Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0390 Law & Economics in Sweden
- Acta Sociatatis Juridicae Lundensis (1977), , Law and Economics. Report from a Symposium in Sweden, No. 28.
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- Bjuggren, Per-Olof (1985), A Transaction Cost Approach to Vertical Integration: The Case of the Swedish Pulp and Paper Industry , Lund Economic Studies.
- Bjuggren, Per-Olof (1992), 'The Effects of Contractual Restrictions on Industrial Organization: The Case of Swedish Pulpwood Transactions', 12 International Review of Law and Economics , 517-532.
- Bjuggren, Per-Olof (1995), 'A Transaction Costs Perspective on Financial Distress and Capital Structure', International Review of Law and Economics , 395-404.
- Bjuggren, Per-Olof and Skogh, Gran (eds.) (1990), Fretaget. En kontraktsekonomisk analys (The Firm. A Contractual Approach) , SNS Publishing company.
- Bladini, Filip (1994), 'Trafik och arbetsskador - ett reform frslag utifrn lran om ekonomisk prevention (Damages in Traffic and at the Workplace - a reform based on the Theory of Economic Prevention)', Svensk Juristtidning , 632-672.
- Bolin, Kristian (1996), An Economic Analysis of Marriage and Divorce , Lund Economic Studies.
- Brottsfrebyggande Rdet (1975), , General Deterrence, Report No. 2, No. 2,2.
- Eklund, Ronnie (1995), 'Contract Labour in the Nordic Countries', 3 Juridisk Tidskrift .
- Fahlbeck, Erik (1996), Essays in Transaction Costs Economics, Dissertation , Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Hgg, Gran, P.T. (1998), An Institutional Analysis of Insurance Regulation. The Case of Sweden. Dissertation , Department of Economics, University of Lund.
- Hannesson, Rgnvaldur (1974), 'Varfr fiskegrnserna br utvidgas (Why the Fishing Borders Have to Be Expanded)', 5 Ekonomisk Debatt .
- Hellner, Jan (1978), 'Rttsekonomi, avbestllning och Coase-teorem (Law and Economics, Cancellation and Coase Theorem)', 24 Juridiska freningen i Lund .
- Hellner, Jan (1985), Skadestndsrtt, 4th ed (Law of Torts) , Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
- Hellner, Jan (1988), 'Lagstiftning och forskning inom den centrala frmgenhetsrtten (Legislation and research in civil law)', Svensk Juristtidning , 169-180.
- Hglund, Bengt (1984), Spelet om Resurserna i den Svenska Blandekonomin (The Swedish Mixed Economy) , Lund, Dialogos.
- Holmn, Camilla (1993), Rtten till offentliga personuppgifter. En kontraktsekonomisk analys (The Right to Personal Information in Public Registers. A Contractual Analysis) , Department of Economics, University of Lund.
- Isachsen, Arne Jon and Str´M, Steinar (1981), Skattefritt. Svart Sektor i Vekst (Taxfree. The Growth of the Black Sector) , Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.
- Lundgren, Nils and Lnn, H. (1980), 'Gr hyresrtt till bostadsrtt (Transform Rent Contract to Ownership)', Ekonomisk Debatt .
- Macey, Jonathan R. (1994), Svenskt bankvsendes framtida utveckling (Future Development of the Swedish Banking System) , Stockholm, SNS forlag.
- Malmstrm, ke (1996), Civilrtt (Civil Law) , Malmo, Liber.
- Myhrman, Johan (1981), 'Kontraktsrtt och lntagarfonder (Contractual Rights and Labour Funds)', 6 Ekonomisk Debatt .
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- Roos, Carl Martin (1990), Ersttningsrtt och ersttningssy stem (Compensation Right and Compensation System) , Stockholm, Nord stedts.
- Runesson, Eric M. (1996), Rekonstruktion av ofullstndiga avtal. Srskilt om kplagens reglering av risken fr kade prestationskostnader (Reconstruction of Incomplete Contracts in Trade Law) , Juristfrlaget, Stockholm.
- Ryberg, Lena (1989), Domarkarriren (The Career of Judges) , Juristfrlaget, Stockholm.
- Ryssdal, Stray A.C. (1995), Legal Realism and Economic Behaviour. A Scandinavian Look at Economic Analysis of Law , Oslo, Juridisk Forlag.
- Samuelsson, Per (1991), Information och ansvar. Om B¡rsbolagens ansvar (Information and Remedies. Listed Companies and Their Responsibility for False and Misleading Information in the Stock Market) , Stockholm, Norstedt.
- Samuelsson, Per and Skogh, Gran, 'Juridisk forskning i grnsomrdet mot ekonomi - exemplet insiderhandel (Legal Research and Economics - The Example of Insider Trading)', in Basse, Ellen Margrethe (ed.), Regulering og styring - en juridisk teoriog metode , 91-110.
- Schuller, Bernd Joachim (1986), Ekonomi och Kriminalitet. En empirisk underskning av brottsligheten i Sverige , Economic Studies, No. 17.
- Skogh, Gran (1971), En Samhllsekonomisk Ml-Medel-Analys Av Butikssnatterie (An Economic Analysis of Shop-liftings]) , SOU, 197 p.
- Skogh, Gran (1973), Staffrtt och Samhllsekonomi (Criminal Law and the Economy) , Lund Economic Studies.
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- Skogh, Gran (1979), 'Kontraktsteoretisk versikt (Contrac tual-theoretical Survey)', 1 Statskonomisk tidskrift .
- Skogh, Gran (1980), 'Straffvrdering enligt vlfrdsekonomiska principer (Penalty Assessment According to Welfare-economic Principles)', 2 Pfljdsval, Straffmtning och Straff vrde .
- Skogh, Gran (1982), 'Den osynliga handen och lagens lnga arm (The Invisible Hand and the Law's Long Arm)', 8 Ekonomisk Debatt .
- Skogh, Gran (1982), Marknadens villkor (The Terms of the Market) , Stockholm, Timbro.
- Skogh, Gran (1982), 'Public Insurance and Accident Prevention', 2 International Review of Law and Economics .
- Skogh, Gran (1985), 'Rttsskerhet I Marknadsekonomin (Legal Certainty in the Market Economy)', in X (ed.), Rttsskerhet och Demokrati , Ratios frlag.
- Skogh, Gran (1985), 'gandertten och Lagstiftningen om Markresurserna (The Property Right and the Legislation on the Land Resources)', Svensk Juristtidning .
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- Skogh, Gran (1995), Ekonomiskt ansvar vid krnkraftsolyckor (Liability at Nuclear Accidents) , Rapport till Energikommissionen, No. SOU 1995:140, bil. 25.
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- Skogh, Gran and Lane, Jan Erik (1993), gandertten i Sverige. En lrobok i rttsekonomi (Property Rights in Sweden) , SNS frlag.
- Skogh, Gran and Samuelsson, Per (1985), Splittring eller sammanhllning i svensk frs (Disruption or Unity in Swedish Insurance? An Economic and Legal Analysis of the Marketing Agreements etc) , Lund, Dialogos.
- Skogh, Gran and Samuelsson, Per (1985), Konsumentpolitik (Consumer Policy) , Stiftelsen Marknadsekonomiskt Alternativ fr Sverige.
- Skogh, Gran and Stuart, Charles (1982), 'A Contractarian Theory of Property Rights and Crime', (a) 1 Scandinavian Journal of Economics .
- Skogh, Gran and Stuart, Charles (1982), 'An Economic Analysis of Crime Rates, Punishments and the Consequences of Crime', b Public Choice .
- Skogh, Gran, P. O. Bjuggren and others (1989), Fretaget. En kontraktsekonomisk analys (The Firm. A Contractual Analysis) , SNS frlag.
- Soeria-Atmadja, S. (1982), 'Handlar konsumentombudsmannen alltid i konsumenternas intresse?' [Do the Consumers' Representatives Always Protect the Consumers' Interests?],', 4 Ekonomisk Debatt .
- Soeria-Atmadja, S. (1983), Product guarantees and liability rules: an economic analysis. Disseration , Department of Economics. University of Stockholm.
- Sthl, Ingemar (1976), 'gande och makt i fretagen - en debattinledning, Nationalek onomiska Freningens Frhandlingar' [Ownership and Power in the Firms - An Introduction to Debate, the Economics Association's Negotiations],', 1 Ekonomisk Debatt .
- Sthl, Ingemar (1989), Ngra data om forskning och utbildning vid juridiska fakulteter (Some Data on Research and Education at Law Faculties) , Unpublished, Department of Economics, Lund University.
- Werin, Lars (1978), 'Expropriation - en studie i lagstiftningsmotiv och ersttningsrttsliga grundprinciper (Expropriation - A Study in Legislative Motives and Compensatory Basic Principles)', Svensk Juristtidning , 81-120.
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