Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0010 Introductory Articles
- Adams, Michael (1986), 'Der Irrtum ber "knftige Sachverhalte" - Anwendungsbeispiel und Einfrhung in die konomische Analyse des Rechts', RECHT, Zeitschrift fr juristische Ausbildung und Praxis , 14-23.
- Albert, Hans (1986), 'Law as an Instrument of Rational Choice', in Daintith, Terence and Teubner, Gunther (eds.), Contract and Organisation: Legal Analysis in the Law , Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 25-51.
- Alpa, Guido (1983), 'Interpretazione economica del diritto (Economic Interpretation of Law)', in X (ed.), voce del Novissimo digesto italiano , Torino, UTET, 315-324.
- Alpa, Guido (1984), 'Diritto e analisi economica (a proposito di un recente libro di R. Bowles) (Law and Economic Analysis, With Regard to a Recent Book by R. Bowles)', Diritto dell impresa , 111-120.
- Aprile, Ercole (1989), 'Regolamentazione dei fenomeni economici e analisi economica degli strumenti giuridici: spunti per una riflessione (Regulation of Economic Phenomena and Economic Analysis of Legal Instruments: Hints for a Reflection)', Nuovo diritto , 505-521.
- Arruada, Benito (1991), 'Nobel al giro coasiano (Nobel to the Coasian Turn)', 41 Revista de Economa , 122-126.
- Assmann, Heinz-Dieter (1989), 'Kommentar on Ott, Allokationseffizienz, Rechtsdogmatik und Rechtsprechung', in Ott, Claus and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (eds.), Allekationseffizienz in der Rechtsordnung , Berlin, Springer, 45-49.
- Barbera, Salvador (1989), 'Los derechos individuales en el anlisis econmico (Individual Rights and Economic Analysis)', 38 Economistas .
- Behrens, Peter (1981), 'Aspekte einer konomischen Theorie des Rechts (Aspects of an Economic Theory of Law)', 12 Rechtstheorie , 472-490.
- Behrens, Peter (1988), 'ber das Verhltnis der Rechtswissen schaft zur Nationalkonomie: Die konomischen Grundlagen des Rechts (On the Interrelationship between Law and Economics)', in Boettcher, Erik, Herder-Dorneich, Philipp and Schenk, Karl-Ernst (eds.), Jahrbuch fr neue politische
konomie 7 , Tbingen, Mohr, 209-228.
- Bongaerts, Jan C. (1986), 'Inleiding tot de economische analyse van het recht met toepassing op het contractenrecht en het aansprakelijkheidsrecht, inzonderheid de milieuramp te Bhopal (Introduction to Economic Analysis of Law, with Applications to Contract and Tort Law, and in Particular to the Environmental Disaster in Bhopal)', in Van Den Bergh, Roger (ed.), Verslagboek Eerste Werkvergadering Recht en Economie , Antwerpen, Leerstoel A. Van Melkebeke, Handelshogeschool, 5-20.
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn (1984), 'Efficintie of rechtvaardigheid: het onvermijdelijk dilemma? (Efficiency or Justice: the Unavoidable Dilemma?)', 29 Tijdschrift voor Sociale Wetenschappen , 101-133.
- Bouckaert, Boudewijn (1988), 'L'analyse conomique du droit: vers un renouveau de la science juridique? (Economic Analysis of Law: Towards a Renewal of Legal Science?)', 18 Revue interdisciplinaire d'tudes juridiques , 7-47.
- Braden, John B. and Bromley, Daniel W. (1981), 'The Economics of Cooperation Over Collective Bads', 8 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , 134-150.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1978), 'Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Environmental Economics', 12 Journal of Economic Issues , 43-60.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1989), 'Institutional Change and Economic Efficiency', 23 Journal of Economic Issues , 735-759.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1989), 'Property Relations and Economic Development: The Other Land Reform', 17 World Development , 867-877.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1989), 'Entitlements, Missing Markets and Environmental Uncertainty', 17 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , 181-194.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1992), 'The Commons, Common Property, and Environmental Policy', 2(1) Environmental and Resource Economics , 1-17.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1993), 'Reconstituting Economic Systems: Institutions in National Economic Development', 11 Development Policy Review , 131-151.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1993), 'The Law, Agency, and Global Climate Change', 3 International Journal of Environment and Pollution , 250-268.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1993), 'Regulatory Takings: Coherent Concept or Logical Contradiction', 17 Vermont Law Review , 647-682.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1994), 'The Enclosure Movement Revisited: The South African Commons', 28 Journal of Economic Issues , 357-365.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1995), 'Property Rights and Natural Resource Damage Assessment', 14 Ecological Economics , 129-135.
- Bromley, Daniel W. (1996), 'The Social Construction of Land', in Hagedorn, Konrad (ed.), Institutioneller Wandel und Politische Okonomie von Landwirtschaft und Agrapolitik , Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag.
- Bromley, Daniel W. and Hodge, Ian (1990), 'Private Property Rights and Presumptive Policy Entitlements: Reconsidering the Premises of Rural Policy', 17 European Review of Agricultural Economics , 197-214.
- Brunt, Maureen (1984), 'The Economics of Law: Economic Imperialism in Negligence Law, No Fault Insurance, Occupational Licensing and Criminology: Comment', 67 Australian Economic Review , 113-119.
- Bulcha, Mekuria, Kibreab, Gaim and Nobel, Peter (1987), 'Sociology, Economy and Law: Views in Common', in Nobel, Peter (ed.), Refugees and Development in Africa , Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksell International, 93-103.
- Cabrillo, Francisco (1987), '?Por Qu un Anlisis Econmico del Derecho? (Why an Economic Analysis of Law?)', 58 Revista de Occidente , 37-46.
- Cabrillo, Francisco (1990), 'Una Nueva Frontera: El Anlisis Econmico del Derecho (A New Frontier: Law and Economics)', 687 Informacin Comercial Espaola , 9-22.
- Calsamiglia, Albert (1988), 'Justicia, eficiencia y Derecho (Equity, Efficiency and the Law)', 1 Revista del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales , 327 ff.
- Campbell, C. and Wiles, P. (1976), 'The Study of Law in Society', 10 Law and Society Review , 547-578.
- Casas Pardo, Jos, 'Las estructuras federal y fiscal de las democracias representativa y directa como modelos para una Union Europea federal (Federal and Fiscal Structures in Representative and Direct Democracies as Models for a Federal European Union)', in X (ed.), Actas de las Jornadas de Estudio sobre "La Constitucion espaola y el ordenamineto comunitario europeo (II)" , Direccin General del Servicio Juridico del Estado, Ministerio de Justicia.
- Casas Pardo, Jos, 'Algunas Consideraciones sobre la Teora de la Eleccin Pblica (Some Considerations on Public Choice Theory)', in Beltran, Lucas, Libro Homanaje , Madrid, Editorial Moneda y Credito.
- Casas Pardo, Jos, 'El Contractualismo-Constitucionalismo Liberal de James M. Buchanan (James M. Buchanan's Liberal Contractualism-Constitutionalism)', in Cortina, A. (editor), tica de los Negocios , Bancaja, Valencia, Fundacin Etnor, forthcoming.
- Casas Pardo, Jos, 'The Spanish Transition to Democracy: a Public Choice Approach', in Backhaus, Jrgen G. (ed.), The Political Economy of Structural Change , Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
- Casas Pardo, Jos (1979), 'El control de los efectos econmicos externos por medio de la imposicin (Controling Externalities with Taxation)', Revista de Derecho Financiero y Hacienda Pblica .
- Casas Pardo, Jos (1984), 'Estudio Introductorio (Introductory Study)', in Buchanan, James M and Tollison, Robert D. (eds.), Anlisis Econmico de los Polticos (Economic Analysis of the Politicians) , Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Econmicos.
- Casas Pardo, Jos (1987), 'Laudatio Academica', in Casas Pardo, J. and Bru Parra, S. (editors), Economa y Poltica (Economics and Politics) , Valencia, Servei de Publicacions, Universitat de Valencia.
- Casas Pardo, Jos (1991), 'Sobre la relevancia de la Economa constitucional (About the Relevance of Constitutional Economy)', in X (ed.), Homenaje al Prof. D. Carlos Otero Daz , Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
- Casas Pardo, Jos (1993), 'Anlisis econmico de las instituciones y de las reglas (Economic Analysis of the Institutions and Rules)', in Puy Fraga, P. (Ed.), Anlisis econmico del Derecho y de la Poltica , Santiago de Compostela, Fundacin Alfredo Braas.
- Casas Pardo, Jos (1995), 'Introduccin (Introduction)', in Casas Pardo, J. and Schneider, F. (eds.), Current Issues in Public Choice , Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
- Casas Pardo, Jos (1995), 'Does Ethical Proceduralism Underlies Buchanan's Constitutional Contractualism?', in Casas Pardo, J. and Schneider, F. (eds.), Current Issues in Public Choice , Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
- Casas Pardo, Jos and Brennan, Geoffrey (1978), 'A Reading of the Spanish Constitution', 1 Constitutional Political Economy .
- Casas Pardo, Jos and Brennan, Geoffrey (1990), 'La Constitucin espaola a la luz de la Economa poltica de las constituciones (The Spanish Constitution from the Political Economy of Constitutions Approach)', 116-3 Hacienda Pblica Espaola .
- Casas Pardo, Jos and Fernndez Cainzos, J., 'Las Contituciones econmica y fiscal en la Constitucin espaola de 1978 (The Economic and Fiscal Constitutions into the Spanish Constitution of 1978)', in Alvarez Conde, E. (ed.), La Constitucin espaola de 1978 diez aos despues , Madrid, Tecnos.
- Casas Pardo, Jos and Fernndez Cainzos, J. (1995), 'La Imposicin a traves de la regulacin en Espaa: Un intento de medir la imposicin implicita en el sistema financiero espaol en la dcada 1977-1987 (Taxation Through Regulation in Spain: An Effort to Measure Implicit Taxation in the Spanish Financial System between 1977-1987)', in X (ed.), Estudios de Derecho Mercantil en Homenaje al Prof. Manuel Broseta Pont , Tirant lo Blanch, Valecia.
- Casas Pardo, Jos and Navarro, Puchades M., 'La perspectiva de la 'Public Choice' en el anlisis de la actuacin de los entes pblicos (Public Choice Approach and the Behaviour of Public Enterprises)', in X (ed.), Actas del II Congreso Espaol de Ciencia Politica y de la Administracin (forthcoming) .
- Casas Pardo, Jos and Sainz Snchez, E. (1995), 'La coaccin de las instituciones colectivas (Compelling Collective Institutions)', in Sainz Snchez, E. (ed.), Las Organizaciones como sistemas Constitucionales , Granada, Ensayos sobre el Modelo de Gestin Burocratica de la Universidad Pblica, Mtodo Ediciones.
- Cherot, Jean-Yves (1987), 'Trois thses sur l'analyse conomique du droit - Quelques usages de l'approche conomique des rgles juridiques (Three Theses on Economic Analysis of Law - Some Uses of the Economic Approach to Legal Rules)', 2 Revue de la Recherche Juridique .
- Cooter, Robert D. (1982), 'The Cost of Coase', 11 Journal of Legal Studies , 1-33. Reprinted in Donahue, Charles Jr., Kauper, Thomas E. and Martin, Peter W.,Property: An Introduction to the Concept and the Institution,1992. Reprinted in Ackerman, Bruce, Ellickson, Robert and Rose, Carol, Foundations of Property Law, 1995. Medema, Steven G., The Legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis, Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing, 96-128.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1982), 'Law and the Imperialism of Economics: An Introduction to the Economic Analysis of Law by Reviewing Some Major Books', 29 UCLA Law Review , 1260-1269.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1985), 'Prices and Sanctions', 84 Columbia Law Review , 1523-1560.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1993), 'Diritto ed Economia (Law and Economics)', Istituto Dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, Fondata Da Giovanni Treccani , 98-106.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1994), 'Laws and Prices: How Economics Contributed to Law By Misunderstanding Morality', 3 Iuris: Quaderns de Poltica Jurdica , 35-36.
- Cooter, Robert D. (1995), 'Law and Unified Social Theory', 22 Law and Society , 50-67. Reprinted in Galligan, D. J. (Ed.), Socio-Legal Studies in Context: The Oxford Centre Past and Future, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, 1995, pp. 50-67.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1989), 'Economic Analysis of Legal Disputes and Their Resolution', 27 Journal of Economic Literature , 1067-1097. Reprinted in Posner, Richard A. and Parisi, Francesco (Eds.), Law and Economics, Edward Elgar, 1996 forthcoming.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L. (1990), 'Trial Courts: An Economic Perspective', 24 Law and Society Review , 533 ff.
- Cosentino, Fabrizio (1990), 'Analisi economica del diritto: ritorno al futuro? (Economic Analysis of Law: Back to the Future?)', 5 Foro Italiano , 153-156.
- De Geest, Gerrit (1990), 'Public Choice en rechtseconomie (Public Choice and Law & Economics)', 39 Ars Aequi , 666-673.
- Dnes, Anthony W. (1994), 'Law and Economics', 10(1) Policy , 39-42.
- Dnes, Anthony W. (1994), 'Legal Economics', 2(3) Hume Papers on Public Policy , 56-62.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1992), 'Franchising', in Eatwell, John, Milgate, Murray and Newman, Peter (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance , London , Macmillan.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1994), 'Law and Economics', 10 Policy , 39-42.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1994), 'Legal Economics', 2 Hume Papers on Public Policy , 56-62.
- Duggan, A.J. (1989), 'New Directions in Legal Theory: Law and Economics', 63 Law Institute Journal , 852-853.
- Duggan, A.J. (1989), 'Law and Economics in Australia', 1 Legal Education Review , 37-41.
- Eger, Thomas (1989), 'Einfhrung in die
konomische Analyse des Rechts (Introduction to the Economic Analysis of Law)', in Nagel, B. (ed.), Wirtschaftsrecht II , Mnchen, Oldenborg, 18-35.
- Eide, Erling (1992), 'Retts¢konomi - en introduksjon (Law and Economics - an introduction)', 4 Jussens Venner , 193-224.
- Field, A.J. (1991), 'Do Legal Systems Matter?', 28(1) Explorations in Economic History , 1-35.
- Fluet, C. (1990), 'L'analyse conomique du droit (Economic Analysis of Law)', 43(3) conomie Applique , 53-66.
- Fluet, Claude (1990), 'L'analyse conomique du droit (Economic Analysis of Law)', 43(3) conomie Applique , 53-66.
- Garoupa, Nuno (1997), 'The Theory of Optimal Law Enforcement', 11 Journal of Economic Surveys , 267-295.
- Gay, David E.R. (1979), 'A Curriculum Note on the New Law and Economics', XXXPapers and Proceedings of the Southwestern Society of Economists , 59-66.
- Gay, David E.R. (1981), 'Entitlements and Public Policy', 18 Social Science Journal , 87-100.
- Gay, David E.R. (1981), 'Towards a Theory of Entitlements in Comparative Economics', 25 Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali , 1021-1028.
- Gay, David E.R. (1992), 'Teaching Privatization in the Soviet Union: An Experimental Economics Approach', 1 Classroom Expernomics , 5-6.
- Gay, David E.R. (1994), 'Incentives and Privatization: An Experimental Economics Approach', 22 Atlantic Economic Journal , 79 ff.
- Gay, David E.R. and Waters, Alan R. (1982), 'On the Economic Theory of Legal Systems', 29 Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali , 433-441.
- Georgakopoulos, Nikos L. (1995), 'Peri Tmematikou Daneismou apo ten Amerikanike Nomike Skepse (On the Piecemeal Borrowing from the American Legal Thought)', 43 Nomiko Vema , 799-807.
- Guest, Stephen F.D. (1984), 'The Economics of Law', Current Legal Problems , 233-245.
- Hatzis, Aristides N. (1996), 'Neofileleutherismos, Dikaio & Oikonomike Analyse ton Thesmon: Eisagoge ste Melete ton Neon Oikonomikon Theorion gia to Dikaio, ten Koinonia kai ten Politike (The so-called "Neo-Liberalism", the Law and the Economic Analysis of Institutions: Introduction to the Study of the New Economic Theories About the Law, Society and Politics)', 6 Aissymnetes .
- Hatzis, Aristides N. (1996), Eisagoge sten Oikonomike Analyse tou Dikaiou (Introduction to the Economic Analysis of Law) , Thessaloniki, Aristotle University, Department of History, Philosophy & Sociology.
- Hayashida, Seimei (1992), 'Ho to Keizai, Keizaibunseki, Hihan to Paradaimu (Law & Economics, Economic Analysis, Its Critique and Paradigm)', 42 Hokudai Hogaku Ronshu (Hokkaido Law Review) , 905-956. Part 2 pp. 1234-1272.
- Heyne, Paul (1984), 'The Economics of Law: Economic Imperialism in Negligence Law, No Fault Insurance, Occupational Licensing and Criminology: Comment', 67 Australian Economic Review , 109-112.
- Hondius, E.H., Schippers, J.J. and Siegers, J.J. (eds.) (1991), 'Rechtseconomie: Brug tussen twee disciplines (Law- and-Economics: Bridge between two Disciplines)', in Hondius, E.H., Schippers, J.J. and Siegers, J. (eds.), Rechtseconomie en Recht , Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink, 1-7.
- Hotz, Beat (1982), '
konomische Analyse des Rechts - eine skeptische Betrachtung (Economic Analysis of Law - A Sceptical Reflection)', 34 Wirtschaft und Recht , 293-314.
- Johnsen, D. Bruce (1994), 'Property Rigths to Investment Tesearch: The Agency Costs of Soft Dollar Brokerage', 11 Yale Journal on Regulation , 75-113.
- Johnsen, D. Bruce, and (1995), 'The Quasi-Rent Structure of Corporate Enterprise: A Transaction Cost Theory', 44 Emory Law Journal , 1277 ff.
- Johnsen, D. Bruce, Habib, Michel A. and Naik, Narayan Y., 'Spin-offs and Information', Journal of Financial Intermediation .
- Kanniainen, Vesa, Mtt, Kalle and Heimonen, Matti (1995), 'Oikeustaloustiede - law and economics', Oikeus , 107-124.
- Kirby, M.D. (1981), 'Economics and Law: Symbiosis', 23 Reform , 86-90.
- Kitch, Edmund W. (1983), 'The Intellectual Foundations of "Law and Economics"', 33 Journal of Legal Education , 184-196.
- Kleinewefers, Henner (1987), '
konomische Theorie des Rechts, ber Unterschiede zwischen dem konomischen und dem juristischen Denken (Economic Theory of Law, On the Differences between)', in X (ed.), Staat und Gesellschaft, Festschrift fr Leo Schrm , Fribourg, Universittsverlag, 83-116.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1984), 'The Great Image of Authority', 36 Stanford Law Review , 349 ff.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1985), 'L'analyse conomique Du Droit (The Economic Analysis of Law)', 118-119 Revue de Synthese , 313 ff.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1986), 'Economic Analysis of Law', 16 Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica , 233 ff.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1988), 'Economique (Analyse- -du droit)', in Arnaud, Andr-Jean (ed.), Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de theorie et de sociologie du droit , Librairie General de Droit et de Jurisprudence.
- Kornhauser, Lewis A. (1992), 'Analise economica do direito', 43(2) Sub Judica: justica e sociedade .
- Larson, Bruce A. and Bromley, Daniel W. (1990), 'Property Rights, Externalities, and Resource Degradation: Locating the Tragedy', 33 Journal of Development Economics , 235-362.
- Llebot Majo, Jos Oriol (1996), 'Doctrina y teora de la empresa en el Derecho mercantil (Una aproximacin al significado de la teora contractual de la empresa) (Doctrine and Theory of the Firm in Contract Law Approaching the Meaning of Corporate Contractual Theory)', 210 Revista de Derecho Mercantil , 319-388.
- Llewellyn, Karl N. (1925), 'The Effect of Legal Institutions Upon Economics', 15 American Economic Review , 665-683.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1986), 'La rgle juridique observe par le prisme de l'conomiste - une histoire stylise du mouvement d'analyse conomique du droit (The Legal Rule Viewed from the Perspective of the Economist - A Stylized History of the Law and Economics Movement)', 1 Revue internationale de Droit Economique , 43-88.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1986), 'La rgle juridique observe par le prisme de l conomiste - une histoire stylise du mouvement d analyse conomique du droit (Law Observed through an Economist's Eyeglass - A Stylised History of the Law and Economics Movement)', 1 Revue internationale de Droit Economique , 43-88.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1988), 'Het recht bezien door de bril van de economist - Een gestyleerd overzicht van de rechtseconomie (Law Seen Through Economist s Glasses: An Overview)', Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis , 411-452.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1988), 'L'ordre spontan comme fondement du droit - un survol des modles de l'mergence des rgles dans une socit civile (Spontaneous Order as Foundation of Law - A Survey of Models of the Emergence of Rules in Civil Society)', 22 Revue Juridique Themis , 347-383.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1991), 'Verschuivingen in De Rechtseconomie (Shifts in Law-and-Economics)', 66 Nederlands Juristenblad , 1505-1521.
- Manne, Henry G. (1994), 'Le Origini Intellettuali di una Scuola di Analisi Economica del Diritto', 12 Rivista critica del diritto privato , 167-181.
- Mas-Colell, Andreu (1994), 'L'anlisi econmica i el dret (The Economic Analysis and the Law)', 3 Iuris , 73-84.
- Mengaroni, F. (1988), 'Analisi economica del diritto (Economic Analysis of Law)', 1 Enciclopedia giuridica , 1-9.
- Mercuro, Nicholas (1986), 'Contributions to Law and Economics: A Survey of Recent Books', 17(4) Journal of Economic Education , 295-309.
- Mercuro, Nicholas (1989), 'Towards a Comparative Institutional Approach to the Study of Law and Economics', in Mercuro, Nicholas (ed.), Law and Economics , Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1-26.
- Mercuro, Nicholas and Medema, Steven G. (1995), 'Schools of Thought in Law and Economics: A Kuhnian Competition', in Malloy, Robin P. and Braun, Christopher K. (eds.), Law and Economics: New and Critical Perspectives , New York, Peter Lang, 65-126.
- Nentjes, Andries (1987), De economie van het recht (The Economy of the Law) , oratie Groningen, s.l., 18 p.
- Ogus, Anthony I. (1980), 'Economics, Liberty and the Common Law', 18 Journal of Society of Public Teachers of Law , 42-57.
- Oker-Blom, Max (1980), 'Jurionomi eller rtten i ekonomiskt perspektiv' (Law and economics or law from the economic percpective)', Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Freningen i Finland , 245-265.
- Ott, Claus (1989), 'Allokationseffizienz, Rechtsdogmatik und Rechtsprechung - die immanente konomische Rationalitt des Zivilrechts (Allocative Efficiency, Legal Dogmatics and Jurispr)', in Ott, Claus and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (eds.), Allekationseffizienz in der Rechtsordnung , Berlin, Springer, 25-44.
- Ott, Claus and Schfer, Hans-Bernd (1988), 'Die konomische Analyse des Rechts. Irrweg oder Chance wissenschaftlicher Rechtserkenntnis? (The Economic Analysis of Law. Wrong Track or Chanc)', Juristenzeitung , 213-223.
- Papaioannou, Thanos (1991), 'E Oikonomike Analyse tou Dikaiou: Mia Endiaferousa alla kai Epikindyne Theoria (Economic Analysis of Law: An Interesting but also a Dangerous Theory)', 4 Aissymnetes , 51-65.
- Pardolesi, Roberto (1982), 'Luci Ed Ombre Nell Analisi Economica Del Diritto (Appunti in Margine Ad Un Libro Recente) (Lights and Shadows in Law and Economics - Notes about a Recent Book)', 2 Rivista di diritto civile , 718-728.
- Pardolesi, Roberto (1987), 'Analisi economica del diritto (Economic Analysis of Law)', 1 Digesto civile , 309-320.
- Pardolesi, Roberto (1988), 'Tutela specifica e tutela per equivalente nella prospettiva dell'analisi economica del diritto (Specific Performance and Damages: An EAL Perspective)', Quadrimestre , 76-97.
- Pardolesi, Roberto (1989), 'Un moderno Minotauro: Law and Economics (A Modern Minotaur: Law and Economics)', Economia, Societ e Istituzioni , 519-534.
- Pasquini, Nello (1983), 'Interpretazione giuridica e analisi economica - in margine ad un "reading" recente (Legal Interpretation and Economic Analysis with Recent "Reading")', Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile , 288-300.
- Pastor, Santos (1984), 'Una introduccin al anlisis econmico del derecho (An Introduction to Law and Economics)', 89 Hacienda Pblica Espaola .
- Pastor, Santos (1989), Economa y Sistema Jurdico. Una Introduccin al Anlisis Econmico del Derecho (Economics and the Legal System. An Introduction to Economic Analysis of Law) , Madrid, Tecnos.
- Pastor, Santos and Pintos, Jess (1992), 'La economa y el derecho: una colaboracin difcil pero provechosa (The Interaction Between Law and Economics: Problems and Progress)', 13 Revista de Economa , 96-100.
- Paz-Ares, Cndido (1985), 'Seguridad jurdica y seguridad del trfico (Legal Certainty and Exhange Certainty)', Revista de Derecho Mercantil .
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- Phillips, A. (1959), 'A Critique of U.S. Experience with Price-Fixing and the Per Se Rule', 8(3) Journal of Industrial Economics , 13-32. Reprinted in Blumner, S.M. and Hefner, D.L., Readings in the Regulation of Business.
- Phillips, A. (1960), 'A Theory of Interfirm Organization', 74(4) Quarterly Journal of Economics , 602-613. Reprinted in Evans, M.D. (Ed.), Interorganizational Relations, New York, Penguin Books, 1976.
- Phillips, A. (1961), 'Policy Implications of the Theory of Interfirm Organization', 51(2) American Economic Review , 245-254.
- Phillips, A. (1964), 'Reciprocity Under the Antitrust Laws: Observations on Hales' Comment', 133(1) University of Pennsylvania Law Review , 77-79. Reprinted in 4(4) Journal of Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics, 1973.
- Phillips, A. (1964), 'Competition, Confusion and Commercial banking', 19(1) Journal of Finance , 32-45.
- Phillips, A. (1965), 'Market Structure, Innovation and Investment', in Alderson, W., Terpstra, V. and Shapiro, S.V. (eds.), Patents and Progress , Homewood (IL), Richard D. Irwin, 37-58.
- Phillips, A. (1967), 'Structural and Regulatory Reform for Commercial Banking', in Hart, A.G., Pontecorvo, J and Shay, R. (eds.), Issues in Banking and Monetary Analysis , New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 7-30.
- Phillips, A. (1967), 'Bank Mergers, Branching and Holding Companies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania', 115(4) Penssylvania Law Review , 560-588.
- Phillips, A. (1968), 'An Attempt to Synthesize Some Recent Contributions to the Theory of the Firm', in Phillips, A. and Williamson, O.E. (eds.), Prices: Issues in Theory, Practice and Public Policy , Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania Press, 32-44. Reprinted in Narver, John C. and Savitt, Ronald (Eds.), Conceptual Readings in the Market Economy, Boston, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.
- Phillips, A. (1970), 'Structure, Conduct and Performance - And Performance, Conduct and Structure?', in Markham, J.W. and Papanek, G. (eds.), Industrial Organization and Economic Development: Essays in Honor of Edward S. Mason , Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 26-37.
- Phillips, A. (1970), 'Antitrust Policies: Could They Be Tools of the Establishment?', in Sichel, Werner (ed.), Antitrust Policy and Economy Welfare , Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 54-80.
- Phillips, A. (1971), 'Technological Change in the Regulated Industries', in Capron, William (ed.), Technological Change in the Regulated Industries , Washington, Brookings Institution, 123-165.
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