Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0340 Law & Economics in Hungary
- Galasi, Pter and Kertesi, Gbor (1990), 'Korrupci s tulajdon, Tanulmny a tulajdonjogok kzgazdasgtannak krebl (Corruption and Property)', 4 Kzgazdasgi Szemle , 389-425.
- Hanak, Andrs (1979), 'Neoklasszicista Justitia (Neo- classicist Justitia)', 12 Jogtudomnyi Kzlny , 855-859.
- Harmathy, Attila (1977), 'Vllalati gazdasgpolitika - szerzdsek (Business Policy of the Company - Contracts)', 4 Allam- s Jogtudomny , 528-567.
- Harmathy, Attila (1979), 'A gazdasgi szablyozk s a Szerzdsek kapcsolata (The Connection between Economic Regulation and Contracts)', 12 Jogtudomnyi Kzlny , 906-913.
- Harmathy, Attila (1980), 'Allami tmogatsok jogi krdseirl (Legal Questions on State Subsidies)', 1 Allam- s Jogtudomny , 33-61.
- Harmathy, Attila (1983), Szerzdsek, llamigazgats, gazdasgirnyits (Contract, Administration, Business Governing) , Budapest, Akadmiai Kiad, 210 p.
- Saj, Andrs (1981), 'A gazdasg jogi szablyozsnak egy lehetsges tja (A Possible Way of Legal Regulation of the Economy)', 4 Jogtudomnyi Kzlny , 297-308.
- Saj, Andrs (1984), 'Kzgazdasgtani vizsgldsok a jogrl (Analysis of Law from an Economic Point of Vieuw)', in Srkzy, Tams (ed.), Gazdasgi Jogi Tanulmnyok II , Budapest, Kzgazdasgi s Jogi Knyvkiad, 5-42.
- Saj, Andrs (1986), 'A krnyezetszennyezs lekzdst clz gazdasgi jogi eszkzk (The Economic Law Devices in Order to Defeat the Pollution)', 4 Allam- s Jogtudomny , 545-568.
- Saj, Andrs (1987), 'Az alkotmnyossg lehetsgei a gazdasgban, klns tekintettel a krnyezetvdelemre, mint gazdasgilag relevns tevkenysgre (Constitutionalism and its Possibilities in the Economy with Special Attention to the Environment as an Economicly Relevant Activity)', 3-4 Allam- s Jogtudomny , 474-511.
- Saj, Andrs (1987), 'Krnyezetvdelmi jogunk tovbbfejlesztsrl (On the Improvement of Our Laws on the Protection of the Environment)', 5 Jogtudomnyi Kzlny , 213-220.
- Saj, Andrs (1987), 'A jog a gazdasg szablyozstechniki kzt (Law as One of the Regulating Means of the Economy)', 3 Jogtudomnyi Kzlny , 126-132.
- Saj, Andrs (1987), 'Allami vltozsipar s a jog stabilizl ereje (The State Changing Industry and the Stabilizing Ef)', in Hoppal, Mihly and Szecsk, Tams (eds.), rtkek s vltozsok I , Budapest, Tmegkommunikcios Kutat Kzpont, 91-102.