alle conseguenze (The argument oriented to the consequences)', Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile , 1-18.
- Mercuro, Nicholas and Ryan, Timothy P. (1984), Law, Economics, and Public Policy , Greenwood, JAI Press.
- Migu, Jean-Luc (1977), 'Mthodologie conomique et conomie non marchande (Economic Methodology and Non-Trading Economics)', Revue d'conomique politique , 506 ff.
- Monateri, Pier Giuseppe (1995), 'Risultati e regole. (Un'analisi giuridica dell'analisi economica del diritto) (Rules and outcomes. A legal analysis of the economic analysis of law)', Rivista critica del diritto privato , 605-619.
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- Sousa Franco, Atnio (1992), 'Anlise Econmica do Direito: Exerccio Intelectual ou Fonte de Ensinamento?', 2 Sub Judice , 63-70.
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