Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0070 Bibliographies
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.) (1992), Bibliography of Law and Economics , Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 684 p.
- Buchanan, James M. (1987), 'Bibliography of James M. Buchanan's Publications, 1949-1986', 89 Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 17-37.
- Campbell, David and Clay, Susan, Long-Term Contracting: A Research Bibliography and Review of the Literature , Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.
- Chiorazzi, Michael and others (1988), 'Empirical Studies in Civil Procedure: A Selected Annotated Bibliography', 51(3) Law and Contemporary Problems , 87-207.
- Foley, Patrick, Shaked, Avner and Sutton, John (1981), The Economics of the Professions. An Introductory Guide to the Literature , London, London School of Economics, 107 p.
- Goehlert, Robert and Gunderson, Nels (1987), Government Regulation of Business: An Information , Phoenix, Oryx Press, 425 p.
- Hoffman, Elizabeth and Spitzer, Matthew L. (1985), 'Experimental Law and Economics: An Introduction', 85 Columbia Law Review , 991-1036.
- McGee, Robert W. (1983), 'Deferred Taxation', Bibliography, National Association of Accountants .
- McGee, Robert W. (1983), 'Data Processing Department Practices', Bibliography, National Association of Accountants .
- McGee, Robert W. (1984), 'Accounting for Software', Bibliography, National Association of Accountants .
- McGee, Robert W. and Greaves, Bettina Bien (1993), Mises : An Annotated Bibliography , Foundation for Economic Education, 405 p.
- Pyle, David J. (1979), The Economics of Crime and Law Enforcement: A Selective Biblipography (+ Supplement 1980) , SSRC Public Sector Study Group, Bibliography Series, 216 p.
- Samuels, Warren J. (1965), 'Law and Economic Policy: A Bibliographical Survey', 58 Law Library Journal , 230-252.
- Samuels, Warren J. (1972), 'Law and Economics: A Bibliographical Survey 1965-72', 66 Law Library Journal , 96-110.
- Sinder, Janet (1987), 'Economists as Judges: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography', 50(4) Law and Contemporary Problems , 279-286.
- Snow, Marcellus S. and Jussawalla, Meheroo (1986), Telecommunication Economics and International Regulatory Policy: An Annotated Bibliography , New York, Greenwood Press, 216 p.
- Stanbury, W.T. and Tretheway, Michael W. (1986), 'Airline Deregulation: A Bibliography', 22 Logistics and Transportation Review , 449-489.
- Templeton, Virginia Evans and Taubenfeld, Howard J. (1987), World Environment Law Bibliography: Non Periodical Literaturein Law and the Social Sciences Published Since 1970 in Various Languages with Selected Reviews and Annotations from Periodicals , Littleton, Rothman, 480 p.
- Veljanovski, Cento G. (1984), Economics of the Common Law: A Bibliography , Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, 59 p.