Encyclopedia of Law & Economics - 0000 Introductory Books
- Adams, Michael (1981), Oekonomische Analyse des Zivilprozesses (Economic Analysis of Civil Procedure) , Koenigstein, Athenaeum-Verlag.
- Arruada, Benito (1996), 'Analisis contractual de la empresa: Una introduccion aplicada (Contractual Analysis of the Firm: An Applied Introduction)', 5 (3) Revista Europea de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa .
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economic Analysis of Tort Law , West Publishing.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Cases and Materials On Law and Economics , West Publishing.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , Minneapolis, West Publishing.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Constitutional Law and Public Choice , West Publishing.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economics of Property Rights and Nuisance Law , West Publishing.
- Barnes, David W. and Stout, Lynn A. (1992), Economic Foundations of Regulation and Antitrust Law , West Publishing.
- Bowles, Roger A. (1982), Law and the Economy , Oxford, Martin Robertson, 239 p.
- Chiancone, Aldo and Porrini, Donatella (1996), Lezioni di analisi economica del diritto (Lessons of economic analysis of law) , Torino, Giappichelli.
- Chiancone, Aldo and Porrini, Donatella (1996), Lezioni di analisi economica del diritto (Lessons of economic analysis of law) , Torino, Giappichelli.
- Cooter, Robert D. and Ulen, Thomas S. (1988), Law and Economics , Scott Foresman. Reprinted in Japanese translation by Prof. Shozo Ota, introduction by Prof. Koji Shimdo, published by Shoji-Homu in 1989.
- Crafton, Steven M. and Brinig, Margaret F. (1994), Quantitative Methods for Lawyers , Durham (NC), Carolina Academic Press.
- Dnes, Anthony W. (1996), Economics of Law , Chapman and Hall.
- Dnes, Antony W. (1996), Economics of Law , London, Sweet & Maxwell.
- Gallo, Paolo (1998), Analisi economica del diritto (Economic analysis of law) , Torino, Giappichelli.
- Gemtos, Petros A. (1995), Oikonomika kai Dikaio: Oikonomika gia Nomikous, tomos A_: Methodologika kai Oikonomika (Themelia Law and Economics: Economics for Lawyers, vol. I: Methodological and Economic Foundations) , Athens-Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publications.
- Hirsch, Werner Z. (1979), Law and Economics: An Introductory Analysis , San Diego, Academic Press, 275 p.
- Holzhauer, Rudi W., Teijl, Rob and others (1989), Inleiding Rechtseconomie (Introduction to Law and Economics) , Arnhem, Gouda Quint, 345 p.
- Kanniainen, Vesa and Mtt, Kalle (eds.) (1996), Nkkulmia oikeustaloustieteeseen (Perspectives on law and economics) , Helsinki, Gaudeamus.
- Kaplow, Louis (1987), Optimal Transition Policy: Replacing Horizontal Equity with an Ex Ante Incentives Perspective , Dissertation accepted by Harvard University Department of Economics.
- Labus Miroljub (1995), Osnovi ekonomije: Savremene teorije i primena (Foundation Economics: Contemporary Theories and Application) , Jugoslovenska knjiga, Belgrade.
- Lande, Robert H., Lafferty, Ronald N. and Kirkwood, John (1984), Impact Evaluations of Federal Trade Commission Vertical Restraints Cases , FTC Publication. 19 Journal Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics 1 (1986)
- Lehmann, Michael (1983), Buergerliches Recht und Handelsrecht - eine juristische und oekonomische Analyse , Stuttgart, Poeschel.
- Lemennicier, Bertrand (1991), Economie du Droit (Economics of Law) , Paris, Ed. Cujas, 177 p.
- MacKaay, Ejan (1982), Economics of Information and Law , Dordrecht, Kluwer, 293 p.
- Markovits, Richard S. (1982), Law and Economic Theory , Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.
- Mercado Pacheco, Pedro (1994), El anlisis econmico del Derecho. Una reconstruccin terica (Law and Economics. A Theoretical Reconstruction) , Madrid, Centro de Estudios Constitucionales.
- Mercuro, Nicholas and Ryan, Tim (1984), Law, Economics, and Public Policy , Greenwood, JAI Press.
- Miceli, Thomas J. (1996), Economics of the Law: Torts, Contracts, Property, Litigation , Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Murphy, Jeffrie G. and Coleman, Jules L. (1984), The Philosophy of Law: An Introduction to Jurisprudence , Totowa, Rowman and Allenheld.
- Oliver, J.M. (1979), Law and Economics , London, Allen and Unwin, 108 p.
- Pardolesi, Roberto (1986), Una introduzione all' analisi economica del diritto con postfazione (Translation of A. Mitchell Polinsky' s "Introduction") , Bologna, Zanichelli, 149 p.
- Pardolesi, Roberto (1992), 'Postfazione a Polinsky, Mitchell A., Una introduzione all'analisi economica del diritto, (Afterword to POLINSKY, Mitchell A., An introduction to economic analysis of law)', Il Foro Italiano , 179-199.
- Phillips, A. (1962), Market Structure, Organization and Performance , Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press.
- Phillips, A. (1971), Technology and Market Structure: A Study of the Aircraft Industry , Lexington (MA), Heath.
- Phillips, A., Phillips, A.P. and Phillips, T.R. (1994), Biz Jets: Technology and Market Structure in the Corprate Jet Aircraft Industry , Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1983), An Introduction to Law and Economics , Boston, Little Brown, 183 p. 1989 (2nd ed.).
- Polinsky, A. Mitchell (1989), An Introduction to Law and Economics (second edition) , Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 153 p.
- Polinsky, Mitchell A. (1989), An Introduction to Law and Economics (2d ed.) , Boston, Little Brown, 153 p.
- Posner, Richard A. (1973), Economic Analysis of Law , Boston, Little Brown, 415 (1st ed)1977572 (2nd ed)1986 666 p.
- Reumer, Andrs (1996), Anlisis Econmico del Derecho (Economic Analysis of Law) , Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Econmica, Sociedad Mexicana de geografa y Estadstica, e Instituto Technolgico Autnome de Mxico.
- Roemer, Andrs (1994), Introducin al Anlisis Econmico del Derecho (Introduction to Law and Economics) , Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Econmica, Sociedad Mexicana de geografa y Estadstica, e Instituto Technolgico Autnome de Mxico.
- Rubin, Paul H. (1983), Business Firms and The Common Law ,.
- Rubin, Paul H. (1990), Managing Business Transactions , New York, Free Press.
- Ryssdal, Stray A.C. (1995), Legal Realism & Economics as Behavior - A Scandinavian Look at the Economic Analysis of Law , Oslo, Juridisk Forlag.
- Stephen, Frank H. (1988), The Economics of the Law , Ames, Iowa State University Press, 224 p.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economics of Contract Law , West Publishing.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economics of Constitutional Law and Public Choice , West Publishing.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economic Analysis of Tort Law , West Publishing.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Cases and Materials on Law and Economics , West Publishing.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economics of Property Rights and Nuisance Law , West Publishing.
- Stout, Lynn A. and Barnes, David D. (1992), Economic Foundations of Regulation and Antitrust Law , West Publishing.
- Torres Lopez, Juan (1987), Anlisis Econmico del Derecho. Panorama doctrinal (Survey on Law and Economics) , Madrid, Editorial Tecnos.
- Tullock, Gordon (1971), The Logic of the Law , New York, Basic Books, 278 p.
- Veljanovski, Cento G. (1990), The Economics of Law - An Introductory Text , London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 95 p. (Hobart Paperback).
- Vodinelic, V. Vladimir (1991), Gradjansko pravo - uvodne teme (Civil Law - Introductory Themes) , Belgrade.